>Genji nerfs
Now there will be nothing to stop me from just walking to the capture point with my shield up since Genji would be jumping around hurling shurikens at my back relentlessly. My only counter is gone!
>Genji nerfs
Now there will be nothing to stop me from just walking to the capture point with my shield up since Genji would be jumping around hurling shurikens at my back relentlessly. My only counter is gone!
Other urls found in this thread:
But assuming you had your team behind you like a good RH, why would a Genji do that anyways? Plus Mei's ult will fuck you up too
Winston's lightning goes through your shield and as long as my team isn't retarded and will give me proper backup there is nothing you can do about it.
fuck off jane
>Hitboxes are reverted back to casual mode.
>Hanzo Speedbuff while drawing but no Widow buff in sight.
Thanks Blizzard!
Are they reverting hurtboxes as well?
Only projectiles as far as I know.
So welcome back all that pro Hanzo players :^).
Not an argument. Literally anybody with a half-decent weapon that travels further than 10 feet counters Rein. If you're getting wrecked by a Rein then either your team isn't focusing or you keep getting up close and feeding him.
>Nerfing McCree ult
Yeah, that's for fucking sure. Reaper 2-3 shots my ass as Reinhardt.
Oughta stay that way, too.
>no source
fuck off
Tracer only got one new emote? Why?
Or he just got Nano boosted and shoved his hammer into your face.
Nerf when?
Because your waifu a shit
>D.Va confirmed shitposter
Where the hell is the patch notes?
Gettin' sick of this shit.
Its gameplay changes being tested from the ptr
literally open your fucking launcher
Bitch is back
>The sole healer can heal better than multi purpose supports now
Whoah... really makes you think
Wow man!
>Seagull is STILL crying about the Genji nerfs
Haha holy shit he's so fucking salty right now. I fucking love this.
>worked hard to master hanzo this whole time
>instalocked every game, no matter if it's attack, defense or king of the hill
>mastered shooting his arrows
>he gets buffed
All they really needed to change on Genji was his ult.
>Seagull used to main Genji
>Seagull now mains Hanzo
So he's a filthy weeb shitter? It all makes sense now.
>Zenyatta's "meditate" emote
Whoever is in charge of Zenyatta's animations deserves a payraise.
I don't even play overwatch, but from the little I've seen it was obvious genji needed a nerf. Are genji players just really that mad their op main got brought down to the rest of the heroes' levels?
I played primarily Mercy but switched to Zenyatta when he got his health boost. I might play her again occasionally to see how much she can heal through sustained fire but Zen is still a better choice
Being able to defend yourself is a huge bonus and regardless of discords nerf, his damage output is the same and now his projectile hitbox is bigger, which means he ended up with an overall buff to his personal damage, which was one of his strongest factors
>I did what you did but with genji
>became a god
>now this happens
no brother
>Meanwhile I sprint through your shield as Daddy76 and pepper your back with pulse rifle until you either die or put down shield to chase me, letting my team murder you.
Get off my lawn...
They are assblasted.
It's great honestly.
>Nothing to stop you
He's always played both of them.
>I don't even play overwatch
what makes you think you are warranted to provide even an iota of commentary on the subject matter of gameplay and balance
Just wait, most likely only the ultimate and maybe the combo nerf will go live
I wanted nerfs for him desperately but they went a bit overboard with the jump removal.
Did anyone really say "this hero designed to be mobile is too mobile!!"?
Hopefully you instalocked in quickplay
>counter to reinhardt
>not the other way around
Are you retarded or something?
>I'm going to play retarded and pretend I don't know the PTR exists
Okay, pal
Did they nerf either of the characters with a 100% pickrate in all modes on both sides at all, or did they just nerf the guy the most scrubs bitch about
How the fuck does Zarya counter Reinhardt. In fact in most cases they are used together.
PTR you inbred.
How long until Blizzard gets a decent balancer like Icefrog? Genji will be broken again in 6 months with their rubber banding balace trash
If you're a god, then a simple nerf shouldn't impact your performance too much.
Now if you're a bandwagon-hopping tier scrub on the other hand...
You were never my equal!
You don't need to counter someone to stop them user.
yes, actually
read the patch notes
Fuck you. Reaper doesn't need a nerf. 76 didn't need one either and look what happened to him
Beam grind down the shield when at full charge.
>jump behind him and shoot shurikens at his back, forcing him to retreat and stop defending his teammates with his shield
No not in a 1 on 1 setting but in a gameplay/objective aspect he did heavily.
How does Zarya stop Reinhardt? The best thing she can do against him is shield someone he charges.
People still play this baby game?
Literally bought the game a few ago, so yes. :^)
It took icetoad 10 years to balance dota 2. I know, I still remember the dota where you were able to craft aegis with 3 charges
Anyone can do that. Fuck with Mercy back you'll probably just see her damage boost McCree and have him spam shots at his shield like the good old days.
Hold on, just let me sit here and zap you for two full reloads of laser beam. There is no defense against this
>instalocked every game, no matter if it's attack,
I sincerely hope you'll get testicle cancer you fucking faggot
ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ
Please tell me WHY would they bring back the hitboxes? Not only that but make Hanzo have arrow speed so fucking HUGE. I could barely fucking play pharah before this patch, now it's even fucking worse all they do is shoot at the sky and hit me.
t. Genji main
He didn't need a nerf Sup Forums is just THAT bad, I don't even play him but I can take him out easily
And blizzard has been balancing games for how long and they still can't do it?
>Mercy back you'll probably just see her damage boost McCree and have him spam shots at his shield like the good old days
Enjoy headshots from hanzo
Come on his ult needed a nerf, it lasted way to long for how good it was.
>Genji nerfed even though he was fine
>hitboxes reverted because fuck you
>Mercy now heals faster while her damage buff is untouched
>buffing Mei at all
>nerfing Lucio's speed buff
Only good thing in this whole patch is adjusting the discord orb and Zenyatta's damage so that it doesn't TOTALLY fuck him over.
>Discord from, 50% to 30%
Thank fuck. Lucio nerf doesn't seem like much, though.
I don't think it was intended in the first place to have a third jump available before touching the ground
You have a McCree stand behind the Reinhardt shield shooting at the Reinhardt shield. The way Overwatch used to be played.
Shield can save someones life if they get charged or stunned.
And Zarya is just stronger than Reinhardt. Not much he can do against her while she can just pound his shield constantly until he's either got to run and hide or fight and die.
Where can I see all these?
You can't make this up
yeah and he got it, the other changes were redundant though. Instead of buffing his counters they nerf him to the ground. Blizz does this every patch, shitty characters suddenly become too good and are mandatory for every match, op character are suddenly never picked and people will shit on you for picking them.
Mei, and most of the other defense heroes, needed buffs
Overwatch PTR client
That really depends on the game mode. KOTH I agree, when you have to push a point Reinhardt is usually better. The best solution in most cases to pick both of them.
>getting marksman potg after potg
hanzo is good on every side and map beside greek ruins
I want to say this is a bug of some sort, but Rein can swing straight through Zarya's shield, and if he pins her and the bubble duration ends, she's fucked.
They're about even on the I fuck you/you fuck me scale
They actually probably got rid of his triple jump thing, because it was too easy for him to escape one of his best counters Winston.
I don't agree with the change but it's probably what they thought.
>Genji nerfed even though he was fine
Clearly he wasn't if he got nerfed.
>So much salt over the Mei buff
>It's not even much of a buff
As much as I love all the crying over my main, she really needs something more. She's still gonna die to pretty much everyone.
Literally a lot of diffrent ways to deal with that unless you people play brain dead and ignore it but ok
>not wanting a buff for the hero with one of the lowest pick rates in the entire game
No doubt Reinhardt is just better at turtling along thanks to his huge shield. But in a straight up fight Zarya can push him back.
>Whack Zarya until she puts up her shield
>stop whacking
>charge her when shield goes down
>smack her around while she reloads
And if she has proper distancing she can melt him
They are pretty neutral to each other, neither one really stops the other
Wish they just made Winston better, maybe even a 3 sec cooldown on his jump. Anything to make his counters more viable instead of just neutering a characters gameplay.
>t. I main genji on defense
Which doesn't matter because winston's damage is so bad he can still probably dash away. Harambe is rolling around in his grave.
>nobody ever cries about your main being OP
>nobody ever calls your main useless
>never gets touched in any of the patches
> buffing Mei ult