What went wrong?

What went wrong?

Nothing you idiot

No Heavy Lobster

Part of a shitty dead franchise.

Fuck you


This, the only disappointment in an other wise great game.

>More frequent installments than most other Nintendo series
Each to their own on the quality, but come on.


>Not playing Triple Deluxe, Rainbow Curse, or Robobot

What went so right?

Doctor Kirby and Poison Kirby are a little disappointing, other then that it was really good.

you can play with 10 kirbys

Way too short and too easy.
Other than that, it's great and loads of fun.

What went borb

>You can gang rape everything with an army of Kirbys
It's impossible to fuck up

Nothing. It's the best Kirby game in a while and probably the best game I've played that's come out this year so far.


i wasn't able to defeat the final boss as fighter.

I haven't even tried True Arena yet
How hard is it?

The whole game wasn't as extreme as the battleship fight against wish moon. It was a great game but if they had kept the action turned up to max all the way through then it would be GOAT kirby

It's hard if you're impatient.

What happened?

Worst True Arena in the series but otherwise not bad.

cutest girl

Or actual girl?

all 3