>>Jezebel will not be reviewing—or even playing—No Man’s Sky.
>Jezebel will not be reviewing—or even playing—No Man’s Sky
Wow, there's people on the internet who says dumb shit.
Who cares.
This isn't surprising. given that this shit is real of course.
>it's real
holy shit kek, talk about self-parody
So is this
>females being relevant
>females playing games
Nice jokes
But isn't no man's sky =a woman's sky?
If it was called No Woman's Sky it would be just as 'bad'. Clearly the author is huffing too many gender-politic mental vapors, which must be pretty intoxicating if you've got a certain kind of sickness/stupidity.
I thought the whole feminism thing was about clearing the way for a BIG VARIETY of depictions and roles for women in games/movies/titles/sentences. That way you'd still have stupid hot women who wear nothing at all in combat, but you'd round off the space with some really smart women who look like clowns covered in armor. Everyone (?) would be happy, the end.
But wait, going after little "infractions" like this title is a part of this feminism? It's more like enforcing some tyrannical set of rules rather than producing an actual pile of critical theory (which would have to absorb and incorporate facts and appearances whether they agree with 'muh equal genders' or not). It's typical of weak people to obsess over some set of rules outside of themself like that, and to shove that same expectation onto others. They just have more of a podium for that than ever, thanks to the internet and their sick little readers/listeners.
Also note how it revolves entirely around some utterly specific detail in a games title. These people don't just get obsessed over stuff at this level (something like a 'social identity'), their consciousness barely extends outside of it.
It's been proven as a joke. By the article writer himself. He said they don't review video games, so it's done as a joke. Go check his twatter for proofs.
gawker is being bought by univision
Why would Jezebel review video games anyway? That's what Kotaku is for.
Jesus it's like they're not even trying.
Really fired by neurons up
Man in this case refers to humanity, not men. How can these people be so stupid?
That makes more sense.
>the cuck
>giant black cock
Wow. Gawker literally cucked themselves. Wow. Wow wow wow.
>Bobby Fingers
Fuck it imma start smoking hope i die a lil quicker
oh jeez
That's literally just them trying to be like The Onion but with satire that has a clear bias behind them.
For all the ironic shitposting Sup Forums engages in, it's often forgotten that hipsters DO as a matter of fact, do things ironically. Like listen to shit music, write terrible articles etc. not like they have the talent to do better, but that's their excuse, it's all done in irony.
Your mother will die in her sleep if you reply to the post i'm quoting
It was merely a jest.
the fact that no one could tell does more than anything else to point to the problem.
well that was thrilling
who cares
I don't get what is the joke? Jezebel is a feminist site that complains about that kind of stuff. So it is more self parody to the point of self-awareness.
I'm not defending Jezebel, but that sounds like something the average Sup Forumsirgin would do: neither review or play a game, but give an awful opinion on it anyway.
And we constantly lambaste each other for it. Your point?
From last thread, before butthurt janitors deleted it.
>You literally can't debate or even engage with them in any sense beyond 100% agreeing with everything they say
I have been caught in this trap before. In college-level debates. Where rational and well-explained arguments were originally celebrated, and held as the basic standard of civility and respect between multiple parties.
It's impossible to engage in civil debate about anything now, because the modern method to arguing is either talking loudly over your counterpart, constantly repeating the same point, handwaving away counter-arguments out of a self-asserted sense of authority, or belittling the opponent with irrelevant assertions. The hostility involved with arguing anything with somebody who unironically uses buzzwords as the crux of their defense is incredible, and Western intellectualism is suffering for it because it's difficult to engage in decent conversation about any social subjects without somebody taking it so goddamned personally.
Ya got me there son
>>Don't worry, sisters, I was only pretending to be retarded.
Fuck you
It's poking fun at the people who think they are actually like this (that get's confusing because they sometimes can be).
found the Bobby
>mods removed the thread
>It's a Sup Forums doesn't recognize obvious bait episode
Jesus, people.
>Jokes on you I was just pretending to be stupid.
>hey guys, video games. now that's out of the way FUCKING SJWS
That's why.
>Implying a broken clock isn't right twice a day
I don't even like them, but it's naive to ignore everything because it comes from one source. That's a logical fallacy bud.
except thats satire making fun of the new york times or something that made a section called the beta male or something
Fuck you.
>I was just pretending to be retarded
So Jezebel produced a clickbait article as a parody, lampshading its normal retinue of clickbait articles by lambasting the people who mock their clickbait articles as clickbait bullshit. Am I understanding this right?
If so, this is just as bad as the cuck thing in terms of self-parody. It's like a joke only they can laugh at because they assert there is a deeper level of comedy behind it, when it's really just a superficial fart joke, but they're laughing because they want it to be so. This is the product of people confusing obstinate thinking with intellectualism and sophistication.
I think it's more using "HuMAN" than "MAN" itself.
Why can't Samus be a guy?
>Not knowing Samus is canonically trans
According to Wu
It was an Alien ripoff.
Shit son, Sakamoto tried to do the whole "mother/daughter" thing that Aliens did, but forgot that Ripley didn't turn into a blubbering ruined mess at seeing a Xenomorph again.
>Bobby Finger
Fuck off nu-male cuck.
>not futa
>Sold to Univision
The term Man when in this context usually refers to Mankind as a whole anyway