Kara is back!

Kara is back!

>Patch 7.1 - Return to Karazhan
>Karazhan is coming back as a large dungeon, all nine bosses
>Old Karazhan is staying put, you can still go and farm it.
>There will also be a small additional raid between The Emerald Nightmare and The Nighthold that wraps up the Stormheim story.
>Patch 7.1 will also have outdoor content.
>Patch 7.1 is coming to the PTR right after Legion launches!

>Development Priorities
>The top prioirty going forward is a steady stream of content.
>The team is never going to rush an expansion, they will be released when they are done.
>Ensuring there is always content in the live game while working on the expansions is important.
>Raid tiers should last around 4 to 5 months.
>This time around there won't be a content drought.

>The top prioirty going forward is a steady stream of content.
>This time around there won't be a content drought.

Well at least they're admitting they fucked up with WoD.

>There was a period where the team focused on faster expansions, sacrificing things that they shouldn't have. This made the experience worse.
When was it?
4.1? it was pretty good.

>More recycled content
>WoWfags will slurp this regurgitated shit right up and ask for seconds

>>This time around there won't be a content drought.

They've said this every single expansion since Wrath.

>Iconic location with importance
>Clearly recycled because it was done before

So... What? Should they have made ANOTHER random tower of mystical power that held lore relevance that they had to make on the spot?

It's in the books, it is in the games, it is in the movie. It is an iconic location with relevance for what is happening.

chomp chomp womp womp

So, who was the guy who got killed?

looks cool tho, but why would the legion invade karazhan

at least they're recycling good content

remember when they devoted an entire patch in cata to two shitty dungeons nobody liked

>5 man instance

So is Medivh back? And evil again? Seriously, I'm confused.

you get sent there to find information on the pillars of creation from magni who just woke up and tells you azeroth is actually a titan.

Oh boy! Rehash! I can't wait

Haha I read that Marvel comic.

Probably not medivh himself but some kind of echo of medivh aka lingering sargeras power shit

Didn't we deal with that shit in BC? Or hell, what about Khadgar after that Harbingers short he was in?

it contains tons of information about magic and azeroth itself that could be used against its inhabitants
also, karazhan sits atop an intersection of ley lines, so being there would help them abuse the excess power for their own purposes

>karazhan sits atop an intersection of ley lines
Not anymore. Malygos redirected them all to the Nexus


I'll see it when I believe it. Just like neptulon's raid which was cancelled and replaced by trolls

>There will also be a small additional raid between The Emerald Nightmare and The Nighthold that wraps up the Stormheim story

So does this mean The Nighthold wont be releasing until AFTER 7.1? Meaning we have to wait 3 months for it?

What the fuck Blizzard.

>New Quest that shows they moved Dalarn directly over Karazan in order to protect the Eastern Kingdoms
>Karazan gets invaded by demons anyway

Fucking Blizzard writing

I think Nighthold will be unlocked when 7.1 hits. The patch won't take too long, 1 or 2 months probably

Yesterday they released a new quest. There you went to Kharazan with Kadghar, found a book and noped the fuck out because the Legion was invading the tower and Khadgar was closing it down.

I think we will need to regain control of Kharazan again and clear it from the Legion so Khadgar can go back for whatever reason he needs to.

Invaded after the move to Broken Isles, no doubt

Shit, didn't noticed
Well it was 2 months wait from the start but still shame

>Old Karazhan is staying put, you can still go and farm it.


That's not much better. I really hate this time gating they're doing with launch raids because people complete them "too fast."

So, when will we kill Jaina?
Bitch was annoying as fuck since wotlk

Demons go there in the pre-quests you can do right now.

They even attack Dalaran and the quest line just abruptly ends there with them attacking.

Burning Crusade 3.0

we already knew nighthold would take ages

Look at Highmaul -> Foundry

then realize they said the gap between the two was too small and wished highmaul had stuck around longer

logically they're going to do that with this

I did the quest, I saw the demons. What confuses me is that crazy ghost-Medivh-who-may-not-really-be-him-because-look-at-WC3-Medivh apparently messed with Khadgar's magic on the place, and then you have Morose, Karazhan's loyal steward, in the trailer clearing the way for the Legion. Who told him to do that?

both ZA and ZG were good raids and good dungeons

There are too many bad expansions for me to continue to believe in Billiards Entertainment any longer.

I think the second part of that quest unlocks next week. Stupid way to divide it up though.

second part of the quest has nothing to do with karazhan

Yeah it's pretty stupid to be honest

>nine bosses
>large instance
Are they even aware about how lazy they have become?

A tank n spank boss that's just a tougher normal mob like 90% of vanilla "bosses" was barely a boss

>unless it is BRD amount of bosses they are lazy!

I thought we killed Moroes already? How is he back?

>I'll see it when I believe it

Well, he's Undead, right? Uh, because that, yeah.

I am VERY down for Karazhan done with more modern mechanical freedom.
That was always one of the most interesting raids, and to see it done with the current upgraded WoW engine would be great.

Seems early as fuck to announce 7.1 though.

Did you even read the post?






>yfw 7.2 - Return to Ulduar

Remember that time catering to the vocal NEET tryhard minority worked?

Because it never happened and never will.

As much as people bitched about recycling content, Wrath Naxx was extremely successful.

neptulon's raid was replaced by dailies.
get your shit right faggot.

Think bigger, user.

Return to the Trial of the Grand Crusader.

Literally worst raid in the history of wow

>another rehashes
>please comeback we are like BC
wew blizzard really run out of ideas.

>i never ran ToC
>i never ran DS

That's not TotC

>Return to Shadow Labyrinth


>chess event
>with randoms

At least you could die in the trial
And DS worst part was "cinematic experience with thrall shooting down dragon" raid itself and bosses were fine

>literally using BC cover to market your trash game
nu-Blizzard has nothing to do with old-Blizzard can you stop this?

>implying they wont strip that shit down/remove it entirely

Chess Event is kind of fun in an unorthodox way, so the new instance probably won't have it.

The worst part was they didn't even bother to create new models for 3/4s of the bosses.

>catering to the vocal NEET tryhard minority never worked
Well fuck me I guess the playerbase growth from vanilla to wotlk isn't real, then. It's only when they went full ''we want the casual audience'' with cata it plummeted down so fucking hard they refuse to give out numbers anymore.

Maybe, just maybe, it had to do with Cata being the biggest piece of shit Blizzard has ever shat?

>playerbase growth from vanilla to wotlk

Had nothing to do with pandering, but pandering had everything to do with its inevitable decline.

Cata was a shitshow until LFR stabilized sub dropoff.

>Cata being the biggest piece of shit Blizzard has ever shat
What about wotlk?

What is the second part, anyway? I knew about Ulduar and Karazhan, but what's after that but before Legion?

Not even remotely similar.


I don't know, we got pug-killer venoxis in 4.1

maybe we'll get another pug killer in 7.1

Anyone else disappointed to see Varian die 1v5 Felguards?

It's inconsistent as fuck writting. He performed way more impressive feats of strength in the past.

Wrath's problem was being too casual-friendly. It was still lore people cared about (essentially being the finale to WC3), introduced a fun new class, the writing was still generally solid, and didn't feel like they were running out of ideas at the time.

WEW lad
Cata pre LFR/DS patch was based as fuck. all the heroic content was hard. raids were great. outside of uldum leveling was great.

only shit tiers did not like cata pre DS.

wait what class did wrath introduce?

>This time around there won't be a content drought.
As nice as this 7.1 patch is looking, I can't take Blizzard's word on this anymore and I think you're a total retard if you do.

>all the heroic content was hard

No, it wasn't. It just wasn't braindead easy. Once people had sufficient gear it was easy even before the nerf.

It's the same reason vanilla was "hard", we were all in shit-tier gear.


Blizzard can't into writing since wotlk
>Thrall,the guy who was raised fighting on the arenas lost against Garrosh, guy who never hold axe in his hands before
No, no, no
"Bring people and not class" bullshit ruined entire wotlk
At least cata had good raids

Probably Legion.

For a moment I thought wrath was cataclysm, don't ask me why.

Death Knights. They were one of the biggest sellings points of Wrath, being the first heroic class and the first thing to show instancing content for story progression.

This guy has a really nice hat but I'm not sure what it could be made out of to look that way

>Once people had sufficient gear it was easy even before the nerf.
I saw retard in the ds set who died in the grim batol on the first boss
Gear couldn't save braindead retards

>"Bring people and not class" bullshit ruined entire wotlk
>At least cata had good raids

I said nothing about raids at all. I just said the reason why so many people stuck with the game.

It's yellow and black so probably leopard fur

>9 boss dungeon
I feel like this is going to be another Oculus.

Same. I prefer his other hat.

> 9 Boss Five man
Are they at least scaling the place down? Running it will be a pain, with corpserun possibly taking 10 minutes.

New races
>New class
New races
New class
New Class

What will they show in the next expansion Sup Forums

Small group play is far away the best part of an MMO. Raids and large group play in general are horse shit.

Mop was new class and new race

Ogres and Gnolls. Murlocs and Naga. Kobolds and Pygmys.

No, he was attempting to. So far he had only managed to redirect some in Northrend.

Isn't the point that the mid raid is skill/gear wise in middle? Like how Gruul was between Karazhan and Maggy

>Sup Forums

Old kara is still there so the new kara will have new bosses (legion stormed the place if you watch the video)


The closing notice, hopefully.

What? Even most vanilla dungeons dont have nine bosses. BRD is the only one.