They are not even trying anymore

They are not even trying anymore

explain to me why grown men play a game made for 6 year olds

>picture of eggs
>picture of 3 magnets
>pictures of blobs with faces

It's Sand Muk


Pokefags will defend this shit

I know, right! I mean look at this, it's just a fucking rock with a face

You'll figure it out when you grow up.




Because it has little girls to lust over

What's with all the anti Pokemon shills on Sup Forums lately?


What is bad about this?
Looks like a living sandcastle monster. Is that not what this is intended to be?

>sandcastle mimic
Shit taste detected.

Call it sixth sense or whatever, I'm betting James Turner is behind this Ghost type.

The thing is after some time, you run out of animals to pokemonize OP. Still this is a bit lazy. Hopefully the evolution is a Sand Knight who fights with a shovel and has castle shoulders.

I know you're baiting but you don't diss my nigga geodude like that user.

>lmao a rock with a face xDDD
>a pokeball with a face xDDDD
It's the execution that matters rather than just the concept. This sandcastle shit could have worked but it just looks awful.

Quick Sup Forums post you're favorite Pokemon

B-b-but Voltorb and Exeggcute!

Sup Forums is butt blasted that pokemon is making a huge surge again. Going as far to call GO dead even though it has 50+ million players world wide right now.

Never listen to Sup Forums.

I don't get why they didn't just make it Alola Muk.

But there are loads of animals and plants that don't have ones based on them. Like the common complaints about how there is no bottle-nose dolphin Pokémon.

This is the evolution. It's a ground/ghost that evolves from a small mound of wet sand.

>Like the common complaints about how there is no bottle-nose dolphin Pokémon.

There's almost 800 pokemon now, people don't know what there is anymore, because they cherry pick designs.

I bet it gives great oral.

Sometimes it feels like I'm the only person who likes pokemon based off of objects.

Diglett, Muk, Voltorb, Exeggcute, etc. (You). The spade and first evo annoy me though.

>ywn fuck dawn
why even live

GO failed to increase Nintendo stock and carried less momentum than amiibo. 50 million is pathetic compared to Candy Crush's 550 million players. Nintendo still has yet to profit from this game, only making $20 million off of it while they invested $30 million to make it.

Face it, GO is dead and shit.


And there are literally millions of different lifeforms on the planet, as well as other things that could influence something such as Gastly or Wobbuffet and based on things that are not real in the first place, such as Sableye and Dunsparce.

I know there's lots of species not yet done. I meant it more in a way to not end up making clones of your own designs or even worse palette swaps

Eh, that doesn't look so bad honestly. Still would've loved a sand knight. Games need more knights.

The dinosaur bird thing, I don't know it's name.

Literally my mom's "X" is a pretty easy way to make new ones. Maybe just fiddle with the colors or put something elemental like a plant or a flame somewhere on it.


I don't know why, but I actually like the design. Sure it's piss poor in comparison with the golurk line, but sand amalgations are pretty okay. Reminds me of the sand enemies from Link to the Past.

Game Freak ran out of new ideas for Pokemon a long time ago. That's why new gameplay is often based around just adding increasingly stupid new elemental types to old Pokemon.

it'd look better if it had fully white eyes with black dots like muk

Nintendo loaned it's name they should have saw it coming they wouldn't actually make jack shit from it, all the money pouring in goes to Niantic, The Pokemon Company, and Gamefreak long before it will go to Nintendo, that's why Nintendo barely clears 10% with it.

Pokemon GO is Sup Forums cynicism in a nutshell.

You know for certain they ran out of ideas when they wanted to cash in on the trend with the release of Gold and Silver, when they picked out a bunch of Pokemon from the trash bin.

>What if Gloom turned into a slut and lost poison type?
>What if Scyther was a robot?
>What if Slopoke wore the Shellder on its head?

Fuck Gen 2.

Gold,Silver,Crystal however had going for it major mechanic improvements, day night cycles added, kanto region after story, this is why Gen 2 is regarded as the best gen.

>Gimmicks and poor in-game level balancing
Good job, Game Freak.

>fairy types do 1/2x damage to poison and steel but 2x damage to fighting, dragon, and dark
are kids actually supposed to be able to remember this shit?

I taught my nephews some mnemonics, like... You can take out two birds with one stone, but have you ever actually tried to PUNCH a bird?

>if its not gen 1 its garbage!!!!

kill yourself, genwunners have all the excuses ready to justify their nostalgic bland generation but are quick to say others are garbage

It's not that difficult. I knew all the type interactions back when I was a kid.


You do a move and get results. Easy to understand after a while.

For a 90s handheld game on 16 bit it was a major improvement

Also it's pokemon you fucking autistic shit.

>sand castle
>haunted castle
>nice pun name in Japanese
You hate it because you want to hate it.

Gamefreak has never and never will run out of ideas

>Literally just edgy Pinsir

im ready for the weird shit

>not a success
Source other than you dropping the game after a week, my uni has Lures posted 24/7 and people scream when a Venasaue pops up.

and I havent read articles saying its a failure or that it didnt make its money back

Kanto was tacked on because Iwata saved Game Freak's ass. As an added bonus they didn't fix the wild Pokemon's levels and gave the entire game an even worse in-game leveling system.


What's it called?


inb4 "sandhassle"

>sand castle pokemon

that's fucking awesome

I was playing heartgold and kind of annoyed at the lack of ground pokemon

Gen 1 and 2 were full of fuck ups, it's pokemon why do people have to be so autistic when the major fanbase was only an average of 6-8 when the games first came out.

English name unknown yet.
Japanese name is Shirodesuna.


It's also a sandpit/quicksand mimic. It tries to capture pokemon and drag them into a suffocating death so their life force will birth new grudges into the sand, propagating their race.

we don't know the English name yet.

If they aren't trying then I really can't wait to see what they can make when they do.

>you run out of animals to pokemonize
I'll never get this, every gen has animal based, object based and even concept based pokemon.

>Pre-plan my SM party
>Realize half my team is Fire


That Marowak wasn't a fake? cool.


Holy fuck, that thing was a Pokemon?

I thought it was a enemy from some RPG I never heard about or something.

I'm glad I dropped this series after Black and White.

They weren't picked out of the trash. The only reason they weren't included to begin with was because Game Freak literally ran out of room on Red and Blue. The games were horribly optimized and full of workarounds and shortcuts to make up for that, which resulted in them being infamously glitchy.

I'mma nickname mine Vic Viper

Red bucket pokemon when

Now THIS is a goof design.

I love how every single discussion on Pokemon designs act like only gen 1 and the current gen exist.

You can't have any in between.

If you hate the new designs, you be a gen 1 fag.

If you hate gen 1 designs, you must be a current gen fag.

Gens 2, 3, 4, and 5 don't exist.

>Ability: Fill Up
>Water type attacks are nullified until it is full
I'd use it

Bug types consistently have the best designs every gen

Prove me wrong

I'm so naming this thing Gatack and I'm going to use it all the time.

>What's with all the anti Pokemon shills on Sup Forums lately?
Literal newfags don't know that /vp/ isn't a containment board like /mlp/, so they make it their mission to shit up all pokemon threads on Sup Forums because they think its against the rules or something.

People need to realize that /vp/ only exists because pokemon is so popular and /vg/ wasn't a thing at the time.

Moot was actually going to remove /vp/ when he made /vg/, but /vp/ rallied against the decision and proved that it had enough users to stick around as its own board.

Nah, if you mention liking one of these generation, except maybe 2, they call you "gen X baby".

It can be like Shelder. When the bucket meets the shovel it evolves

But that is a true statement.
Even Gen VI had all their megas consistently good.

Could evolve into a mop and bucket combo mon.

Water/Steel type.

Bucket mon = Pailure
Mop and bucket mon = Moppetup

I mean if you want to get technical then I think gen V had the best designs but that gens II and III had the most number of consistently good Pokemon.

In terms of worst gen probably gen IV. Very few good Pokemon at all in that one.

Nope. There are a lot of grass-type natural predators of cubone and marowak on the island, so Cubones and Marowak live in closer proximity and community with each other. As such, the Marowaks have developed a sort of sixth sense when it comes to impending danger to their family or from enemies, which would probably turn it psychic if not for the bone and skull. Furthermore, to fend off grass types, they set their bones ablaze from rubbing it on their skulls.

Plus there's the firetwirler aesthetic that really fits with that hawaiian island aesthetic.

Really? Black and white was what made you go "nope that's enough"?

Apparently Gen 6 doesn't exist either. Thank god.

Say what you will about this gen's mons, but at least they're the first gen to adhere to the theme of the country they're based on. Most of them have some tropical island connection (exotic bugs, dancers, beach related mons, etc.).

>New York Region
>Doronjo, sword fighters, and flying cloud men

>6 year olds
It's E for Everyone, shitcunt.
>implying only children can enjoy video games
Then why are you here? Fuck off.

It's a ghost haunting sand, formed into the shape of a mimic to trick stuff into getting close then smothering them.

When I talk about gen one designs, I'm only talking about the aesthetic. Typically the ideas or implementations behind the pokemon don't actually bother me much, but when you look at generations following gen one, you can see a distinct progression into more solid colours and hard lines with more distinction between them, more vivid colours or a lack of paler colours, and so on.

Gen one still had several stupid ideas and designs, they all do, but its aesthetic sold them to me better. In a lot of cases, I'd say that simpler is better, but I admit that there is such a thing as too simple.

As a result, I'm actually really fond of Gens 2-3 in terms of concepts and designs. I wasn't terribly impressed with Gen 4 and I haven't played since, but I've been keeping an eye on Sun/Moon and I see a lot of shit that I like that I would appreciate shaking up the series a little bit.

It was Diamond and Pearl to be honest, but then they remade Gold and Silver, my favorite Pokemon game, so I had to get that.

And I only played Black and White because they actually did something new.

I liked how it was all new Pokemon, and since they were going to make the evil team pretty much PETA, it got me interested in seeing where the story was going.

Exactly. Gen V had great designs but very few of them had anything to do with the land they were based on.

>There is such a thing as too simple

That's right.

Yes, it's that, it's not like pokemon has a shitty, autistic fanbase with lots of nostalgiafags (see Pokemon GO), it's people who want pokemon threads to stay on /vp/ who make threads here crying about new pokemon and games :^)

I really don't get bewear.
It's literally just a fucking napoleon ice cream sundae in bear form. It's a fucking pill with arms. Its face isn't memorable, there's no details to it, what's its fucking gimmick?

...Is it actually a fucking pill with arms and legs?

>What's its fucking gimmick

It's a "red panda" that hugs you to death. That is its gimmick.

fairies are like guardians who beat evil dark, stop fighting and slay the bad dragons. Meanwhile society is what stops people from believing in fairies meaning poison and steel is super effective on them. If you've ever seen ferngully it's not that difficult to rememer.

>Its face isn't memorable, there's no details to it
Wrong, and I believe that's the point.

I kind of meant the gimmick with its design, but okay.

I guess they took the panda a little too literally.

Its gimmick is that it looks adorable but is actually dangerous. It is supposed to be based on a red panda, but I guess they wanted to go with a more kigurumi look.

It's a mix of a red panda (the general color distribution, Gloomybear (it's cute but fucking dangerous to people like pic related, also it's pink), and a mascot suit (hence the "wear" part of Bewear). It also likes to hug like a teddy bear.