I got this today

I got this today.

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Do you think I fucking care mate? You're coming here to tell me you got a fucking new 3ds when there are poor people starving in the street? Fucking children? Fuck you you spoilt entitled piece of shit never come on my computer again.

Neat 3DS user~

Muh nado.

Should have just played it on dolphin in HD for free.
Have fun tho. JRPGs are usually hit or miss for me (usually miss) but XC was a hit.



fuck off underage

Buy a 64GB SD and hack it. Right. Fucking. Now.

I have a nip N3DS with the same faceplates and theme.

Nice taste, user.

>my dick

Where can I get these?

I got my faceplates from Amazon. If you're asking about the nip N3DS, I got it from Play-Asia when they were having a sale.


have fun playing the inferior version


What the hell is NIP DS?

I unfortunately cant find the plate, not on the XL version.

Not him, but is it really still possible to do with current firmware?
Also, can I still buy games on the eShop if I wanted to?

Japanese 3DS. Nip = Nippon = Japan.
On 11.0 your only option is to do the DSiWare method with another hacked 3DS.

You have to be at least 18 to post on Sup Forums.

>Xenoblade at 240p

Yes, it is possible even on 11.0.33. Newest developement, dont believe

Follow the plaitect guide. And yes, you can still use eshop, although you can download all games from eshop for free using an app called freeshop.

Nice blog, user.

I'm looking forward to continue following your interesting life :).

Are you retarded or are you baiting, user?

not op but someone gave me $10 eshop credit
what should I get with that
inb4 "pirate"
I already have it hacked but I'm not going to throw away ten bucks

Thanks again NoA for fucking us over

Why do we like Reggie again?

We like Reggie because he's a good source of dank memes lol

Call me when the second 3DS isn't required. That would imply I have money or friends

I'm an antisocial NEET faggot who barely leaves the house and even I know a couple of people with hacked consoles IRL.

It looks fucky upscaled, probably because of the awful character models.

And I don't. I'm not you. That information is wholly irrelevant

We don't

>not playing in 4k on dolphin

are you FEELING IT?!

thanks for using that word so I can discard your opinion