I'm looking to buy a new laptop but I want it to be for gaming, sadly I really can't commit to dropping $1,000 on it...

I'm looking to buy a new laptop but I want it to be for gaming, sadly I really can't commit to dropping $1,000 on it. Really my budget is only $500 to $600 at best, is it possible to get a nice gaming laptop that can play most stuff for that price? $1,000 just seems like so much for a laptop, well it's just a lot of money to me in general.

I've heard people saying it's usually a rip off to drop that much money on them because the cheaper ones are just as efficient. Anyway can someone recommend me some laptops for that price range that are efficient for gaming? I'd like something with AT LEAST 2GB of dedicated video memory and NOT the Intel HD graphic chipset, that is garbage for gaming because I have it on my current computer and it sucks. I've been told it's not even meant to play games, I'd like something with NVIDIA or AMD.

I already tried looking at some $500 at Best Buy and most of them aren't made for gaming, they all come with Intel HD graphics and like 500MB of dedicated video memory. Would it be better to get a desktop? Could I get a desktop for like $500 that would be better than a laptop for gaming? I'm really just trying not to drop $1,000 if I could avoid it, seems like the minimum for decent gaming laptops is $1,000 and I think that's insane.

Also I apologize in advance if this doesn't qualify as "Video game related" I can't post stuff like this on because the mods don't like people asking for tech advice and since I'm looking for a GAMING laptop I figured that was somewhat relevant to this board.

Other urls found in this thread:


>gayming laptop
Stopped reading there.

>gaming laptop
You're setting yourself up to fail. This isn't a meme, this isn't an overstatement. Unless you drop several thousand dollarydoos you're gonna be getting something just as shitty as if it weren't intended for gaming purposes.

For your budget you could easily get the parts for a PC that would outperform some pre-built laptop.

You're a fucking idiot for thinking a 500 dollar laptop is going to do the same as a 1000 dollar one.
Just get a desktop. The only reason you would ever need a gayming laptop is if you literally were constantly traveling and couldn't afford to lug around a tower and monitor.

Top b8 m8

A refurbished Business ThinkPad with i7 and 8GB RAM is your most likely choice.

The Intel HD Graphics chips have become quite capable little beasts in the past few years, with anything from HD 4000 being capable of running even modern games on low settings.

Alternatively, you may want to look for used gaming laptops from Asus, MSI or Lenovo.
Lenovo might be the cheapest option for new machines as well, with something like the older y510p and the bit newer y50 going for as low as 799$ brand new.

> Could I get a desktop for like $500 that would be better than a laptop for gaming?

The answer is yes.

>Would it be better to get a desktop?
>Could I get a desktop for like $500 that would be better than a laptop for gaming?
FUCK YES. Like, literally 1080p / 60fps / all High is doable for LESS than 500 bucks nowadays.

Pic related. With the extra 200 bucks, you can replace the GPU with GTX 950, or even GTX 1060, and get an Intel CPU and mobo instead of that AMD crap.

Alright, alright. Jesus, I wasn't aware of this "gayming laptop" meme, my mistake. Alright, so let's just say I go for a desktop instead. Would I be able to get a decent DESKTOP FOR GAMING with a $500 to $600 budget? Preferably already assembled, I know people say "DUDE JUST BUILD IT YOURSELF, IT'S EASY!" But I'd rather not buy the parts and mess with all that, I guess you can pay someone to build for you but not sure how much that'd cost or if it'd be worth the trouble.

Also let's just say I did go and buy the parts for the desktop, could I buy them all at Best Buy? Or some retail store? Or should I get them online? We have some computer stores in my hometown like one place called CPU, I don't know if they sell brand new parts but I didn't know if there were stores that just sold all the parts you needed to build a PC. And you're saying I could get all of it for under $500? And it'll run better than any laptop? I mean if that's true I might do that, I just know nothing of buying parts/building a PC.

My friend in college had a thinkpad and that shit was powerful, I don't know the model/specs on it but he still has it I believe and has had it for like four or five years. I've seem him play tons of stuff on it, he never has issues and it runs just about anything even newer stuff.

>wasn't aware of the gayming laptop meme
you new here?

And how tech illiterate are you?? It's a well known ancient FACT that desktop PCs are always going to be cheaper, stronger, and more reliable than laptops, that suffer of their form and requirement of mobility.

Pic related is one of the oldest "PS4 killer" builds I've saved; you could do this build for literal McMeal prices nowadays, OR alternatively get almost twice faster machine for the same money.

I'd recommend Intel CPU + Nvidia GPU + pirated W7 Ultimate.

Pre-Built? No.

Assembled yourself? Maybe. You'd have to be buying second hand parts and looking for good deals. What exactly do you class as "decent"?

Try Newegg or PCpartpicker. Amazon and ebay are fair sources for parts too, watch you don't get ripped off though.

>Jesus, I wasn't aware of this "gayming laptop" meme


I'm not new nor am I tech-illiterate, I have heard desktops outperform but I've always favored laptops for the mobility and I knew they made "gaming laptops" designed for gaming so I figured they were just as decent as some of the desktops were. Also I see a lot of people with these "gaming laptops" over desktops, guess they just prefer those over a desktop.

Anyway as I said, I know nothing of buying parts for a PC nor constructing it. Do you know if I could bring it to a place in my hometown that would construct it for me? Are there shops that sell PC parts brand new? Or can you only buy that stuff online?

I don't know why you're asking Sup Forums what facilities are available in your hometown. Crack open the Yellow Pages or whatever you have where you're from. Hell, just go outside and look around.




>Nvidia's cramming full desktop GPUs in laptops now
>the only difference is a slight decrease in clock speeds
>1060 laptops are likely going to start in the $800-$900 range with GTX 970/980 tier performance and beyond


Price is the only deciding factor now.

How fast do they overheat?

>TFW know laptops are a joke for gaming but really want to play GTA while waiting for classes in college

>I've always favored laptops for the mobility and I knew they made "gaming laptops" designed for gaming so I figured they were just as decent as some of the desktops were.
Well sure, but they've always costed AT LEAST twice as much as equally powerful desktop, and the mobile compontents have always been weaker than their desktop counterparts. Most laptops also do not allow you to upgrade or even change most components, besides maybe HDDs and RAM sticks.

>Anyway as I said, I know nothing of buying parts for a PC nor constructing it.
and you said you're not tech illiterate?


Start by consulting that, and look up tutorial and budget-build examples on Youtube. Do research on parts & prices in your area for best results.

There ARE services like pcpartpicker.com and pcspecialist.co.uk, that allow you to choose components manually, and pay some extra to have the shop build the thing for you. However, I'd recommend just doing it yourself, since that shit's literally like playing with color-coded Legos. You also learn a lot of computers in general.

vary greatly between machines and depend also how good care you keep of the laptop.

Gore thread? Gore thread.

>R9 270

Old and busted. Throw an RX 470 in instead.


I've never considered them as a "joke", but then again I've never paid more than 500€ for my laptops. I recall already playing Wolf3D and Doom on my pops ancient W95 Thinkpad, and I got an used, relatively new Asus G60VX for my University studies and traveling purposes back in 2010. It's pretty sweet to just pull out the machine and start playing STALKER with mods and high settings anywhere you want, not to mention it's been a totally awesome LAN party tool. Also acts as my living-room's "media PC", which I can use like a console with a gamepad.

I do have a 1000€ desktop too, though.

>Robotron 64 gets remastered.jpg


>paying extra for literal meme AMD card in a tight budget build
you're not too bright, are you?

If you're a laptop gamer, you're tech illiterate. Period. Or maybe just financially stupid. Ignoring the "reddit boogeyman", just go to r/buildapc or whatever and tell them your budget. They'll get you parts and links if you're too stupid/lazy to do it yourself.

OP, you're going to need to spend at least $1000 for the specs you're asking for. Shit, you might as well go for a desktop if you're that concerned about spending a bunch of money.

>Preferably already assembled
oh man this thread just keeps getting better

Why do we have this thread every fucking day. Why are people still falling for the gaymen laptop meme. Why do they always get BTFO then say something along the lines of "I'm too lazy to build one myself."

This shit is getting tiring.

OP and the like just desperately seem to want a PC when a console is better suited for their laziness/stupidity.

>I'm not new nor am I tech-illiterate
>I knew they made "gaming laptops" designed for gaming so I figured they were just as decent as some of the desktops were
>Also I see a lot of people with these "gaming laptops" over desktops, guess they just prefer those over a desktop.
>I know nothing of buying parts for a PC nor constructing it
yes you are
go to logicalincrements.com/ and pick a build you illiterate bum

>CPU that needs overclocking to be remotely on par with a stock haslel i3
>overclocking with the stock cooler

>including MIR in prices when they're rarely used

That build itself is already retarded. Do a GTX 950 instead then. Performs the same, uses less power, and is cheaper WITHOUT MIR.

Those prices are outdated anyway. All of those discounts and promotions expired LAST YEAR and aren't relevant anymore. Some of those parts aren't even in stock anymore.


Hell, if you have any form of common sense you can either buy shit pre-owned or shell out an extra $70 for an RX 470 or $100 for a GTX 1060 so you can actually play modern vidya on settings higher than medium-low.

Meant to link pcpartpicker.com/list/d3Bp2R

get something like this op

>buying OS


>16gb ram for a budget build

>ram and graphics card arent even in stock, so that build costs more than the image depicts

>non-used 7850 in this day and age

>buying windows

Is this bait?

Alright faggots, I found a computer store near my house that sells brand new parts, top of the line stuff and they'll build it for me for free if I buy all the parts at their store.

Thanks for nothing, assholes.


I mean that you either end up playing powerpoint presentations at lowest settings or take out a fucking loan to play a decent looking game

>they'll build it for me for free if I buy all the parts at their store.

They still make a fortune because their parts are so overpriced.

I like the mobility.

You don't know that, they said they'd work in my budget and suggest what I need to get. Also the store has lots of high reviews from other consumers who went there for the same reason.

I told them I had a budget and they said "That's fine most people do and we'll suggest or tell you what would be the most optimal build based on your budget."

Enjoy being scammed then. And your low-end PC of course.

Just out of curiosity, how would you get around needing a Windows key if you were building a new computer from scratch?


>All new laptops from Nvidia and AMD are gonna have W10

So? Formatting exists.

>Low end

Just because I didn't get the parts at Newegg doesn't mean it's going to be "low-end" you're really starting to sound like an elitist faggot.

ITT nerds

Fuck you and your tier meme

I can't stop laughing

Look man, I'm not him, but you clearly don't know what you're doing here. The guy you'll be consulting at your local store is a fucking salesman - he's going to lie through his teeth and drive up the price wherever he can, and if that means marking up items by an extra 10 or 20 percent while sweet-talking you into thinking you're getting a deal, he'll do it in a fucking heartbeat. DO NOT trust other people to tell you what to do with your goddamn money, go do some research, use your fucking head, and build it yourself. (Or at least go in with enough of an idea that you can spot a shit deal when you see one). This isn't hard. I've never built a damn PC in my life and I've done about 2 hours worth of research this past week and already have a very good idea of what is and isn't worth the money. Suck it up and go do the work on your own, or enjoy sending money down the drain. The thread has given you a good starting point, read that shit and use the resources they're telling you about.

If you have a whole folder if those chain link meme messages then you're a fucking faggot, that's the shittest forced meme since DAT BOI and Daffy Duck in a suit.

>no ass
>boy hips

nips can't do anything right