
What's the Sup Forumserdict?

Pretty good senpai

Pic related is comfy

Played a few hours, Skyrim combat, uninstalled and went back to playing Pathologic until Deus Ex releases.

It's a polished turd. Not the fault of the mod makers, but the people who made the turd in the first place.

Worse than Skyrim itself. Now stop shilling this mod.

Worse in what way?

Let's start with the simple shit.
>Poorly translated English
>No proper English VA
>Tons of reused Skyrim assets for a mod that's supposed to be total conversion
>Tons of mods don't work with it
>Actually pays people to shill the mod with the donations instead of properly developing it

Sometimes Sup Forums is intolerable in its immaturity. Enderal is a very impressive and thorough revision of Skyrim. I'd be surprised if the Enderal creators aren't hired by Bethesda in some capacity. If you liked Skyrim, you will completely enjoy Enderal and want more. It deserves a standing ovation.

However, until The Elder Scrolls gets back to the complexity, the spell crafting, the enchanting, and overall lack of hand holding that is Morrowind, I will never be fully pleased with any new TES release or expansion.

>>Actually pays people to shill the mod with the donations instead of properly developing it

So basically you've got nothing

It's a free mod developed by Germans (originally only for Germans), we're lucky that there even is a translation.
Also, the VA in this is the best that I have seen in Skyrim mods

Right now its too buggy to play. I just face two bug preventing me from doing several quests in a row. Lose all my motivation to play it after that.

How far in are you? I'm on my way to Ark and had only a few minor bugs until now

Thanks for the you's

have another one you fucking stallion of a man

Is Jaspar gay? I'm not but I want to fuck him.

Don't listen to this whiny faggot, the game crashes a few times but it's totally playable

verdict is it's a solid game, i played Nehrim (based on Oblivion) from these guys and enjoyed it a lot too

Very solid work, good story, addictive as fuck

I like it

Interesting environment, very vertical. A lot more interesting to explore than Skyrim was.
Lots of opportunity for exploration
Not scaled (I got wrecked exploring a high level area)
Levelling System is interesting and allows for some decent builds
Can only level skills by reading about them,
No fast travel (except through magic and some giant retard bird things - even then, they drop you nowhere near your destination)
Lots of quests don't have quest markers (most do though)
When the voice acting is good, it's pretty good
Free, and better than vanilla Skyrim

When the voice acting is bad, it's so bad. The worst voices sound like Aussies putting on American accents, or just plain straight up Aussies, but the kind of Aussies that would wear fedoras and trenchcoats.
Story is very meh. I mean, it's interesting at times, but it's mainly "Religion is bad mmmkay"
Skyrim combat (But I'm playing exclusively as a magic user, so no big deal for me)
Pretty buggy. Got caught in a conversation loop once with no way to exit the conversation (tab wouldn't work, no other key worked). Also random crashes, but I quicksave a lot.

Jespar is a top-tier husbando

He's bi as far as I can tell, like every other character

I want to fuck him too, literally the only companion character to give you gifts and shit

It's pretty nice and crispy like a nice crispy piece of meat


>that one female VA that does child voices and some merchants
my fucking ears

>that one female VA
do you mean the one you meet outside three river watch or whatever it's called, where her pet piglet is in the ruin?

stop spoiling you piece of shit

So I downloaded the package and the launcher, installed skyrim and when I run the launcher it crashes. What do? Is there an already unpacked version or something like this?


Found the child

Run the launcher, then click install, select the install package, wait 10 minutes, then click launch enderal.

I enjoyed the twist.

Are you retarded? The launcher crashes, I can't install it.

Can You have sex in this game? I found one prostitute so far, but couldnt talk to her

Stop being that shy. I believe in you. Go and talk to her.

Here's your (You)

People still defend sky-rim and it's 3 voice actors.

Does it work on a repack?

The more time you spend in Ark, the more buggy it becomes.
>group of Npcs would just stop in the middle of the city doing nothing.
>grey dialogue options you have read become white again
>gamble table in foreign quater inn will remain no player to play with
>several side quests Npc just stop doing what they should do, etc...

Basically, it's like seeing the whole city gradually breaking apart.

As someone who hasnt playef any elderscrolls game longer than 5 hrs im enjoying it alot, even the fucking books are interesting to read, tho i started on expert and after a few hrs i changed it to master but it seems im still wrecking almost everything at the moment with a fire battleaxe, should i go to max difficulty or does it make it just batshit stupid healthsponge enemies?

It gets a lot harder later on since enemies are stronger in different areas like the Golden Forest and the ice mountains

It has an actual difficulty curve unlike Skyrim

Do I need to play Nehrim? Is this a sequel?

>poorly translated english

use the german version like a nonpleb, the german version is fantastic and ALOT better than german skyirm (which had literally less then 10 VA)

>no proper english VA
look above

>tons of reused Skyrim assets
well, its still a mod, not a standalone game, not much a problem here

>tons of mods dont work with it
wait, does even some mods work? its said in the installation that you shoudnt use any mods with it

>actually pays people to shill the mod
do you havea single fact to back that up? Seriously, never heard of it, and ive played the other 2 mods from them to (nehrim and cubes)

Enderal's as much a sequel to Nehrim as Skyrim is to Oblivion.
Some characters/ the story will refer to the last big thing that your character did in Nehrim and there are some small references but that's pretty much it. I've never played Nehrim and I don't feel like I'm not getting anything because of that

So is Coarek the player character from Nehrim?

He's described as

>Someone who changes his opinions all the time
>Helped whatshisface Arantheal kill the lightborn


Any mods that do not list Skyrim.esm as a master and do not do anything obviously incompatible like content to the game world, should work just fine.

The most compatible thing is probably texture and mesh mods. Then maybe cosmetic mods, and so on. Things that are either identical in both Skyrim and Enderal like textures, or things that do not interact with existing items in the game, such as a weapon modder's resource mod that does not place it in the game world, and then you can add it to your character via the console, and so on.

At least that's how it worked in Nehrim.

Anyone else impressed with the dungeons? Just going into random ruins not related to any quests and they have designs that rival or exceed skyrims best dungeons. Plus I like collecting these set items.

does the German version have English subs? It'd be like playing a German anime!!

Is there any veeery long dungeon like the one from the 'in the underworld' quest in nehrim?
I absolutely loved that one, it took like over 2 hours

I think there's a way to insert German voices into the English version but I'm not sure how.

Yeah they are the most fun thing for me. It really gave me a strong reminder to why I hate Skyrim so much. The dungeons were just awful/ copypasta. Fuck it's fun to explore good dungeons again

It's for if for some reason you wanted to play gothic but thought there wasnt enough sky rim in gothic

performance-wise its unstable as fuck on top of already being built over skyrim

You grab the German version and use something like 7-Zip or Winzip to unpack it. Grab the "Enderal - Voices" in there and place it in the Skyrim Data folder. Make sure to remove the "ENN - SoundVoice" folder already in there. Afterwards rename "Enderal - Voices" to "ENN - SoundVoice"

I meant to call the "ENN - SoundVoice" a file, not a folder, but the idea remains the same. Just replace the english voice file with the german one. The subtitles will remain the same. So far it works like a gem for me

I think you mean the EEN - Soundvoice file, you fool

>>Tons of reused Skyrim assets for a mod that's supposed to be total conversion.

Totally agree with this.

Interview with Enderal team: Muh total new conversion game. All the shit is new, muh tons of new stuff.

Reality: 70% Skyrim stuff with the same low res textures. Shitty engine is shit. Next time make your own game with a good engine.


Skyrims combat is way better than Pathologics russian clunckfests you retarded donkey.

This mod needs more mods desu. Places outside the cities have no dialog nor quests.


Why is my UI so stretched in this?? The stats menu doesnt all show for some reason. Any tips??

They patch the game, in Nehrim they added some quests etc. with a new patch

Does it fix the boring combat?