Microsoft says this might be the last console generation

>Greenberg: "I think it is ... For us, we think the future is without console generations, we think that the ability to build a library, a community, to be able to iterate with the hardware, we're making a pretty big bet on that with Project Scorpio. We're basically saying 'this isn't a new generation, everything you have continues forward and it works.' We think of this as a family of devices.

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So Scorpio will just be Steam Boxes?

Translation: Our xbone didn't sell well and we're losing money, we're gonna fold after this gen.

I'm glad if true, but at the same time this does mean they are probably going to double down on ruining pc gaming.

dumb starposter

Nevar forget.

Well when you have to rebuild and resell the console because they need a hardware update in the middle of a consoles lifecycle you can see why they'd want to step away from the console game.

endless backwards compatibility etc etc

Didn't they announce that Xbone is going to be their last console?

Anywho yes this will be the last. They arent fucking making games anymore, gaming is dead, everyone is going back to movies ans interaxtive experiences. Its fucking pathetic lmfao. RIP gaming, 1960-2007. You had a good run.

Yeah I'm sure it has nothing at all to do with the fact the Xbox One was garbage and Microsoft overestimating how much kikery they could get away with at e3.

That e3 shit will haunt them forever.






the bone itself could have been cancelled if they changed their boss 6 month earlier. The new people want microsoft to recenter their activity toward software. It's no surprise they are trying to can the game division.

>Microsoft literally getting BTFO the console market

i have more news for M$. i wont even bother porating W10 to pirate their garbage exclusives.

the normals didnt even bother with the free Forza 6 lol. and they are fuckin normal hahaha not like us

If microsoft drops the xbox brand i want sony and nintendo to go down with them
I really don't want a monopoly of the console market

best girl

>Not normies

Normie detected.

>Our xbone didn't sell well and we're losing money
the numbers are good at the moment.

Even gaming laptops already smoke the consoles.

The last golden age of gaming was Sony picking up third party games vs Nintendo and a stupid controller.


Someone get this hotthead outta here

>no mans flop
>nier coming to pc
>vita is dead
>vr guaranteed to fail
>PSNEO will make PS4 obsolete

This is why sonyggers are butthurt. In case you're wondering.

is ps5 has piracy and is $350. it will outsell even the ps4

ps2 broke all records coz of piracy

console piracy make your gaming system have best of both worlds

>not Normalfag


No mans sky flopping is causing major butthurt to game journos that were depending on sony checks for months to come.

Generations are retarded anyway. When a new generation arrives people and developers are foreced to abandon their old one. Without generations people can now choose which console they want - a regular xbone for less money and less performance or scorpio for more money but better performance

For one month out of, what, 24+? Wew.

>xbone thread
>b-but sony!
Every time

So consoles will now have the drawbacks of the PC and very few of the advantages? I guess Microsoft is trying their hardest to remove those advantages with Windows 10, so maybe it will all even out.

I find I play consoles less and less, and pc games more and more. I don't even know if I'll get a console for the next gen, especially after this dismal gen of no games and mediocre advances in hardware

>ps2 broke all records coz of piracy
It had a DVD player, which was a selling point for any household that had a gamer in it.

Didn't know Automata was coming to PC. That's pretty cool. Hopefully you guys get the original too. Exclusivity is a shitty thing.

I'm the opposite. The last game I actually completed on my PC was Dark Souls 1, only because Blighttown ran so horribly on PS3. My brother games on it so we keep it up to date, but I rarely touch it. I just prefer consoles.

Same although I'm playing more with my 3DS and PSP (along with my wii and gamecube games).

I wish I could find another good multiplayer game to play with my friends on my PS4 besides GTA Online and EDF.

translation: scorpio will have bc from this point on with everything

nice try sonycuck

>consoles trying to become even more like PCs

why even bother with a console then

>Microsoft tires to make consoles more like PC because people think consoles suck
>People get upset

good. the only decent console microsoft made was the original xbox and thats only because sega got involved.

Post your ideas about how project scorpio would be

Came here to post this. It's fucked already.

>Microsoft tires to make consoles more like TVs because people think consoles suck
>People don't actually think consoles suck, just their consoles

> swappable cpu and gpu

No you idiot. They're both in the same die. You'd have to replace both at the same time

It's just a mobile cycle. Every console will be backwards and forwards compatible with the previous and next gen. Xbone will play Scorpio games, Scorpio will play Xbone and Scorpio 2 games, etc.

Literally an Xbox running Windows 10 and completely welded shut.

It's a steam box

While I do want to see what will happen if consoles stop existing as they do now I would prefer they stick around if the alternative is Microsoft focusing more on PC and in the process ruining it.

Lel, you are buying just a HTPC now with its limited upgradeability.

You should never fracture your user base. Microsoft will demand that Game companies develop for the original xbone and the fall out from that will be huge. Prior will buy the new console and get pissed their games get gimped. It well be a disaster.

>Same although I'm playing more with my 3DS and PSP (along with my wii and gamecube games).
You are poor, arent you?

>You should never fracture your user base.
Companies fracture their user base every time a new generation is released

It has always been a clean break though. Backward compatibility is cool, but it's not like they make gangs for the older hardware. If you make consoles upgradable to the point you can get to drastically different experiences you lose the advantage of consul has. and when consumers realize that they can get the same experience elsewhere i.e. from the PC you will be left with a lot of dissatisfied customers.

Already knew this before they even announced the Scorpio. I guess that means Nintendo and Microsoft are going different routes.

>We can only make money when people are too stupid to be informed of our hardware and software.

>We can only profit when people aren't given choices

Dude, you have five stars, I think you need to run.

>If you make consoles upgradable to the point you can get to drastically different experiences
You can't. You only get drastically different experiences when a new generation releases like 5 years after the older one. If you upgrade machines every year or two then the difference will always be small.

>because they need a hardware update in the middle of a consoles lifecycle

Question: Why don't console manufacturers do something like nvidia's SLI and ATI crossfire where you can basically buy a second video card add-on half way through the product's life cycle?

Developer units would have both cards and they develop games with 2 graphical settings, one for launch, one for upgrade

>What stupid Sup Forumsirgins think

>What smart Tripusers see
>They probably aiming for streaming games on laptops Tv

It could aslo mean that they are going to renew the X Box One every few years what means we will see a X Bone S , Scorpio and in 2 years a new better X Box One with better specs

No it won't. Not with Ubisoft cringe fest every year.


This was a rumor back with the 360 as well. Nothing to see here until they do it folks.

>Question: Why don't console manufacturers do something like nvidia's SLI and ATI crossfire where you can basically buy a second video card add-on half way through the product's life cycle?
SLI adds a bunch of complexity. Adding sli to a game can be rather difficult depending on the game engine. It also leads to frame pacing issues like constant micro stutters and some games don't share their load evenly on both GPUs. In fact some games have such terrible SLI performance that they work better with SLI off

I'm pretty sure that project Scorpio will have to be a massive update to the hardware. If not who the fuck would bother with it? Next you're going to tell me the 32X was a good idea.

Because consoles don't use discrete GPU's, both are SoCs. I know SLI/Crossfire between different cards, and even a card and integrated graphics is in development for DX12 but I don't think it's ready yet. Also SLI/Crossfire has historically come with it's own issues, a lot of devs probably wouldn't feel comfortable optimizing for it.

This just means console generations are over. It's literally PC tier now, of hey everything from the past works, and everything from the future does to.

Essentially the Xbone is a 750ti, and the scorpio like a 1060/1070. It's not M$ leaving the gaming industry, it's M$ going to quote "beyond generations". Phil and Aaron are both right, why wait 5 years for hardware iterations and then wipe all progress the past console made? It makes no snese, imagine if Nvidia/AMD told you "You can't play those games anymore, fuck off" here's a new GPU, get it or you're left behind. Consoles now use fixed OS and architecture. There's no reason why the XBone needs to be straight up replaced when it can switch graphic/resolution/fps settings.

Pretty much. Devs already make different settings available on PC. And Sony/MS are sticking to x64 within the same hardware family. Console generations have no reason to exist anymore.

This thread

sega leaving and microsoft entering the console market was probably one of the worst things to happened to vidya.

>Sega being good. go home.

holy shit lol

Doesn't the Neo already hhave a PS4 base mode that's exactly like what you explained?

Lol and with this goes another console advantage: optimization for single hardware.

well meme'd

>It makes no snese, imagine if Nvidia/AMD told you "You can't play those games anymore, fuck off" here's a new GPU

I wouldn't put it past anyone to try something like that if PC became the popular gaming platform.
What I find funny about you PC guys is that you neglect to realize if your shit gets popular, the more gaming companies are going to try to jew you out of your money. But you dummies seem to think this can only happen on consoles because "lol consoles sux!".

Too little too late. Thanks for the paid DLC, paid online, shit console hardware, and proprietary accessories.

It's rumoured to yes. Both Sony and MS are jumping the console generation boat from the looks of it. The architecture combined with staying in the same hardware family means there's no reason not to. It's easy to make hardware iterations, and even easier to port games back and forward. So there's legit no reason to reset their console base every 5 years, and hope their fans stay loyal to their new product.


It's already been dead for a while, outside of first party games everything runs poorly. DOOM is like the only multiplat that's doesn't run like trash on console.

I never thought it would be this way. I'm not sure what's the point of buying consoles anymore if all the games are coming to PC now.

If those faggots never abandoned IBM in R&Ding a fully specialized CPUs&GPUs for gaming, consoles would have a chance. Now they are stuck with x86 hellpit. No more r&d. lazy devs and bloated hardware for them.


Doesn't surprise me. Consoles use to be somewhat affordable.
Back in those days the PS3 and 360 were around the 300-200$ range when they were decent. That was pretty affordable for everyone.
Now consoles are double their price and not worth the money. If a console cannot earn their price with the weight of their games then it's not worth it to buy a console. MS, Sony and Nintendo all suffered these past years with the console.

I forsee it could happen. I mean MS are saying you need W10 for DX12 and their games for some strange reason. It's not just consoles as a whole that are changing, it's the industry. I think everyone who actually enjoys vidya regardless of platform, needs to be careful.

What's it like being a sonygger knowing that

>havoc engine used for No man sky
Microsoft made money on a sony ''exclusive''
> PC is getting all the ps4 games
Microsoft owns windows
>sony has 80% of bankruptcy within the next 2 years
Microsoft has 0% of going bankrupt ever.

>I'm pretty sure that project Scorpio will have to be a massive update to the hardware
You'd be wrong. It'll probably have something similar to the RX470 and a weak cpu as usual to reduce costs

Nah, they're going to be iPads. Expect a new one every holiday season after 2017. The last one or two models will slide down into a budget tier for the next year. They're already positioning themselves with Xbox One S.

>In the future, consoles will be PCs

>In the future, we"ll play in 4k and VR

>In the future, handhelds and consoles will become the same thing

Who is right?

nothing in this thread makes sense.
Am I the only non-pajeet here?


All three? Those statements are not contradictory. As consoles become more powerful using a mobile device makes more sense, there will probably be new versions every year ("will be PCs") and 4k and VR will eventually happen.

A mix of all them. But I'd say each is right for what they're after. I think the days of console wars will be over soon, as Sony/MS go the way of Nintendo, each doing their own thing and trying to please that group.

> the more gaming companies are going to try to jew you out of your money.
>implying tech companies and game companies aren't already doing that.
>DLC out the ass
>season passes
>60$ standard for game prices
>inflated prices for GPUs nvidia
Doesn't matter how you slice it, consoles were destined to die when all their gimmick plans didn't work.
>additional controls for games like rock band and guitar hero didn't work
>wiggle and waggle the kinect and ps4 motion didn't work
>implying VR
>implying 4k 60FPS

Good. MS have brought nothing good to the table.

Prove me wrong.

I know that feel. I'm a casual too.

They all are with the exception of the VR.

crimson skies says hello

They sold 14 in a single week in Japan in June.

14. Think about that for a minute.

In comparison, in the same week the Wii sold over a hundred.

>That e3 shit will haunt them forever.

Maybe for the remainder of the console generation, if that. Sony was just as big of an asshole with the PS3 and no one cares now.

If MS didn't exist it would be on PlayStation.

>each doing their own thing and trying to please that group.
That's something I've always wondered why no one got. Right now both Sony and MS are fighting over the same puddle of people, a puddle that could disappear at any stage. People hate Nintendo for not following the crowd, but Nintendo is right to do their own thing. Why risk competing over the same puddle, when you can try out new things and try and keep the core user happy? All three should try what they're best at, and do what they want. None of this we need this feature and this hardware, so we can compete. All that's done is give us two underpowered similiar consoles, that both equally suck, and are both equally dull.