How do you make an interesting setting for a video game?

How do you make an interesting setting for a video game?

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Copy the dead settings I liked.

can't they sue you?

Familiar but different. Make your character feel comfortable but like mysteries are around every corner. That's one reason sword and sorcery is so popular, it meshes well with that formula.

Now give me a cool class.

You roll

Be consistent in every detail of your setting and elaborate when you can. Whatever setting you choose as long as everything and every detail lines up with each other then you have a good setting.

Having an inconsistent setting where whatever happens can be good to, but extremely hard to do right without appearing an idiot.

If you ripped off actual location names or very blatantly copied a lot of specific stuff, then yeah, but a general setting? You'd have to simultaneously not try at all and try incredibly hard to make something sue worthy.
If you were to, say, copy Deadlands by doing a supernatural and steampunkish old west but at least came up with your own reason for why it's like that and gave it its own unique flair/flavor, it'd be called a rip off by a lot of people but no basis for a lawsuit.
Just like none of the Tolkienesque fantasy settings result in lawsuits.

You roll with what you think is good, work on it to add sustenance, and focus on making sure that the storyline works well with itself. Don't pull a situation where shit just becomes random, like the final boss was actually some NPC that was never hinted at nor introduced.


you dont, just recycle old ideas that people liked 10 years ago and double the price. i mean thats what the business does and you all suck it up so it´s the right thing to do

By not making it bland or cringeworthy.

>How do you make an interesting setting for a video game?
Focus on making the setting interesting.

That's really the problem with video game settings. They throw around themes and settings as if they were window dressings, then just put the same exact game and same exact story, as if you really need another first-person dungeon crawler, BUT NOW WITH CHINA KANJI!

Instead, focus on the setting, what makes the setting interesting, and incorporate that into the game. A game which involves sailing on a boat and has mechanics around the sailing or boat travel, or has challenges around being on a boat, is far more interesting than whatever random idea you might spit out that only the art department works on.

why the fuck are all the companions girls

I find this extremely sexist and offensive

because I don't like males.

>Decided to only do one companion this time
>Rolled an 11 and a 20
Well shit, this sounds like a /tg/ shitposting thread.


Why is only one of those characters colored in?

because how would tell it's a dark elf?

token character of color, to show diversity

>no saiyan girl
>no flea "girl"

Try not to rely on cliches too much and be subtle.
Don't spell every tiny detail out, let the world explain itself.



dunno but rolling

>disregard western european shit from fantasy settings, shit's overplayed as shit
>no forests, go full tropical jungle or desert filled with ancient ruins
>Go full asian with a number of various asian based cultures instead
>Toss in some mesoamerican lizardmen
>deserts and tropical environments but with elves
>"See that scenery porn? You can climb it!"

Make an entire game with Journey's aesthetic. Add a jungle environment. Use fantasy cultures we aren't used to seeing. MC is a Marco Polo type from a more conventional Lord of the Rings ripoff continent here to explore and got shipwrecked. Jungle elves n shieet.

Name one bad thing about this idea, protip you can't

You had me at "disregard western european shit"
Sick of it.

>Think of a setting
>Show setting to others
>If anyone says "Hey, that's just medieval europe/china/etc.", start over

End result should have no historical analogues, like pic related

Can I play as a female character instead


I'd like to see more Chinese and Aztec shit in a fantasy setting and there is not nearly enough tropical environments in fantasy

Where is/are the musket/s of the musketeer girl?

By having good ideas. Some people seem to have a lot of them. Then you actually MAKE the video game so everyone doesn't laugh and call you idea guy.

>Roll your class
11 - Paladin
>Roll your traveling companions
11 - Princess Siri
17 - Ninja girl
17 - Ninja girl

Two ninjas? Lame.

>jungle elves


>no girl(male) companions

There's princess Buldge.
that's close enough isn't it?

That's just a sausage from her sausage compartment poking out.

>implying a feminine dick this small will satisfy a true adventurer

It depends on what you have when you start.
Do you have a gameplay idea?
Story idea?
Character idea?
Mood idea?
Based on that, you develop everything else to fit it.
You don't just come with independent good ideas and put them together later. It's a whole, and you should develop it as such.

So tell us, OP, what kind of shitty game do you want to make this time?

I don't even know. I was just asking.

almost similar
>Rolled 11: - Paladin
>Rolled 3: - Ranger girl
>Rolled 17 twice: Two ninja girls