What is the worst case of cherry picking seen on Sup Forums?

What is the worst case of cherry picking seen on Sup Forums?

FPS bullshitery.

Especially when having 60 FPS means you have worse performance. You have to sacrifice some component of the game for your shit visual junk noise.

Anything to do with Nintendo, either for or against.

Fanwork depicts X.
Official canon shows X is false, or is undefined.
Retards try to push fanwank as canon.

I don't like cherries.

Also, I should add that I hate western games, if for no other reasons than the fact it promotes this as a feature. People in the year 2116 will look back at our games today and see cheap-looking soap operas.

What, you think it's just Sup Forums that cherry picks? Fuck you, who the hell do you think you are?

Basically any WRPG vs JRPG thread
theres so many horrible games in both genres that you could basically make the equivalent of an ms paint comic by deliberately avoiding any good game

is it the pit user, is that what it is?

Some of the shit surrounding the 970 controversy was just retarded.

>look spiky bargraph ooo scary see how bad it is
>it was watchdogs
>on 4k
>with 8xMSAA
>and the other cards were maxing at 15fps

Maybe he just doesn't cherish them

Basically any thread involving Dark Souls 2, especially in comparison to the other games in the series.
You'll only see the jankiest, ugliest, least polished areas of the game, and webms of bugs that were literally fixed weeks after launch.

Anything dealing with censorship and anime

Anything nintendo


WRPG vs JRPG are cherry picking: the thread

Every single platform war thread.

Western vidya girls vs Japanese vidya girls.

"j"RPG vs "w"RPG case is pretty severe on this. Same with "moe" anime and "mature" anime.

This, a ton of complaints were fixed post launch or in SotFS but you'll never see anyone mention that.

Can you say

git cherry-pick 5ahy7kl9a

The "PS4 has no games" or "PS4 only has one game" fallacy

Anything. Just name it. Sup Forums will cherrypick literally anything at all to make an excuse to shitpost.

>having 60 FPS means you have worse performance
What did he mean by this?

literally anything

Fucking hate that. It doesn't set me of in a fit of rage but it does activate my "Oh shit, I am talking with a retard" mood and I instantly stop replying or responding. Which sadly in internet communication leaves the impression that they have "won".

Pretty much.

I used to sell them for charity and developed an aversion

>PS4 vs PCuck screenshot
>PC image is either a promotional image or taken using an in-game screenshot tool
>Console screenshot is print-screened from a 480p YouTube video


Someone sounds mad. You really think it doesn't go both ways? What an ironic post.


I honestly think F.E.A.R. looks better, but part of the reason is that CSGO's graphics have to be functional first and pretty second.
It has to be bright, high-contrast with easily distinguishable shapes. Playing around with atmospheric lighting and shaders out the ass might hurt that.

How objectively wrong can one person be?

He can't be wrong when he's not making any sense at all.

You mean like Greedo shoting first? SW babbies are the worst.

Sonic gets it a LOT. Sometimes its well deserved, sometimes it's completely unfair, depends on the context of the argument and how constructive the nitpicking is.

Sonic 4 had a bunch of both; green eyes was cherrypicking to the extreme, but the game being designed for momentum physics when the engine didn't have it at all was a fair critique.

New pokemon vs the first gen

Guacamelee told because of 3 fucking meme references in the town level
the game is glorious

>implying there will be anyone left to play video games by then

anti-dark souls 2 guys love to post shit hitbox webms as they ignore ds1 and ds3 has the same shit in them

i dont know FPS that well but isnt CSGO a mulitplayer game first? where as FEAR is a single player game so its no wonder someone would want to look at the world where as in CSGO youre constantly moving and trying to get other players

>Memes are okay and funny when they're in a game I like.
>But when they're in a game I hate, they prove how stupid and reddit/tumblr/facebook/9gag the game is

This is why I hate the Madoka Magica fandom. Everyone refuses to read the prequel manga in the off chance it will interfere with their ships and there are many loud arguments about why it's not canon. The interesting thing is that the prequel manga doesn't even confirm nor deny any ships, but so much yuri is basically built on nothing anyway that it might as well be official in the eyes of the fans anyway. Absolutely ridiculous.

No one thinks that.

All memes in non4chan media is garbage

You'll see people defending memes in a game they like here.
And you'll see those same people stretch the relevance of memes in games they hate, when the things in the game itself spawned those memes, and actually contained no memes

Yuri fans are some of the worst offenders. They'll shitpost threads to death with their baseless ships.

>having 60 FPS means you have worse performance

That one shitpost image complaining about Kirby enemies


>Name X games on Y system that are any good
The same thing happens every time people do this. Every time.

Even if they would like those games they'll call them shit because they are arguing about subjective shit and no one who ever does this would ever admit they were wrong.

>Bloodborne has XYZ flaws
>Take photo

The worst cases of cherry picking happen every time a game gets really big on Sup Forums and there are 15 threads about it. When Overwatch came out people were making up as many excuses as possible to show it was shit. Same with Dark Souls 3 as well. If a game gets too popular, 50% of Sup Forums will say its shit.

East vs West threads and images.

pokemon. like every fucking time.

>I'm a subhuman retard who can't think for himself and has to have everything spelled out by the developers
>Also I'm a lonely neckbeard with no friends because I'm an unfun faggot no one can stomach

Let me guess you're one of the retards who opposed the zelda timeline theory even if it was obvious? Sucks to be dumb huh.