Does Baston REALLY deserves its own short? Do you think another Overwatch character will tag along (besides the bird?)
The Last Bastion
It's Blizzard's Mary Sue,of course he'll get his own movie.
You find out at the end of the trailer that Sombra is the one who reactivated Bastion.
And then they go right into the Sombra reveal.
I would say yes he does, because Bastion is the character we literally know the least about.
Sure, there's other more interesting characters who haven't had an animation or a comic yet (Mei, D.Va, Zarya, Lucio, Mercy, and Zenyatta), but we can still piece together more about them then we can Bastion.
He was in the Omnic war, was deactivated in Germany, and then re-activated likely with wiped memories to hang out with birds. That's literally all we know about him.
>Thrall "Green Jesus" voiced by Chris Metzen
>Bastion voiced by Chris Metzen
Bastion doesn't deserve it.
Chris "Corruption" Metzen doesn't deserve it.
Are they doing a second round of shorts?
If so that's neat, Hope they do Zenyatta, Junkrat/Roadhog, and Lucio/Symmetra
no Mei though
her story is boring
Yeah i never heard of this pair
Nobody even knows her backstory, it's actually kinda depressing. Some people don't even know she's overwatch and assume she's some kinda hippy chinese scientist.
>Oldschool overwatch operator
>Gets put into cryostasis with research team
>fastforward some decades
>all her friend's cryopods melted them, overwatch is no more, everything is different
>bandwagon fags dont know Overwatch lore
Lucio stole his equipment from the company that Symmetra works for when they tried to set up in Brazil to rise up against them.
Lucio helped drive out the corporation that was fucking shit up in his hometown, which is the same corporation that Symmetra works at. Or something like that.
Their stories are connected somewhat
The jist Symmetra and co make life awful for people and Lucio makes a music gun to stop making things so awful and becomes a celebrity
I'd assume bastion and Rien. It looks to take place on the new german map
We could Bastion and Sombra and we find out Sombra woke Bastion up
TLDR:The company Symmetra works for came to Lucio's favela to demolish it and build something else.Lucio stole the sound weapon he is using ingame from this company and used it to kick the company out.
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>People complain about Bastion.
>Implying he is difficult.
The only reason you ever need to play Bastion, offense or defense is simple, to punish the other team for being bad.
What I mean is this.
When you are trying to get on point, and their team is made up of bad picks, and you know for a fact your team should be able to just stop them dead in their tracks, you go Bastion.
Because Bastion can do what your scrub team cant do against their scrub team, hold them back, and shower them in damage, push them off points, and off carts.
Otherwise Bastion is simple as shit to deal with, Roadhog, Reaper, Mcree can all destroy him.
Every character is going to have one at some point.
So yeah.
>Nobody knows how to deal with Bastion so we just run out infront of him like jackasses.
The sad life of a bastion main is learning when to switch off of him
Yeah, he can eat tanks and break rein shields for his team, but too many characters maul him in turret mode
So when you start feeling like you getting your shit wrecked, switch off so you aren't a useless cunt
>Lucio doesn't have a short yet
What kind of horrible universe is this.
Bastion can become a beast if you play him right, which is rare, and by right I mean flank and set up shop behind their team.
Then you get POTG for team killing a bunch of shit players who thought it was wise to camp on the cart.
Muselk had a QnA with a dev at GamesCon earlier today, the hint was dropped that more info on Sombra will show up.
Pharah animated short when
She got a comic instead
Blizzard's cheeky beep boop robot aka R2D2 has his own moviee woooowwwww such an interesing character.
At least is not Mei, fuck that fat bitch.
He has the least amount of personality, I don't think it's a bad idea.
A really poorly drawn one too
>Mei's short is just a four minute scene of her cryopod and a calendar being flipped through.
muh favela
>Does Baston REALLY deserves its own short?
It's still unique compared to all of the other Bastion units even if only slightly. If the short actually attempts to explain this then I think it's worth it.
>BR BR BR BR BR and poo in the loo
Wow, I can't wait for their short.
Soldier got a comic AND a short.
fuck Muselk hes a shitty player in the grand scheme of things and doesn't deserve any of the cred he gets.
>the charge-n-load crutch is competitively viable in tf2 trust me my mindless fans
>competitive tf2 goes live and its a shithole due to e-celebs giving retarded advice
Wasn't Soldiers comic ultimately more about Ana though?
Also, I guess thinking about it we haven't had a Reaper central Comic OR Animation despite him showing up in the most of them so far.
He's dad76 tho.
Winston, Tracer, Reaper and Widowmaker even got to appear in two shorts.
That stopped being a thing after the first week
We can all agree Best short is winston and t's not close
I just want a symmetra short with at least one close up on her thighs.
What time EST?
So is the short just going to be a finger holding down M1?
Yeah they gave them jobs which is really bad.
They destroyed their homes and didn't rebuild them which is what was promised.
>Picked Bastion on rank 67 King's Row
>Streets phase (have literally never won here)
It was the most amazing feeling but I doubt it would ever work again.
should be at your mother sucks cocks o'clock
I guess it's because they're the more "marketables" characters.
Hopefully Bastion short mean they feel comfortable enough to make shorts about others characters. I'd like a short about Zenyatta, Genji and Zarya.
>The Last Bastion
Are they ripping off WALL-E now?
probably reinhardt since it definitely will take place in the new map
hopefully it leads into a sombra reveal or a rework of bast
Everyone in Overwatch is a ripoff.
They should do one for Tracer
>Mei, D.Va, Zarya, Lucio, Mercy
how are these guys more instresting?
maybe zarya killing omnic shits, and mercy fucking up reaper might be good
I just want a Symmetra skin of her in tight shorts.
WALL-E did abandoned robots so we should never do abandoned robot themed stories EVER AGAIN
fucking tard
Bastion is more interesting by virtue of being directly tied to the overarching story of Overwatch.
>Founding members
Is all you need to really tell the story.
lucio wasnt in symmetras comic
Genji has a short.
fucking omnic scum
I mean the three of them at the same time.