Denuvo for Deus Ex: Mankind Divided confirmed. How does this make you feel?

Denuvo for Deus Ex: Mankind Divided confirmed. How does this make you feel?

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Was looking for a reason to cancel my preorder anyway.

Someone spoonfeed me on why Denuvo is bad. It's not like it's an always-online thing, right?

I don't have any Denuvo games except for Doom

Apathy, since my PC can't run it, and Human Revolution was casual shit.

if you have the game on an SSD it'll use a few more read/write cycle things, though this isn't really an issue for most people

family shared for $4 or offline activated for $4

i can afford that

$4 i earn it in 1 month (equivalent to 3000 good boy points)

give me 1 good reason why DRM is good.

butthurt pirate tears make for amusing posts

Because it's hard to crack and most games that use it have yet to be cracked.

That's it. Assblasted parasites angry that people are protecting their product.

wasn't denuvo supposed to be "cracked" like last week? or did they just find another d04m work around?

Source? And not that one post on that one forum

denuvo is better than some always online bullshit, so im happy. id rather have it then drm that actually makes the game worse or unplayable, like simcity's drm

we'll see how funny it is when in 2 years you'll need to enter a captcha every 10 minutes during play

Only Rise of the Tomb Raider was actually "cracked"
Vodka Drunkinski's workaround was patched

(((protecting their product)))

That makes no sense, I hope you're joking

>piratecucks right now

Don't really care I never played a deus game before

the PC version is out on pirate sites?

Yes Sup Forums, companies have a right to protect their property, I'm glad you know how to read, it's a valuable gift

>How does this make you feel?

Somber. Another sixty dollars down the toilet this Fall.

>implying I give a shit about AAA games in the year 2016
>implying AAA games are even worth pirating

denuvo v5.2
every 10 minutes
>need to swipe your id card
>need to swipe your linked smart phone to check your location
>need to resolve a captcha to prove you're not a robot somehow (robotics advanced a lot faster nowadays)
>everything is sent online and checked then the game might resume (if the data sent is received and deemed acceptable, sometimes it fucks up you now, networks are hard)
this is the future you're actively choosing

Two blunders in one month? Hot damn it feels like Christmas

You forgot the electronic dragon dildo you have to connect to your prostate to verify your g spot

Indifferent. I have a huge backlog. Already cancelled my Dishonored 2 preorder though because of Denuvo.

Don't care because I'm not an assblasted poorfag. Get a job you losers.

i have that on anyway

You can easily spot the underage when they think Denuvo is invasive by drm standards.

We're all adults with a job (it's a requirement to post here). It's not a matter of money, it's a matter of principle.

>butthurt pirate tears make for amusing posts

Enjoy trying to connect to Denuvo on release day

does gtav have denuvo?

why should anybody care? GTA is a game for niggers and other kinds of plebs.

that's a dumb slippery slope fallacy and you know it

t. Saints Row babby

Its just pirates that are mad the can't leech off the industry now. Denuvo does not harm me as a paying customer, it only hurts pirates aka people who don't support the industry.

I fucking swear pirates think that games just grow off of trees and they need to all be free. Do they not understand how an industry works? how a business works? Someone has to pay for games.

>if you have the game on an SSD it'll use a few more read/write cycle things, though this isn't really an issue for most people

Not even that, just read the site

>Does Denuvo Anti-Tamper affect my SSD or any other type of hard drives in any way?

No. As mentioned before, Denuvo Anti-Tamper does not constantly read or write any data to storage media.

>(((protecting their product)))
Yes the whole of point of a product is that needs to sell. How can pirates deny that being able to get someones product for free wouldn't affect someones decision to buy that product. If you were going to buy someone and someone just came up and said "hey don't pay for that, I can give it to you for free!"

>this is the future you're actively choosing
By paying for games? Sweet Jesus Denuvo is nothing like that, it only hurts pirates.

All these people who are saying they are cancelling their preorder are so fucking retarded, if you are paying for the game Denuvo does not harm you.

>it's a matter of principle

Yes it its. The principle of if you want a product, you pay for it. If you don't then you don't get the product. What "principle" does denuvo break?

I'll take that as a yes then

This also hate online only singleplayer vidya

>Want to use cheat engine to mess around and skip grind
>Game is online sigleplayer game that will ban you for using cheats that only ruin your experience.

>$89.99 for a "Full Game"
>don't even know if the Season Pass will be worth it in the future

This is why I lay off buying games when I can even though I can easily afford it. Fuck this Season Pass bullshit. I hope Randy Pitchford gets blown up by mudslimes.

>if you think something is super fucking Jewish then you're Sup Forums

I'm not an "intellectual property doesn't real" type but fucking with a consumer's purchase and hardware in the interest of protecting infinitely copiable information from the imagined fate of zero sales is ridiculous.

sure but its funny
doesnt make it less of a possibility
>i was on a debate team you know
for all the good it did you user

Another sale lost.

Securom was worse, fuck those kikes at Sony.

Denuvo is made my Sony remnants though, ironically.

Get out Sup Forums

Pirates aren't suddenly going to turn into sales because you slap DRM on it. In fact that actually scares away a measure legitimate customers.

I d-didn't want to play it anyway...


>inb4 it's a Sup Forumsnigger false flagging

>Sup Forums
You have to go back to


This, I'll buy it if the PC port is good and the game isnt full of bugs and crashes, just like every other deus ex game.
I dont really give a fuck what anti-piracy thing it has.

>Denuvo does not harm me as a paying customer

It will do, Denuvos severs are being targeted next, with means you may run into problems trying to authenticate your game/s, crab mentality has come to fruition.

Online DRM like Denuvo was never a good thing for the end user

You seem to be lost.

Only tomb raider got cracked. Could be months before we see another crack.

>i was on a debate team you know
>for all the good it did you user

no i just dismantled your shitty argument in 10 words that's all

The problem isnt now, the problem is if say 10 years from now this DRM remains uncracked and Denuvo goes under or something like that. Dont think for a second that publishers will bother removing DRM themselves.

Of course thats a rather apocalyptic scenario. Was that Denuvo crack legit? Denuvo games getting cracked way after the initial release rush is ideal and good for everybody.

>Buy games dirt cheap from G2A
>Forced Devs to lose money by paying the back charges for every copies bought from black market sites

It's shit

Doing god's work.

>People actually support the usage of Denuvo

Enjoy not being able to play your legally acquired games anymore when the Denuvo servers go offline

>DRM on top of DRM

Yeah, nah. Not buying this shit.

Shitty because I pirated HR before buying it to be sure it's not a turd.
I'll probably skip on MD completely because I can't be sure if they fixed all the problems of HR

Oh no

Another game I won't play
I wish I could play Just Cause 3

>buying from G2A makes dev lose money

How does it work?

Most of the keys are from chargebacks.

Indifferent because I don't play shit games and neither am I poor

Indifferent. Had no intention of buying it anyhow.

G2A is a site that takes a percentage profit from other people selling games off of their site. Many distributors are able to sell so low because they use stolen credit cards to purchase the keys, sell the key to someone else and do a chargeback on the credit card (the people he bought the initial code from would be charged a fee for this)

G2A is the fucking worst and it's honestly better to just pirate than try and convince yourself you're a legitimate customer by buying from G2A

Can someone explain why something like denuvo get's shilled here?

Obviously Sup Forums ain't their customer and i don't see many believing their bullshit either. Seems overall like a complete retard move. Worst case they get some autist offended who will screw them with a ddos.

just buy it

I wasn't greatly impressed by the mediocrity of HR, and my first impression from the commentary was that those devs are either very incompetent or really lazy. And The fall's port is a fucking travesty.

Falseflaggers and/or shitposters.

Never had an issue before or during any game with it. Nice try.

> supporting this industry

this alone is a good enough reason to pirate everything

But I've assumed it would have Denuvo, thank Square Enix. Why does this surprise anyone?

Gonna buy it if it's good
Not gonna buy if it it's shit

Good, I'll buy games from G2A to hurt devs who use denovo from now on

Shilling? No one fucking shills it, piratefags just wanna complain and use a slippery slope fallacy to try to make it look like its gonna be bad in a few years.

Can't wait for all the butthurt post about the game being shit and it not even being worth pirating :^)

>Shilling? No one fucking shills it

Outside of the daily multiple threads how great it is. Hell even half the posts in this thread.

sure those lost $40 are gonna make them go under pajeet

Then it gets cracked in like 10 months and pirates start saying it's a great game kek

Yeah, why do people talk about a popular videogame on a board for the discussion of videogames?

I don't like DRM but I also don't like pirates who pretend it isn't their fault that everyone now has to deal with it.

I have pirated many games in my time and still would if getting so many games whenever I wanted didn't train me not to enjoy them individually. Or if I was still broke. But people who steal games and music should not claim that they are on the side of the paying customer and developers and Jesus Christ himself. If you feel the need to justify yourself morally, then crime is not for you.

Feels good

I don't understand at all what this means, but it seems shady as fuck.

>use a slippery slope fallacy

Games not being playable if the authentication servers go offline isn't a slippery slope. It's how the fucking service functions

ded game

lold, DRM is a video game now?

>people talk about video games

Lets talk about movies then, or will you call that out for shilling too?

>buy game
>set to offline mode
Generally speaking it doesn't make me feel anything. Piracy hasn't been defeated, I just feel more justified now because of how anti-consumer Denuvo is

How do you shill denuvo to people that have no say in what games us it and have no involvement it the buying of it?

I fucking love how pirates just can admit they do it because its free


I am a piratefag myself but when a game i want to play forces me to buy it i will do it. i just pirate when i can because its free.

While this is an issue alright, Denuvo being uncrackable 10 years from now is pretty unrealistic and we have had forms of bad DRM being removed after a while. GFWL and such.

It is, the site pretty much just looks the other way to make a profit off of this shit (while claiming they're doing everything they can to vet distributors) which is why you should largely avoid using sites like Kingun or G2A for your keys

At essence it isn't. DRM exists because consumers buy it with DRM. If they wouldn't buy it nobody would add DRM.

Same shit in general with giving all your rights away over software TOS. People don't care and that's why companies get away with it.

>because of how anti-consumer Denuvo is

How do I check if a certain game with a steam release will have denuvo or not? besides wiki

>SE said all their games will have Denuvo in them#
>Somehow it surprises people when the new Deus Ex has Denuvo

What a surprise, who could have seen this coming.

Never had it happen with one game i've had Denuvo on. You're just mad because you can't pirate it. Go pirate your fucking VN's and stop whining