That's the kind of thing that makes you laugh when that Sup Forums user claims:"PCs are way better than consoles"

That's the kind of thing that makes you laugh when that Sup Forums user claims:"PCs are way better than consoles"

that amount of shovelware always on the front page should be read as a red flag you know...

go outside
go play some games
go masturbate
go find a new board and see if anything interests you
go read a book
go make some food
go talk to a friend

just don't respond to this like i have


>ps4 cucks in full denial after nier 2 gets a pc release: the thread


thanks user, also remember to sage

Assault horizon is a turd that is not worthy of the name of ace combat, undertale is a good game. I'd say that's enough to warrant these reviews, stop being a fucking retard, OP.

Metal Gear Rising Playing As A Girl

>Assault horizon is a turd that is not worthy of the name of ace combat, undertale is a good game

>That's why I laugh at pc gamers 2.0

Great response, my man. I'm willing to bet you've never even bothered to play undertale, and you just hate it because that's what the hive mind told you to do, am I right?

fuck you , you degenerate piece of sub gamer piece of shit.

That ass combat game is absolutely terrible and so is undertale.

go fuck yourself

>installing MS paint games
>installing and paying for MS paint games


>implying sonycucks aren't trying to damage control every day

It's gotten hilarious

Tell me, user, what games do you enjoy?

this is one of the shit-postiest threads i've seen in a long time

I'll just name one game that beats Fez, Undertale and Gone Homo

- Assault Horizon AH

I've played all those games, cause I don't let Sup Forums or the internet tell me what to think. Gone Home wasn't very good, it was a bit dull, but it was still a pretty interesting story. Fez has a lot more in it than meets the eye, and the puzzles later on are actually quite challenging. Undertale is a great, interesting little game with real heart and soul to it.

AH, on the other hand, takes my beloved ace combat series and shits on it by making it take place in the modern world, forcing shitty dogfighting combat which doesn't work, and making the story generic and shit.

So, judging by the games that you DO like, you have a shit taste. I'm also willing to bet that you never even bothered to pirate the games you complained about, just to formulate your own opinion on things.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with those user scores

>dogfighting combat which doesn't work, and making the story generic and shit.

Sup Forumseogaf

When I say it doesn't work, I mean it isn't fun. The old games already had a dogfighting mode, it was the actual way to play the game, and it was a lot more fun when the game didn't fucking force you into shitty "cinematic" situations.

Also if you think that this game surpasses the stories of 0, 4 or 5 then you've got some brain issues.

I never played and never will play Ace Combat for emotional stories or to watch the cutscene.

You're missing out on quite a lot, user.

>People enjoy a game
>Rate is positively
>People don't enjoy a game/can't get it to run
>Rate is negatively

What's the problem here exactly?

But Undertale is a great game and Ace Combat: Assault Horizon is not the same quality Ace Combat you'd get from 4/5/Zero/6. If it was one of those you might have more of a case, but Assault Horizon?


Apparently you're not allowed to like undertale because reasons


>Undertale is a great game
t. Brianna Georgia Wu


>pretend you like 4,5 and zero to give the impression you played those games and your opinion is relevant

Redditor: The Post

Belkan pls

You can go fuck yourself buddy.


>Assault Horizon
>worse than AC 1,3 and Joint Assault




oh I forgot you like the games based on how emotional they are