Is the Wii the best console ever?

Is the Wii the best console ever?
Think about it. Despite all the shit games, it had some fucking GOAT games

>Project Zero 2 Remake
>Fatal Frame: Mask of the Lunar Eclipse
>The Last Story
>Pandora's Tower
>Xenoblade Chronicles
>Zack and Wiki: Quest for Barbaros' Treasure
>Twilight Princess
>Skyward Sword
>Mario Galaxy 1 and 2
>No More Heroes 1 and 2
>Resident Evil Umbrella and Darkside Chronicles
>The best version of Resident Evil 4
>House of the Dead 2, 3, and Overkill
>The Conduit
>Metroid Prime 3 and the rest of the Trilogy
>Super Paper Mario
>Sin and Punishment Star Successor
>Donkey Kong Country Returns
>Sonic Colors
>Warioware Smooth Moves
>Rhythm Heaven Fever
>Red Steel 1 and 2
>Muramasa: The Demon Blade
>Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars
>Little King's Story
>Kirby's Epic Yarn and Return to Dreamland
>Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn
>The new Punch Out
>Monster Hunter Tri

What other consoles had that many great games?

>Is the Wii the best console ever?
No, it's literally the console that killed gaming.

only good for a chuckle heh

Even the casuals who made it successful eventually figured out it was literally worthless and fucked off to leave it to rot.

Pretty much every one of those games listed was kinda mediocre. People just praised them because the other two consoles had almost nothing.

>Project Zero 2 was a poor remake
>Fatal Frame was a FNAF-tier spoopy jumpscare simulator
>Last Story and Pandora's Tower were weak JRPGs
>Xenoblade was a cinematic experience
>Zack and Wiki felt like a cheap newgrounds game and had almost no replayability
>Twilight Princess was also a cinematic experience
>Skyward Sword was outright terrible, with even more cinematics than TP
>Brawl was meh, poorly balanced online
>Galaxy games were okay, nothing to write home about
>No More Heroes was overrated
>Resident Evil was another spoopy jumpscare simulator, plus zombies because that genre wasn't already beaten to death
>House of the Dead was a repeat of above
>Conduit was forgettable
>Metroid Prime 3 was a poor installment, but the Trilogy was nice since it had Prime and PRime 2
>Super Paper Mario was a weaker installment that did away with most of the good of TTYD
>sin and Punishment had horrible controls
>MadWorld was too edgy and gory to be considered good. Felt overtly tryhard in catching kids with blood and guts everywhere.
>Donkey Kong was too casual, and lacked any heart since even a toddler could beat the game
>Sonic is sonic
>didn't care too much about the rest

Overall weak console.

>the console that killed gaming.
Elaborate. The way I see it, because it was sub-HD, it was far easier, faster, and cheaper to develop for. That doesn't sound like killing gaming to me. In fact quite the opposite.

The wave of shovelware was indicative of a digital "gold rush" of sorts where many smaller companies could develop and release games in hopes that the large consumer-base would bite. It was great for gaming. Because of the steep graphics hike when going into HD, most of those companies probably jumped ship to the mobile/tablet games market.

What games do you even like then, user? When the Galaxy games are "...nothing to write home about"

I never thought the Galaxy games were bad, but they just felt soulless, and too easy. Plus, everyone clamored about how the planetoid physics were so revolutionary, but Sonic and Ratchet+Clank already beat them to the punch, so I got soured by the overhype it got.

>What games do you even like then, user?
Over the past few years? I'd say these are my top picks.

you just have shit taste

Nah, smartphones killed gaming. The Wii just killed Nintendo.

>if you don't like mandatory gimmick controllers, you have "shit taste"

Okay lad.

Not the best console ever, no. I'd say that honor goes the SNES. So many great, innovative ideas coming from so many different people at once was mind blowing.

>He doesn't know about the NX


Wii was definitely the best console of it's generation, though.

>>Xenoblade was a cinematic experience
Fucking end yourself ACfag. And before you do put your trip back on so I can filter you again.

>Xenoblade was a cinematic experience

A rare ACfag has been spotted.

It literally had no effect on gaming beyond the motion control phase that lasted for one generation. We still get our regular serving of shit like Nu-Male's Sky and Overwatch.

>it's okay for a game to throw 10+ hours of cutscenes and 50+ hours of dialogue and exposition at you
>your only reward for slogging through that nightmare is maybe 40 hours of gameplay

No thank you. When I can get several thousand hours out of games that have less story than your average Mario game, it speaks volumes about how wasteful Monolith Soft is in regards to budgets and time.

>galaxy was too easy
>but shovel knight wasn't


>So many great, innovative ideas
Yeah, I can jive with this. The Wii was an attempt at video game innovation OUTSIDE of the software. The majority of the SNES library had the developers attempt to innovate WITHIN the software, trying new gameplay ideas never before attempted.



I wasn't asking for your opinion. I asked you to kill yourself.

Try playing Skyward Sword without the Wiimote.

my favorite games on the wii was endless ocean and its sequel

good job completely missing my point dingus. you dont have to use motion controls on certain games.

>He thinks that motion controls have gone away

They have now been so ingrained into Nintendo control schemes that hardly anyone notices them anymore. Rusty's Real Deal Baseball, Dream Team, Splatoon, Star Fox Zero... all of which incorporated motion controls in some way, and made the experience that much more engaging. Without, mind you comprising what makes an ordinary controller work so well.

Motion controls are not going away any time soon, I assure you.

To be fair, a significant amount of games allowed for different control methods. Wiimote + Nunchuck, Classic Controller, Gamecube, Wiimote sideways, etc...

Oh right, the NX. The console that has fewer people hyped for it than for the NES Mini.

The Wii sealed Nintendo's fate by scaring away both hardcore players and casual players. Hardcore players were alienated by the immense amount of shovelware and Nintendo's attitude toward game development on the platform. They lost casuals when most of them bought a Wii and Wii Sports, then let it collect dust. All that's left are Nintendo fans, and most of those just bought a 3DS instead of a Wii U.

It was pretty great. Nice and smooth pirating games and stuffing them on a HDD too. I think the only game I payed good money for was MH Tri special edition, mostly because of the controller. I also bought Sin & Punishment because it's a fucken masterpiece.

>implying I'd listen to someone who defended Metroid: Other M as a "good game that utilized motion controls"

Nice try "Cody". Or should I say "Henry".

my relative of dark colored skin
that is some good taste

I'm talking about the industry as a whole. Everyone is focusing on shit like VR now. I get that it's an integral part of Nintendo now, but for Microsoft and Sony it's become an afterthought.

>The Wii sealed Nintendo's fate-

You guys really need to stop damage controlling the Wii. It was a hyper successful console that had a lot of great games. As pointed out by OP here. I especially like how you imply that people grew to dislike the Wii because it had 'bad' games on the console. Everything has bad games.

The only reason people aren't hyped about NX is because we know nothing about it. If BOTW is any indication, it's going to be great.

and you can softmod it and play all these great games for free.

Because they don't know what they're doing.

VR isn't going to be successful.

Definitely one of my favourite consoles. It's also one of the best consoles for emulating flawlessly.

Did I say the Wii wasn't successful? No. No I didn't. It was successful, but in the process, it alienated most of their userbase.

>only reason people aren't hyped about NX is because we know nothing about it
Bullshit, they aren't hyped about it because the Wii U was an absolute fucking mess from start to finish.

>If BOTW is any indication, it's going to be great.
Just like Skyward Sword, huh? Fuck you.

>It alienated their userbase!

How? If that was the case, it would never have been successful in the first place.

>People aren't hyped for NX!

Have you ever left your mom's basement? There are threads on here about it everyday. It's a much more anticipated console than Scorpio or NEO.

>Skyward Sword was bad, meme!

Nice try, but BOTW will likely be the new standard for open world games.

Easy tiger. If anything, the Wii U has me skeptical of the NX.

The Wii U didn't have the same level of quality titles that the Wii had, and probably didn't even have as many as the Gamecube. At least the Gamecube had solid 3rd party games for a little while too.

I hesitate to say Nintendo betrayed the Wii U userbase, but I will definitely say they dropped the ball.

>How? If that was the case, it would never have been successful in the first place.
That doesn't make any sense. People wouldn't have a reason to dislike it until they got one. Most people aren't on Sup Forums.

>Have you ever left your mom's basement? There are threads on here about it everyday.
You ask if I've ever left my mom's basement, then you use threads on Sup Forums as a sign that people are excited about it?

And Skyward Sword was bad. Fuck off. What was that retarded shit you posted last night, again? I remember replying to you then, too.

>How? If that was the case, it would never have been successful in the first place.
It attracted casuals who didn't care about good games, but gimmicks. You can tell what happened when the WiiU came out.

>There are threads on here about it everyday. It's a much more anticipated console than Scorpio or NEO.
I don't anticipate any of them. Consoles were supposed to move away from paying 500 bucks every couple of years. It was a "pick up and play" kind of deal, wasn't it? Doesn't look like it anymore.

>Nice try, but BOTW will likely be the new standard for open world games.
That's what they said for Dragon Age, Fallout, Skyrim, the Witcher, and many others.

I bought a Wii at launch, don't want to sound like one of those "I like mature games for mature gamers like myself", but very few of those games felt like they had substance. Yes, Zelda, Metroid and SSBB were great, but I was waiting half a decade for similar games to show up

>see little king story in the list
Good job user, you had one job and you actually finished it, proud of you.

It's not the best console ever, but top 5 and Nintendo's best console since the SNES. Wii U is their worst console and they trapped Bayonetta and DK on it, hopefully NX is better and backwards compatable.

Not at all.

However I will say this: Better than the n64, much better than the Wii U.

Also you didn't mention Okami and Another Code R. The fuck is wrong with you?

>Another Code R
My bad. Forgot about this one

Honestly, I think I liked the PS2 version more. The PS3 HD version is the definitive version.

Wii pretty much is the NES 2.0 and people don't even realize this.

Cody tends to be overzealous, you'll have to ezcuse him.


>Ace Combat 6
>Akai Katana
>Blue Dragon
>Crackdown 1 and 2
>Cyber Troopers Virtual-On 4
>Dead or Alive 4
>Dead Rising
>Deathsmiles 1 and 2
>DoDonpachi Resurrection and SaiDaiOuJou
>Espgaluda 2
>Fable 2
>Forza Horizon
>Forza Motorsport 2, 3, and 4
>Gears of War 1, 2, and 3
>Ghost Recon - Advanced Warfighter
>Halo 3, ODST, and Reach
>Import Tuner Challenge, last game in the legendary Tokyo Street Racing series
>Infinite Undiscovery
>Lost Oddysey
>Muchi Muchi Pork and Pink Sweets
>Mushihimesama Futari
>Project Gotham Racing 3 and 4
>Project Sylpheed
>Rumble Roses XX
>Saints Row
>Shadow Complex
>Snoopy Flying Ace
>Splosion Man
>Tenchu Z
>The Outfit
>Viva Pinata 1 and 2

+ shitton of multiplats that were unplayable on PS3 and Wii

Xbox 360 won last gen.

>Twilight Princess is a cinematic experience

Fucking what?

It introduced casuals and SJWs to gaming.

I got the Wii for Zelda and barely got any games after launch. The library was disappointing.

>The Conduit

Why are people still clinging to that piece of shit

The wii was shit in principle because so many games had waglan integrated. I don't want to flail my arms when I play vidya

>Wii U can do
>Wii U

Did you not see OP's massive list of great games for Wii?

The 'Wii has no games!' meme is a joke.

Already got introduced on PS2. Well, casuals at least. Nintendo didn't even appease SJWs back then anyway.

Haha yeah I loved The Legend of Zelda: Simon Says

This console killed Nintendo.
It was literally their Kaio-ken that sucked the life force from themselves and the fanbase to the point where they went into a coma.

Nobody will ever recognize the kind of gems the Wii had because they will never gloss over the mountains upon mountains of shovelware on it, unlike the NES, PSX, and PS2 before it.

And now show the game running at its native 10 fps.

what the fuck is Freya Sword?

Pic unrelated, right?

>being able to stunlock enemies by waggling


Twilight Princess was garbage, Super Paper Mario is only fun the first time through, and Red Steel is fucking terrible.

Infamous 1&2
Demon's Souls
Disgaea D2: A Brighter Darkness
Drakengard 3
Echochrome II
Heavenly Sword
Gran Turismo 5&6
Hot Shots Golf: Out of Bounds
Initial D Extreme Stage
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle
LittleBigPlanet 1&2
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn
MotorStorm, Apocalypse,Pacific Rift
Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm
Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch
Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time
Ratchet & Clank Future: Quest for Booty
Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction
Ratchet & Clank: Into the Nexus
Resistance 3
Resistance: Fall of Man
Ryƫ ga Gotoku Kenzan!
Siren: Blood Curse
Tales of Xillia1,2
Tokyo Jungle
Twisted Metal
Yakuza 3
Yakuza 4
Yakuza 5
Yakuza: Dead Souls
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception
Heavy Rain
The Last of Us
God of War III

ps3 was better than both and its not even close

Actually it is running at its native framerate. You have to tweak an additional setting in Dolphin to "OC" the emulated processor to actually improve the frame rate, and that causes a shitton of instability, so I prefer to leave it at stock.
The game's called Zangeki No Reginleiv, the character's name is Freya, and the weapon being used is a sword.
Waggle implies mindlessly flailing the controller around like TP's sword controls, not making specific movements.

Why can't we just all agree that generation was fucking solid for each company?

And that's exactly what's happening. There's no tension or skill required in just targeting your reticule everywhere.

No it's the worst
>Worst controller
>Worst Donkey Kong
>Worst 2D Mario
>Worst 3D Mario
>Worst version of Twilight Princess
>Worst Metroid Prime
>Worst Smash
It's only worth it for Xenoblade and Skyward Sword to be honest.

Unlike Pii U at least it had games

>Better than n64

underage etc. etc.

Actually there is, because bringing the wrong weapon to a fight will get you swarmed and killed. Lock-on bows aren't exactly useful for very many situations in ZNR, just like how multilock missile launchers aren't exactly universally good in EDF.

Nope. First console was a NES, then Genesis, then N64. It is what it is, a console with very, very few games.

user, I'm an idort and I love Drakengard

But you can't use that as an argument point.
>Twisted Metal
>Heavy Rain
Many of these are throwaway titles.
I love my PS3, but you don't need to lie and post the shit titles.

all those games are good quit memeing

Heavy Rain is a mediocre movie.

Kill yourself shit taster

>getting killed in a Nintendo published game

Hah, that'll be the day. The "Nintendo games are hard" meme is one that's been around as long as the "Dark Souls is le hardcore" meme, but sadly neither has ground to stand on aside from their respective /vg/ generals.

Nintendo's philosophy for the past 10 years has been "no challenging games, as that might scare away the children".

>Worst 3D Mario
The argument could be made for the rest of these, but you're bat shit insane if you think Galaxy is the worst 3D mario game.

heavy rain is a fun cinematic experience, its great to fuck around if you are playing it with a group of friends.

Have you ever played an EDF game or are you just plain retarded?

They're average games. Nothing to write home about.

Sin and Punishment was hard.

>Didn't list Trauma Center and Trauma Team
fuck off retard op

It was by far the worst for all three. Are you high?

>there's no way any game could ever pose a challenge if NINTENDO was publishing it!

Did I say it was the best? It was a solid, SOLID, generation.

Look at games like Metroid: Other M or Kirby's Epic Yarn and tell me that they tried to make challenging games.

>one where you literally can't die because that wouldn't be "comfy"
>and another that features a theatre mode that let you skip the gameplay and watch cutscenes

The rest of their library wasn't very difficult, but those games were outright insulting.

It was shit. SHITFEST of a generation.

It is, but not because of what you listed.
>sweet accurate emulators of almost all old consoles
>glourious 240p on analogue output
>on top of that, games from GameCube
It's basically ~5 or more consoles in one, dirt cheap box
>tfw just bought one used, waiting for cables to ship so I can plug it into my old ass crt

>features a theatre mode
You do understand that many games have this element? You do understand you have to complete the game to unlock this mode, right?

So you're looking at small handfuls of games that happen to be relatively easy or devoid of any challenge and then make broad brushstrokes that nothing that gets released with their name on it could possibly be difficult?

stay mad, 7th gen was great

whatever you say.

>You do understand that many games have this element?
Do those other games also have unskippable cutscenes too?

The problem is that they set a trend. THey continued being easymode.

is this you?

>unskippable cutscenes
So now the goalposts have been moved from skippable gameplay (which isn't a thing) to unskippable cutscenes?

I really can't wait for those cables okay?

What goalposts? The point is that the gameplay was such a non-issue to them that they'd rather focus on the story.

It's great because it's dirt cheap, you can mod it and play all the emulators, Gamecube and Wii games imaginable

Pretty neat

>skyward sword
stopped reading

... I recently bought a Wii off ebay, I need some free games now guise