Does anyone know of any good survival games with zombies or soimething like that...

Does anyone know of any good survival games with zombies or soimething like that? I'm currently playing state of decay but it is starting to feel repetitive. I need something with building and exploring and killing mobs.

I know it sounds shitty to most people but I'm just craving that kind of game.

I was looking at 7 days to die and H1z! but I'm skeptical about them


Dying Light, the DLC is god tier

This, Dying Light is legitimately a great game on all counts. Other than that, I've heard 7 days to die is pretty good. H1z1 is probably okay, better than Dayz at this point anyways. Don't get dayz whatever you do

Sorry but I've already played through dying light and dead island games, I thought those don't have building in them anyway though?

ZombiU was pretty fun and I've heard good things about the PC port. Not having the second screen gameplay might break the immersion, but the game is still worth playing.

Project Zomboid is good but the Devs are extremely slow to update

Well, if you want building than your choices are pretty limited. I'd go with 7 days to die

Metal Gear Survive

is there any way to just play the dying light DLC without starting a new game in dying light?

i dont have a save file anymore for dying light vanilla playthrough

I want to die.

If I play 7 days to die can I play with ps4 players?

The newest metal gear game is going to be zombies

Op here, it doesn't have to be zombies it can be whatever type of enemy as long as it's mobs just fighting you while you're trying to survive

Minecraft seems about right for you, fucking retard.

7 Days to die is good, better if you got friends to play with.

was wondering this too, anybody know? can't find any solid yes or no's.

no man's sky is a great game that meets all of your requirements and more.

>Look ma I'm fitting in!

Eat a dick you fucking assholes.


State of Decay YOSE. It's not 10/10 but it's addicting and satisfying.