lets have one of these threads again
took me like 20 tries to get a decent score
feels bad getting old
lets have one of these threads again
took me like 20 tries to get a decent score
feels bad getting old
is a high score good or bad?
lower = better
good, collect all the milliseconds to become a time wizard
Felt like I was slow as shit, like a full second of green my eyes could see before my finger could react
youngfag checking in
What do I win?
>Average 208ms
>tfw clicked like 5 times too early in each trial
I hate these reaction tests.
Beat this
show me how average you are Sup Forums
That's easy.
>tried it 15 times now
>still can't get below 300ms
time to die an early death
I had 134 verbal but I didn't know scores averaged out after submitting
I am barely above average
Nah I'm a fucking invalid.
>not testing your reflexes against Mr. Insult
Took me 20 tries to get this
It 23:29 so I'm tired as shit, but still, I feel kinda slow
>tfw starting to feel the effects of growing old
I remember when I could get sub 150 in my teens.
Pic related at 27
>right in the peak
fucking normie motor skills
would a monitor with faster refresh rates make any difference? currently at 60hz
It does say something along those lines below
I spent way too much time on this test. How do I become a faster clicker?
after many tries I can't get below 230 and it felt almost instantaneous so it's probably latency fucking shit
>buy a new monitor
>get 30ms lower avg
I don't even own a gaymer mouse.
Worthless test is worthless.
This shit's way harder to do on a phone. Having to hover over the touchscreen really slows you down.
230ms average. Jesus christ
Fuck off phone poster
I have a crappy IPS panel but I'm no pro-gamer.
Apparently 250 is the median average
>average on the site is 280
My 220 doesn't feel so bad now.
>used to get 180 consistently
>now get 230
Of course I was also playing quake regularly then but still.
it actually is important where you hold your index finger on the mouse
try holding it at the very end where you don't have to apply much force for a click
you guys are fucking cheating or something
should be respected
average of 296
I'm on WiFi, with some Zelotes tier mouse.
So no clue if that's bad or what.
I do know these tests are probably bullshit.
Also fps matters so a 144hz monitor will give you better reaction time
reaction time one isn't that great
memory ones are legit though
Can do better but kinda tired right now desu senpai
I love myself
>tries 1
>average 239
DWM/Compiz/whatever vsync latency
16ms on 60hz
7 on 144hz
>that font rendering
>that time
Do you have a computer from 1999?
Post your age, bitches. For correlation purposes
27 here did 20 tries averaged at 248
Is this a good score?
Damn good
I'm 25 but I don't think my reaction times have declined at all as of yet.
How important do you think reaction time is in video games? Are there any notable top RTS, FPS, fighting game, etc. players with below average reaction times?
Guess my visual memory isn't great. Which makes sense, my mental layout of my hometown is probably about 70% accurate. Sometimes I get lost in games if I'm not paying attention.
Eh sure
2 tries
Could have done better.
phones have display lag
>all these 4 out of 5, 1 out of 5 scores
you guys have worst reflexes than my fucking great grandpa
this is the best i could do on my laggy monitor :/
Pretty sure 300 is still normal.
Average of 252 at age 28.
Despite this I'm still one of the best in close quarters in RO2.
I'm 30 and it's the end of the day and I'm tired as shit. This was based on my first six tries.
You guys just trying to use age as a scapegoat. Only pro gaming I really watch is Street fighter and most of the champs are closer to or even older than 30.
its not, avg human reaction is 250-260, in other words, that guy aint human, he is a goat or worse a dolphin in disguise
First time I tried to train reflexes was for csgo
A few games are enough to understand that every 1ms counts when your enemy jumps trough that small crack on the other side of the map while you are aiming there with a sniper rifle.
my lowest was 230 I think, which is pretty cool since I remember having a much higher result last time I tried, got angry and gave up on it.
I got 241 but my reflexes in online games like CSGO is absolute shit
Feels bad getting old
Holy fuck thanks for the heads-up bro. I hate that these faggots can pretend to be human on the internet.
can you imagine being a human and failing to get at least 260.
>260 average
I'm in for a rude aging process
well this is more of who has the better monitor
Yeah, it must feel disappointing.
I actually feel bad for doing so shit in visual memory
>tfw never got past retard math in high school
now I know why
This is the opposite of autism, right?
Reminder that it doesn't matter.
wow i can memorize a bunch of words and numbers or something
i'm set for life, right?
1st attempt, just woke up, still need to stretch.
Not too shabby.
The problem with this is you can get lucky and pre-click when you think it's about to turn green and get a 40 which lowers your average tons.
Thread is always pointless. Always people who get a lucky early click and post their 5 ms response time like it's the usual.
>inb4 mobile
Fuck you I'm at work
S-shut up, he's doing great and still hasn't stretched. You're just jealous.
Wait, is this a bad thing?
I'm on a toaster laptop.
Not too impressive but I'm stoned, to be fair
>I'm tired
>I'm old
>I'm stoned
>I'm drunk
God, you guys are such pussies to be on an anonymous image board and still feel the need to say u-ur actualy better than this, n-not even trying!
Kill yourselves my men.
I hope it's just the fact I used a touch screen, otherwise I fear I may be literally retarded.
Nah, your device may be more laggy or you may just be one of those people that react slower to simple stimuli. This is not inherently a bad thing as it may indicate that you don't suffer from some of the twitchiness that many millennials do.
Woah now nigger, I got a decent score and I'm 30.
Winter is coming.
Plus I'm on WIRELESS.
I'm alright
Do you not understand what input/visual lag is you fucking retards?
Step up, brainlets.
>he's not in the 100th percentile