>Fixed an issue preventing Genji and Hanzo from reliably climbing a specific crate on Watchpoint: Gibraltar
>Fixed an issue preventing Genji and Hanzo from reliably climbing a specific crate on Watchpoint: Gibraltar
Other urls found in this thread:
Orb of Discord
The amount of damage amplified by a target with Orb of Discord has been decreased from 50% to 30%
Orb of Destruction
Damage has been increased from 40 to 46
Developer Comments: Zenyatta is in a far better place since the last update, but the strength of Orb of Discord has turned him into an almost mandatory pick. These changes reduce Orb of Discord's effectiveness, but his damage-dealing potential has been increased. The amount of damage that he delivers should feel largely unaffected by the change.
>have Mercy's cute spray but no trophy for doing the quad rez
>Trophy doesn't pop even after doing it multiple times
>Still no fix for th
Double jump no longer resets when wall climbing
No longer deals damage to traps like Widowmaker's Venom Mine or Junkrat's Steel Trap
No longer bypasses Junkrat's Steel Trap
Swift Strike
No longer interrupts quick melee attacks
Duration of Genji's ultimate has been reduced from 8 seconds to 6 seconds
Developer Comments: Genji was a little too difficult to pin down, and these changes will balance his speed. Swift Strike no longer cancels the recovery time from a quick melee attack, so players will no longer be able to get a free melee attack before using Swift Strike. Lastly, Dragonblade's duration was long enough that it often felt too difficult to reasonably counter.
Nigga these are patch notes for PC
Console gets its own babby patches
The Blizzard projectile now pierces barriers
Radius has been increased from 8 meters to 10 meters
Developer Comments: Mei has an interesting toolkit, but her ultimate often felt like it was too difficult to use effectively. Consequently, it felt weak compared to many other ultimate abilities. The freeze effect has been piercing barriers for some time now, but the projectile would still be blocked. Now, you can throw it down exactly where you want it, so it’s much easier to utilize the full radius effectively.
great update desu senpai
>tfw your main man is finally the genji counter he deserved to be
Competitive Play
Skill rating is now measured on a 1-5000 scale instead of the former 1-100 scale
Skill Rating Tiers
Players will now be assigned to a tier, depending on their skill rating
Bronze - 1-1499
Silver - 1500-1999
Gold - 2000-2499
Platinum - 2500-2999
Diamond - 3000-3499
Master - 3500-3999
Grandmaster - 4000-5000
In Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, and Diamond tiers, a player will not drop out of their tier even if their skill rating falls below the cutoff
In Master and Grandmaster tiers, a player whose skill rating falls below the tier's minimum
Skill Rating Decay
Players in Diamond, Master, and Grandmaster tiers that haven't participated in a competitive match for 7 days will lose skill rating
Players with a skill rating above 3000 (Diamond tier or higher) will lose 50 rating points every 24 hours, but their rating will not fall below 3000
Competing in a single match will halt skill rating decay
Players that haven't participated in a competitive match for 7 days will immediately drop out of the top 500
Console gets slightly altered patches bub. Such as Tolberone's Turrets getting a slightly lower damage done as controllers don't aim as quick as a mouse.
PC will always get newest content first to test then in a week or 2, console gets it.
Map Changes
>Several refinements have been made to the time bank system for Hanamura, Temple of Anubis, and Volskaya Industries
>The time bank system has been added to Dorado, Hollywood, King's Row, Numbani, Route 66, and Watchpoint: Gibraltar
>Time granted for taking objectives on Dorado, Hanamura, Hollywood, King's Row, Numbani, Route 66, Temple of Anubis, Volskaya Industries, and Watchpoint: Gibraltar has been reduced from 5 minutes to 4
Competitive Points
>Existing competitive points saved from Season 1 will be multiplied by 10
> After winning a competitive match, players will now receive 10 competitive points (instead of 1)
> Players will now receive 3 competitive points for a draw
>The cost of golden weapons has also been multipled by 10 from 300 to 3000
>A soft cap is being placed on the number of competitive points that can be saved
> Players with more than 6000 points at the start of season 2 will no longer accrue points by playing competitive matches
>End-of-season rewards will still be granted to players at the soft cap
>Instead of going into sudden death, tied competitive matches will now result in a draw
>Players must now win at least 50 competitive matches to be eligible for a spot in the top 500
>Players must now complete more matches to clear their penalty status for leaving a competitive match early
>Players of drastically different skill ratings (more than 500) will no longer be able to group together in competitive matches
Honestly I think he needs to be able to lay two traps, then we will see the"get fucked speedy" Junkrat we know and love.
>When activating the "Ultimate Status" communication, Symmetra now reports the number of charges left on her teleporter
>When activating the "Needs healing" communication while targeting a teammate, Ana, Lúcio, Mercy, and Zenyatta will now tell allies to group up to receive healing. A marker will appear above the player's head, allowing teammates to locate the healer more quickly
>Added Torbjörn as an AI-controlled hero in Practice vs. AI, Play vs. AI, and Custom Game modes
>Sit and laugh emotes are now unlockable for all heroes
>Competitive Play Season 2
We've made some big changes to Competitive Play in anticipation of the launch of Season 2 on September 6. The most noticeable change is the introduction of skill tiers, which we hope will better communicate players' relative skill levels. Competitive Play will put a greater emphasis on skill tiers over specific ratings, and as such, a player's tier will be more prominently displayed throughout the game. We've also switched the skill rating system to a 1-5000 scale to give players more detailed information about how each match affects their specific rating.
Sudden Death is also going away in Season 2. Instead, matches that are tied when the clock runs out end in a draw—though, it should be a rare occurrence. Because of this, we've made some changes to our game modes in Competitive Play to help reduce the chance that a draw will occur.
We've also made a few minor adjustments to leaver penalties, the top 500 system, and the competitive point system. Read on below to learn more!
I like these changes. I hope they make it to console.
Defense Matrix
>After being activated, Defense Matrix will begin regenerating following a 1-second delay (formerly .5 seconds)
Developer Comments: Defense Matrix was too efficient when tapped repeatedly, instead of being held. Now, the recovery delay matches the ability cooldown.
>Hanzo will now experience a 30% decrease in speed while aiming (formerly 40%)
>Maximum projectile speed has been increased by 30%
Developer Comments: Hanzo has the potential to deal a lot of damage, but he can feel really inconsistent, even at a medium distance. By increasing the projectile speed, we’re extending his reliable range, making it easier to land shots without having to perfectly predict enemy movement.
>Players in Diamond, Master, and Grandmaster tiers that haven't participated in a competitive match for 7 days will lose skill rating
> Players with a skill rating above 3000 (Diamond tier or higher) will lose 50 rating points every 24 hours, but their rating will not fall below 3000
> Competing in a single match will halt skill rating decay
> Players that haven't participated in a competitive match for 7 days will immediately drop out of the top 500
is it just me or are they lookin pretty desperate for reccuring players
that must be some ass hurt
Having her Shift have two charges would be incredible. She did get a slight buff, though, since all projectile hitboxes were reverted to previous obscenity levels, so she should be easier to land direct hits with.
>Now drains over a .25-second period (instead of displaying a 50% reduction on the ultimate meter when activated and 0% when confirmed)
Developer Comments: If players managed to counter or avoid McCree's ultimate, it would often regenerate very quickly since only half of the ultimate charge was spent. Now, this ultimate works like every other ultimate that has a duration.
Caduceus Staff
Healing Beam
>Healing-per-second has been increased by 20%
>Resurrected allies will be able to maneuver after 2.25 seconds (reduced from 3 seconds)
Developer Comments: Resurrection now allows teammates to jump back into the fight more quickly, which should help Mercy survive after activating her ultimate. Mercy's healing is also getting a boost to solidify her role as a strong, single-target healer.
Amp It Up
>The boosting of movement speed has been decreased by 30% (from a 100% increase to a 70% increase)
Developer Comments: Thanks to Lúcio's speed increase, he was almost a must pick in every lineup.
Chain Hook
>If the hooked target isn't in Roadhog's line of sight when retracting the hook, they will be moved back to the position where they were originally hooked
Developer Comments: This change means that hooked targets will be less likely to slide along walls, potentially ending up in an odd place after they've been reeled in.
Watchpoint: Gibraltar
>Watchpoint: Gibraltar’s first checkpoint has been removed
Developer Comments: The balance changes that were implemented in previous patches have eliminated the need for Watchpoint: Gibraltar to have an extra checkpoint.
>A new "Allied Health Bars" option has been added (Options > Controls)
>Contextual menus have been added on the hero selection screen, giving players the ability to report or group up with other players
>Matchmaking UI is now purple in the Competitive Play queue
>Made several minor adjustments to typography in the Spectator UI
It's to discourage people from getting placed high and then being too anxious or afraid to lose their place. Now they have to work to keep their rank.
They would definitely have to increase his cooldowns, reload time if they do that. Hell, they should probably increase his and Pharah's reload speeds regardless. The spam they can put out is a bit much, and I love playing Junkrat.
They're filtering 'ez' now.
I'm actually ashamed that I share a game with such pussies who apparently can't function when they see 'ez'.
Curious if the buff to mei's ult will be enough, pretty sure she'll still have a hard time.
Also surprised there's nothing on Bastion or Zarya.
Otherwise though no complaints.
>Sit and laugh emotes are now unlockable for all heroes
>Thanks to Lúcio's speed increase, he was almost a must pick in every lineup.
And he still will be because he's still the only character in the game that can boost movement speed. Unless it gets nerfed to obscenely low amounts, like down to 50% he'll still be a must pick.
Did they even change her rokkits? The only character I noticed a change on it was the meme bow man.
still waiting for the day on which Overfags finally realize that they belong to their containment general just like the lolfaggots and dotards back in the day
Pharah doesn't need a nerf man, she already has it real tough against a competent team.
>no Symmetra changes
>not enough McCree nerfs
At least genji got some nerfs
thats fine an all but every 24 hours, really. you might say 50 might not be that much but still penalizing you for not playing the game every 24 hours is pretty fucked.
Just because a game is popular doesn't mean everyone that plays and/or wants to talk about it browses /vg/
Besides, if anything, all of these No Man's Sky shitposting threads should fuck off to a /vg/ containment thread
nah, /vg/ is filled with competitive nuthuggers
Read the line above it. You only get penalized 50 rating points if you don't get into a single match over 7 days. And it's literally a single match to stop the decay.
Yeah, sorry. But if they do buff her to have some actual survivability, they should consider increasing her reload time along with junk's.
>No pocket healslut moaning into the microphone as it services you
that skill level drop starts after a week of not playing
I want mercy to sit on my face just like this!
>Reverted a recent change to reduce size of heroes' projectiles
Should affect everyone's projectiles, meaning Pharah and S76's rockets, Mei's M2, etc.
ah shit you right, my bad
yeah i'm waiting for the day video games stop being a thing on Sup Forums
>the time you get after capping is now 4 instead of 5 minutes
fucking why
>Genji loses like 2 swings total if you're just holding down M1 during the whole ult
>has to wait like .5 seconds to quickstrike after a melee
Not seeing the problem here, these are pretty reasonable changes
this is with profanity filter on right
fucking riot games, they did this
Anyone have a webm of Symmetra sitting?
No one calls people "-fag(s)" anymore, it's "-cuck(s)"
No problem. Just pick up Hanzo and start dealing obscene damage, since you now move faster, shoot faster, and have a larger projectile hitbox. Only way to buff him further would be to shorten the time to fully charge (which is honestly something I wanted).
But why say it? Just say gg and move on.
Nope, it's both on and off.
fuck off with your meme
just type out eazy instead. It'll bring about the same butthurt.
a slight nerf to team play, but supposedly doesn't make him any less fun to play. I'm ok with this, my boi can stop ruining the already shitty competitive scene and still be a pub stomping badass.
fuck off I get so fucking triggered when people use that phase for trophies/achievements
I don't understand why people just can't mute match chat. just press P, click on the icon next to match chat. never hear from the opposing team again, and lets them shit talk at the end of games to their heart's desire.
Alteast you aren't playing widow or soldier.
>The indian tech-support character now has a "sit on the toilet" taunt
What do you think the tears of Genji shitters taste like? I bet it's Ramune.
I won't be surprised when they remove all chat alltogether
>Genji nerfed
why not just type ezy or peezy
it's not the same
So are consoles getting the genji nerf? I started playing as him when I got the nihon skin but I rarely ever use his ult because I always die when using it but I'm decent without it.
Why is she taking a shit?
>Nerfing motherfucking Trashrodent and WEWUZ
Are you stupid?
They're both terrible.
whats the point of these
I don't get it
someone show pharah
I only use it when the opponents are salty just to rustle their jimmies even harder
Here are all of the new taunts for anyone that is interested, no audio though
thanks senpai
>squatting Reaper
holy kek genji's ult is shit now
Explain this this to me.
They are multiplying points right?
So if you don't have 300 now, you won't be able to get one with the multiply? Or will they give you more based on your current rank?
symmetra's laugh is the best one, then zarya's's sitting and zenyatta's meditating are best for that category
>no audio though
But there is audio?
Because faggots like you are using it like a taunt. It's retarded. If this was on Sup Forums it's be the type of shit frogposters would say.
Your current CP and the amount you get at the end of the season are being multiplied by 10, along with the cost of gold weapons. Wins in competitive are going to award 10 points in season 2. There will be no change in how many wins it takes. You will get 3 points for a draw.
you will, there's a bug on PTR that gives 10 times less season 1 rewards
Frank, I was just about to post this ad.
Do you still have the Widowmaker gifs from lask press pack? I'll just post that and the esports relevance boilerplate for the 2pm slot.
>genji nerf
it's a start, but not enough desu senpai, I just want that hero gutted.
So, is the new map playable in PTR?
>pharah, symmetra, zarya, zenyatta
easily the fucking best
he fucking got gutted, are you retarded?
he's absolute garbage tier now
i love these faggots who want to balance a game based on their feelings, i bet you also play league
>1000 coin emote for D.Va
fucking hell.
>incredibly small nerf
>absolute garbage tier now
If anything Zenyatta got hit with the nerf bat too hard.
>t. genji main
please no tears this is a place for adults.
The points you get and what have now are multiplied by 10.
But so are reward requirements like Gold weapons
So basically, nothing changed.
t. i have never played genji
t. reddit
daily reminder that you're shit, i never even play genji in comp
>.t weeb who no longer can faceroll
ryuu ga get the fuck outta here
>mccree's ultimate is already useless 90% of times and leaves him hugely vulnerable
> nerfed it even more
yes of all the Bullshit present in the game right now mccree's ult is the problem
t. i'm rank 40
>Watchpoint: Gibraltar
Now to fix how unreliable their wall climbing is literally everywhere is.
It' okay m80 you can still play McRee, I mean you actually have to aim with that character so I'm not sure if you can hack it, but you do have options.
>Dash no longer bypasses junkrat steel trap
>Wall climbing no longer resets double jump
Fuck, now bastion will have an easier time killing me when I'm on top of him lol jk Bastion still gets shit on by genji