Prepare to laugh forever
Prepare to laugh forever
Other urls found in this thread:
>It's real
This is a parody article, right?
>someone was paid for this
>they were likely paid more than you for this
But Sean had a tranny on the team...
Who the fuck reads jezebel game reviews kek
I would have thought it's satirical, even if it was posted on Kotaku, but it's Jezebel
>it's a white nerdy male being offended again
Why are we so self destructive? I honestly think it's linked to white women and their ridiculous demands. In order to become compatible with them, we've had to compromise ourselves
They're not getting paid anymore.
Gawker is ded. D-E-D.
I just
I can't even
So this is the power of a Mexican Intellectual Feminist anti-capitalist blog!
Reminds me of this
Just be glad none of these people will reproduce
Wew lad
I wish I could work a Gawker
It's clearly called No MAN'S Sky.
It's not about men at all.
In my ideal world, clickbait like this would be illegal.
But it's called NO MAN'S Sky. Doesn't that imply it could be women's sky?
thanks user
>Sense of humor
haha no
Are they even trying anymore?
>Writer for Jezebel
>named Bobby Finger
You can't make this shit up.
So you're telling me this is real
>the comments of that article
Honestly I can't laugh. The comments of that article are full of people who take it seriously. It just depresses me more than makes me laugh.
This cannot be unironic. How delusional are these people?
I don't care anymore
>NU males vs SJW
i feel sick writing this
Im starting to believe Sup Forums was right all along
I always mix these cunts up with those childfree extremists.
Someone tell them that the in-game model is locked into male.
Oh my fucking god, I need a fucking bath.
I can smell the stench coming from my asshole.
It's a sour smell. A mix of shit, piss and sweat.
Fucking hell I'm such a disgusting pig
So this is what they call "modern feminism"
Hey OP, you should have used the Homer Simpson "ARE YOU READY. TO LAUGH?"
>why isn't it called no woman's sky
really makes you think...
Sup Forums is always right, people have a hard time accepting it.
just to be clear
"No Man's Sky" is analogous to "No Man's Land" but, you know, in the sky (i.e. space). From wikipedia: [No Man's Land] is land that is unoccupied or is under dispute between parties who leave it unoccupied due to fear or uncertainty.
Holy moley how can you be this much of a numale? How can you be happy with being a smiling nderling to insane internet feminists?
Do these kikes not realise "man" is just shorthand for the human race, do they get offended by phrases like "the folly of man" too?
If they actualy played video games they would know that not having the word "woman" on that boring piece of shit is a blessing
>Literally who wont review literally nothing
Wow it's fucking nothing
>do they get offended
>Call it No Woman's Sky
>No man's sky
>(You are) no man, (but a sissy!)к
>The sky of no man, but a woman or a faggot
>A faggot such as a nu-male
>Nu Male's Sky
Riddle solved!
wtf why isnt it called huwoman kind...?
this is some of the most obvious satire ive ever seen, are you people all seriously this fucking retarded? why am i even asking of course you are to respond to such an obvious bait thread
>inb4 354 replies and 88 images omitted. Click here to view the full text
Comment section is gold, as always.
Suck my fucking dick.
But why isn't THAT called "No Woman's Land"? Even the real world is sexist.
Don't lump us all in with you and your nu male friends please
A reminder that the votes of these people counts just as much as yours, and they are voting for people who will make the feminist dystopia a reality which will pretty much destroy civilization.
retards falling for clickbait
Well they're dying along with Gawker so think of it as the last flailing of a snake after its head is cut off.
>Do these kikes not realise "man" is just shorthand for the human race
Do you realize that modern feminists are literally retarded?
Using logic and common sense doesn't work.
Laugh and move on.
For all that is holy and good in the world laugh and rightfully ridicule the audacity and stupidity for this writer to call himself a journalist. But don't dwell on it, move on, don't give him the kind of exposure he obviously craves.
>Sup Forums says a about the jews
>proven right with Soros leaks
>Talking shit about blacks all day
>proven right with BLM
Im scared
Fuck you
>retard who doesn't play video games refuses to play a video game
more news at 11
Isn't it a satirical way of saying "For videogame coverage, check Kotaku"?
Smash'em, Hulkster
>Gawker is ded. D-E-D.
They were bought by Univision for $130 million.
All of the SJWs are going to get sacked so they can bring in Mexicans to write about Mexicans.
jesus fuck
SJWs and Feminists never fail to disappoint.
There's no one running who would do that though. Even when Bernie Sanders was running he didn't fit that description. They're all just going to vote for Hillary since she's not Donald Trump and they hate Trump
Fuck off
what a bitch
I hate you so much right now
There should be a psych evalutation you need to take to be a parent.
Even if THIS specific image is fake, retarded shit like this happens to kids everywhere and it's fucking stupid.
Yes, these people also use womyn unironically.
bologneseplease to
jonbenet ramsay snow
8/17/16 4:15pm
>I have been watching my boyfriend play it since it came out. It is by far the least boring/annoying game for him to play while I read on the couch. That’s high praise on my girlfriend of a gamer video game review scale.
I've got immunities by the dozen
Here's your (yo u)
>being triggered by a troll article intended specifically to trigger you
Good job, OP.
I know Jezebel is shit but they somehow manage to lower my standarts for them even lower every time
Isn't the term "man" used this way derived from German"mann" or meaning human or something like that?
Fuck this meme
>skyrim in space
dude what
what possible similarities would there be besides
>exploration I guess
I honestly can't even think of a third
Might as well have called it the Dark Souls of spaceship games
It's too bad both sides hate democracy
>the "all i'm reading rn is penis penis penis penis" comments comes from a fat fuck with a disgusting trendy beard
it's like clockwork.
my hate meter is full
how can i hate more, please help
>starting to believe
How much can it possibly take?
>Implying Jezebel writers know what that term means
They'd probably deem the term "No Man's Land" just as offensive. The context in which man is both used in these phrases is referring to mankind in general. Plus "No Woman's Sky" doesn't roll of the tongue as well as "No Man's Sky" This is more likely than not clickbait though, as Gawker is going down fast, with Jezebel being one of their worst preforming websites with its userbase dropping like flies for the past few years now. Clickbait nerd culture bashing is no longer profitable, and they're trying to squeeze as much money out of their sinking life raft as the actual ship, Gawker, sinks in the background.
god damnit
The game is actually named after the Polish death-camp designer Seanusz Nomansky.
>it's written by a man
It's like those articles written by white apologists.
this is some of the most obvious bait ive ever seen, are you people all seriously this fucking retarded? why am i even asking of course you are to respond to such an obvious bait post
>inb4 10 replies
>me after reading some of the comments on that abomination of a site.
isnt it because MAN is a word to describe humans while MEN is a word to describe penis people and WOMAN is a word to describe penis-less people?
It's too late, sorry.
Holy shit! A Nu-male civil war.
Here you go user
Tired of this shitty meme
im fucking done with games man
>will not be reviewing it or even playing it
Those faggots don't know how lucky they are.
>2016 A.D
>using the word troll