>"Leaving now will erase any progress you've made since your last save. Are you sure you want to quit?"
"Leaving now will erase any progress you've made since your last save. Are you sure you want to quit?"
name 0 games that do this
Your job in real life
>save game
>select exit
>"are you sure you want to exit Gameā¢ all unsaved data will be lost"
>Warning, quitting now may ruin your chances later on in the game
Worded poorly, usually it says you'll 'lose any progress' since your last save.
Monster hunter
Oh my god he's the coat hangar
Now what did y'all just call me, pardner?
the delegates dahnald
Sorry but quitting locks you out from the delegates. You must start a new game in 4 years time (Real world time)
Truly hardcore
Mr. Dahnald, I need those delegates
Are there any video games where I can play as a principled conservative?
>play sim city 3000
>impose a flat tax
>city goes to shit
wtf maxis you liberal cocksuckers
I'll tell you... in exchange for those delegates.
Victoria 2. You'll spend the entire game fighting with libshits and commies over your very civilization
Now those are some presidential hands.
>shillary will be elected president
Why even live?
>Save game
>Click "Quit Game"
>Are you sure you want to quit? Unsaved progress will be lost!
>implying having a mentally unstable/brain dead diaper wearing retard for a president wont be amazing
More annoying to me is
>Save game
>"Do you want to save before you quit?"
And I still always save the second time anyway.
The correct answer is Wolfenstein
>its another "americans are awake and shitpost about their shitty politics on a video game board" episode
good night lads
Sup Forums is leaking again
This is an american website.
not anymore bud
There are no nationalities on the internet.
This is an american website, made by an american, and for americans.
Foreigners get out.
Well conservatives did have Reagan so it's only fair.
Run by a China man no less.
which is it??
battlefield, by the way.
lmao you don't even have your own language and you also mutilate your cocks like the jews
this site is run by a japanese now
Maybe you're americans. Maybe you're swedish.
I'll never know because there are no nationalities on the internet.
flag is white now (hehe le FRENCH XD!?!?) cause of uv rays
don't pollute the moon you americunts
>Sup Forums
Tell that to our Nipponese overlord.
>implying they actually put a flag on the moon
How does the bluepill taste user?
>not letting the liberals pass their reforms and get elected
I guess you don't want all those delicious immigrants and the best economic policy in the game.
>brain dead diaper wearer while in office
Yeah his health went south eventually, but he was healthy while he was president
plenty of companies are bought out by china but that doesnt make them chinese
He doesn't look like him at all.
I want all these shitty Sup Forums memes to die desu.
yes it does
>as he posts in english on a computer running an american made operating system
And at this point, English is American and only stockholm syndrome ex-colonials call the two languages "english and american english"
How the fuck do I stop the Republicans from ruining my country? Especially after the civil war everyone is a fucking communist Republican.
Embrace the lazy fairy and embrace the endless immigration.
me tira daqui, seu gordo do caralho
>communist Republican
shoot up a school or something instead of ruining drawing boards about video games with your shitty politics
Is that Adam Jensen?
They're red after all.
Republicans are filthy nigger-loving cucks and probably Mexican too
Just look at him, does he look like he wants to make America a world power?
btw the South shall rise for a first time
H-he's fast!
>All these Sup Forumstards
Sup Forums is dead
What are some games where you can reclaim what's rightfully yours?
What are some games that lets me get some delegates from sheer power?
Monster Hunter
>all these Sup Forumsedditors
slash v slash is dead
>tfw if only we elected Kasich the Devourer we might have avoided a clinton presidency
>he doesn't believe his own media
>he CAN'T believe his own media
Must be a shitty place you're living at, murrilard
>the sane ones never get far
How do we fix this?
I'm serious now Sup Forums.
Is he the Zodiac killer?
Call me easily amused but i'm loving all these Ted edits
N-NANI?! Where'd he go?
Hey kid, how about some Jeb memes?
I heard they are all the rage these days on the computer network!
Please post Jeb memes
Sup Forums has the best memes
>le ted is le zodiac
bluepilled faggots
whether you like trump or not, he is the meme candidate and you should all be shitposting election memes
>getting served by your own mom
damn that's cold
>We live in the universe in which the future president of the United States is posting pepes on his twitter
Feels good man
wtf i hate cruz now
Shillary is posting pepes now?
>implying kasich wasn't backed by Soros too
you don't even have to dig deep you stupid fuck
Or "Tedits", if you will.
Today I learned people actually make Youtube poop of the debates.
what the hell is going on in this thread?