Other user was right, the packaging feels extremely cheap, but everything is nice and nothing is damage.
Recent Purchase Thread
wear the panties and take a picture
Jesus Christ this is just cringy as fuck, I have no problem with the game but a pair of panties? like I cna already imagine you lonely men jerking it to this or wearing them
It's just a screen cleaner mate.
>those panties
Wait, what?
Picked up a copy of Madworld from my local thrift store for three bucks. Excited to play it
My recent purchase.
I may, gonna keep them sealed for now. A lot smaller than It thought. Was gonna have the wife wear them.
My next purchase comes with an Oppai mouse pad.
Nice, no place around here to buy old games cheap since everyone wised up and uses Ebay/Amazon to price stuff.
Yeah? What's it about?
It's about this.
a pedophile simulator?
That made it through customs?
>weeb games are now LITERALLY coming with pairs of panties
you can't make this shit up
you made this thread yesterday
go attention whore on reddit
fucking tripfags
Proof this image came from reddit? Because I just took it from my phone.
I ordered this for my birthday. Should be here anywhere between Friday and Tuesday.
Told ya, Quality packaging. They should do better than this next time they go for something this large, especially if it's coming overseas. Also told you the pantsu looked like they were for preadolescences.
Not exactly vidya related, but pretty sweet. I can't afford to get into figures on top of games.
Was concerned when the packaging showed up beat up, but everything inside was fine and I noticed how bad the CD case is, too much use and the inner hinge will simply snap.
Good thing you're just ripping the CDs once and tossing it back it the box once you're done right? R-right?
Exactly what I had planned to do, if not just find a download later. Already placed it, the artbook and panties back in the box for display.
Just found this and Ratchet Deadlocked in a yard sale.
Waiting for a copy of Yu-Gi-Oh: Duelist Of The Roses in the mail
They realized bibs weren't selling enough.
I really hate how western localization of ecchi games are handled. NISA claims up and down there is a sinister force out there trying to censor everything, then PQube releases this...before charging $89 for one DLC item. We can't win.
>Fucking panties
Jesus, I guess they know the niche audience that buys these kinds of games.
Wallet chains, bibs, and oppai mousepads weren't enough
So did the pillow cover.
Wasn't that DLC $89 in Japan originally?