>pcfags will never play the inevitable best PS4 game
Pcfags will never play the inevitable best PS4 game
It's just a DaS3 copy faam
But at least we got Nier Automata.
It literally isn't like Das.
Atleast compare it to BB since that's the only soulsborne with fast combat
Demo is next week right?
a woman on an insect's body? why i've never seen that one before
>since that's the only soulsborne with fast combat
Bro, you played DaS3?
And not just BB?
Except with a combat system that has some depth to it.
no one said it was original
>AMERICAN """"""""EDUCATION""""""""
I already anticipate this tying with Bloodborne/Demon's Souls as my favorite "Souls" type game (not to unfavorably trivialize it).
It's No Man's Sky all over again.
Except that we've already played the demo and know about the combat system and we are getting a second demo next week.
>NMS all over again
Are you retarded?
Get comfy and watch Demolition D's stream of the Onimushasouls alpha from a little while ago
it looks great
I see we've latched onto this after the heartbreaking split with Automata.
So what will we latch onto after this goes to PC?
Might plug in my PS4 for this. Didn't they say they're changing a bunch of stuff due to feedback?
wow it's a bug who cares sperg
>Demo 'fat autistic suicidal autist' D
New videos fucking WHEN?
I wrote autistic twice, now I'll never get my first star.
I've never seen one of them where the spider wears armor.
wow, they could totally make more variation and have the spider wear pants, then shoes
so many spider bosses
fucking what?
I searched this and I got a fucking Initial D video
This is now a EUROBEAT thread
Nigga more people here give a fuck about this than Nier.
Did you not see the threads during the demo?
The only time i saw threads about nier before the pc port was just shitty waifu's
>Cute monster girls
This game just keeps getting better.
It's 仁, you baka.
Why you gotta tempt fate like that user?
You don't have put bait in the OP the get a Nioh thread going.
Then they should space it better
>tfw no money
Is sucking dick for $60 a good offer?
Stop shitposting.
Meanwhile I can't wait for demo
Game set in ancient Japan where main protagonist is white bimbo who "borrows" appearance from Witcher's Geralt and fights budget Dark Souls bosses like ?? I AM SO SOLD
Can't wait to fight enemies such as Furnace Demon, Artorio-san, Emperor of the Thunder and more!
Explain why the other died already
>it was 仁 the entire time
I'd rather play Kingdom Hearts III and Toukiden 2 on PC than Nioh though.
>OP toying with meme magic
You mean I will be able to enjoy it because unlike consolefags PC fans get into their platform because the wide variety of choice in hardware, service, peripherals, and games. I'm not so close minded and blind that I can't branch out and try other systems. Most PCucks are idorts.
fucking miffed I didn't get to play the first test. from what I've heard the game plays very different now
I didnt like the beta user. Bloodborne is still the best PS4 game anyway.
>your face when this game gets announced for the pc just like Nier Automata
Because the new demo isn't out yet.
>spider bosses are Dark souls bosses
I guess dark souls is a DMC rip off
Fucking shitposters.
More on topic though, I'm really excited for the second demo, the first one was really great and I'm interested to see what changes they made.
KH3 is coming to PC?
How do you plan to play Kingdom hearts 2.8 user?
>only soulsborne with fast combat
Heh 5/10. You got me to reply. Here's your (You)
As of right now, no. Its PS4/Xbox One only at the moment. Which is why I'd want it on PC.
I would hope that 2.8 would get ported as well. But, if neither do, I'll just get a PS4 for cheap and play it there. I just want to play these games. Much more than Nioh.
>Implying DS3 is as fast
Here's your (You)
>falling for the 2.8% MILKING
>attempting to play KHIII without playing DDD and 0.2 BBS first
>thinks he'll understand the plot
Why is Kingdom hearts even being released on Xbone?
Literally who the fuck plays that shit on that platform? Did 360 even get the remakes?
i never liked dark souls much.
it's just slow and sluggish.
it's like a shitty Ninja Gaiden without the flashy stuff and combos but instead you get some numbers on your character screen.
the Nioh demo was really fun, i feel like it pushes that genre in the right direction.
No one understands KH plot and not many care.
I play it for slightly above average action rpg combat.
Since the series has moved from platform to platform, they probably don't think anything of releasing it on Xbone. After all, people bought a PSP to play BBS, a 3DS for DDD, a DS for Days/Recoded, and a PS2 for the OG games (assuming people didn't just go straight for 1.5+2.5). KH fans are used to buying games on different platforms. They probably think there are some people on Xbone who's played the games.
I don't even like KH I'm just here to shitpost
Yeah but thise platforms are expected to have some of the games.
Xbone is like the worst platform you could release it on. They'll get like 100 copies sold on there.
Pls no already got cucked with DQ heroes and EDF4.1
because its gonna be a shitty game
They better have fixed that lock on system
It was fine but I'm pretty sure they changed it for the whiny bitch ass punks.
Nioh was announced as 'ps4 console exclusive' which means it will come to PC.
>it was fine
>lock on to an enemy
>move around
>suddenly my back is turned away from the enemy even though I'm locked on
Go fuck yourself
It looks like a shitty dark souls rip off with witcher elements, I mean i'd buy it if it was on sale on steam or something.
Team Ninja hates PC because of what happened with DoA5
>Make a shit port
>Delayed the MP for almost a year
>PC fans say fuck you
>wow wtf I hate PC fans now
But they love money, I have a ps4 so I don't really care but still I wouldn't be so sure.
it's dark souls as in RPG mechanics and stamina bar.
but it's much faster more about dancing, dodging, countering, comboing, parrying.
it's much closer to what Bloodborne is.
So dark souls 3 ? The bosses look like some toukiden shit too.
Light stick movement kept you facing them. A full tilt made you run like a bitch.
pretty sure it was more about PC players making porn mods.
they ruined it for themselves.
they want to protect their girls and want to keep them pure.
Lets be real they already make a lot of money off the dlcs they won't bother and said multiple times it was for ps4 only on facebook
The stamina bar actually matters in NioH, unlike the souls games.
>pcfags will never play weeb shit games
We dont want youre shit games
>fucking up enemies by removing their stamina
man that shit is really fun.
So you're buying this game because of a fucking stamina bar?
Honestly now unless the IP is owned by Sony i'll take everything with a grain of salt, will still get the game day one on PS4 though
I'm buying it the combat actually has some depth to it, unlike the souls games.
>people are retarded enough to actually submit a post like this
Is that Jugouroumo or whatever its called?
It was announced as a console exclusive just like Nier.
If Pcfats whine loud, enough they might release a PC version.
Noo locking on in this game was entirely fucking useless. Once you move direction to the side it acts like you aren't locked on.
Consoles are just holding pc back.
That's not a good thing at all, lets be real here.
hmm i would agree with you if the Tecmo guys didn't have previous experience with putting their product on PC.
they now know that PC players whine for a port to pirate it not to buy it.
the Nier team will learn soon enough.
while this is technically true, consoles are the thing keeping videogames alive.
dq heroes is coming to PC FUCK YES
Without consoles no one would make games. Or at least way less of them. The ports pc gets are better than the nothing it would get otherwise.
I say this as an idort before you snap your shit.
the game you want is called "Dragon Quest Builders" not Dragon Quest Heroes
It's already on pc
It's been out on PC for close to a year now, user.
I can't wait for a time you just have to own one platform to play all games.
Imagine if you had to own different bluray players to watch different movies. Fuck that.
This whole console exclusivity thing that exists in gaming need to fucking die already.
Only Omega Force and Regular Koei ports Gust doesn't want to and Team Ninja has a bad experience twice.
Games are made on computers user.
If they all wanted to make games there would be no problem putting them on pc, japs just need the easy money because most normies are on console.
Been under a rock or something?
who cares, it looks like shit anyway!!!