Other urls found in this thread:


>Make a space shooter game
>Decide to jump back a century for a game mode


But the 80s were the coolest.


That doesn't even strike to me particularly as 80's. More like a mix of 70's, 80's and 90's.

I came here to shit on CoD, not get clinical depression.

>implying the 80s aren't the best era


Sounds cool to me

Im so sick of the incessant nostalgia pandering lately. Ghostbusters 3, Independence Day 2, new Pokemon for le smart phones, Stranger Things, it never ends. Will the 2010's ever have their own fucking identity?

90's skin when?

is IW really still getting DLC?

80s/90s were good

Why did this age become so messed up

CoD Zombies has always been the silliest shit ever. BO3's main zombie setting was 30s-40s yet no one complained.

muh cashierfu

This is the same shit that we heard in the 90's, not that you were alive then. Era's generally only have a recognizable identity in retrospect

Being joyful in a convenience store late at night isn't exclusive to the 80's

the 90's had no characteristics what so ever

Because most of the CoD kiddies are submissive to Treyarch's fat cock.

This looks legit 80s though with the diverse clothing, at least.

Look, at least it isn't the faux overly neon bullshit, people think what the 80s were.

>the 90's had no characteristics what so ever

You literally just posted the 2010s identity with that pic you posted: Vine/Twitter/social media

Nostalgia sells though I can't imagine someone using the 90s as their theme any time in the future

>all that cynical corporate garbage

meanwhile, in a hotline miami thread, a man makes the same post but unironically as he slips into his scorpion jacket

Oh, you mean like the 80s was known for, and on a much larger scale than the 90s?

the ironing

the cultural identity of 196X is flower power vs machine society. absolutely joyful anticipation of completely different perceived futures, on both sides.

the cultural identity of 197X is cautious optimism for the future competing with a bitter awareness of the flaws of the past and present.

the cultural identity of 198X is gross consumerism, a deliberate turn to mindless and meaningless pleasures due to denial of any possibility for a future in any way significantly different from the present.

the cultural identity for 199X is despair. people recognize 80s consumerism as death itself but feel trapped by it. media is obsessively self-loathing and/or turning to even greater extremes of form, becoming grim parodies of the 80s kaleidoscopic vision.

the cultural identity of 200X is overt/unapologetic bushite fascism (forever war, torture, surveillance state) propaganda and mindless baysplosion shit. the little that escapes this formula is all that is actively remembered, and these are mostly continuations of the 90s despair, but with decreasing emphasis on self-destruction and almost a return to the previous extreme 'others' (supernatural and extraterrestrial antagonists).

the cultural identity of 201X is horror.

what's the cultural identity of 202X

>80's references

What's the point? I wasn't even alive in the 80's

because you really, really, liked the movie drive and the word "neo"

White people being nice to spics, that's not how it works.

probably hate.

>COD never changes
>COD tries to do something new with the jetpacks/movement mechanic
>everyone bitches

You can't be pleased. What more do you fucking want?

I'm buying this game just to spite battlefield, deal with it

Battlefield dont give a fuck about you

Clearly battlefield don't give a fuck about the family I had who died at verdun either

>big gulps were 59 cents

What the fuck

When did everyone in the world become stuck up and grumpy? Why can't we all just be friends?

QA for the game here.
I've spent a shit load of time playing, some of it on Zombies.
Ask me about the game.
Yes, the zombies mode is fun. No, it's not annoying, unless you hate the neo-80s trend.
The space dogfights are the best part of the game.
I'll be back in a few.

2001 happened

everything became SUPR SRS FUKKEN BUISNESS GUAISE and no fun was allowed anymore

Says the guy who hang around the Internet, the friendliest place ever...

because faggots like you obsessed with everyone being friends and getting along are fucking boring as hell and you only need to look at reddit for proof

You grew up

Does it have pack a punch?

Huh, yeah, you're right. And for all that 2001 changed, the coming generation will have plenty if people that won't even recognize the date.

I want to fuck the tiger on that shirt

>I don't need friends! Never had 'em and I turned out okay!

>There's something bad about getting along with others.

Not saying you have to kiss peoples asses but when you say stuff like that you look like a spoiled child who doesn't let anyone play with their toys.

Now compare this to the video of them going back to the same 7 Eleven a few years ago.


>Make a 3d zombie shooter set in the late 80's
>Not just making zambonis ate my neighbors too

Wasted opportunity

its hard to feel like things havent gone down hill


Who would have thought an obscure video like that would have a follow up after 39 years.

thanks user, i never knew there was a followup
so much changes but so much stays the same

Yep. It's basically required for solo play past wave 11 or so.

I want his daughter to sit on my face

Does it have gobblegums?

Yes, the 80's were the coolest. However, whatever the fuck OP posted isn't genuine 80's. This is apart of the growing trend of "DUDE LE EPIC 80'S LMAO" also known as OutRun.

>that popped collar

thanks user, I really enjoyed that

Nope. Got a similar feature called Fate and Fortune cards. Bring a couple into a game, fill a passive meter, and use one of them at any time when you fill the meter. Similar effects to gobblegum. Replenish them for the same cost of a Pack a Punch.


Is the map big like Tranzit or smaller?

that's a nice pepe

Feminism and equality happened.


Take on me...

Good times

Honestly, I'm completely unfamiliar with previous Zombies maps, so I couldn't say.
It's almost big enough to get lost in, but not quite. Got a really cool themepark aesthetic, though. Neat little detail- there's a fully licenced soundtrack of 80s songs, and they play on the park speakers. Sometimes, you get an in-game doppler effect, which I thought was tight.

Is the map itself hard or easy peasy?

That's not metal, dude.

Pretty open, not too hard. Perks and most weapons are dangerous at higher levels, because they're out of the way of the routes you can circle through.

Certain areas are more dangerous to go through than others, just by lack of space to move in.

I don't know much about the Easter egg(s?) or the quest (given to you by David Hasselhoff), but those are a lot tougher.

>Why can't they remake good shows like BJ and the Bear?

Thanks man that's some useful info you gave.

Final question: Does it have a xp system like BO3 ?


There's nothing to identify the past several generations, unless you want Operation Iraqi Ruse to identify the early 2000s.

Followed by the Identity/Gender Politics ruse of 2012-2020

Np dude, I'm under serious NDA so I technically could get fired and sued for this shit, but I have a feeling acti's anti leak team doesn't check Sup Forums
>(knocking on wood intensifies)
Yep, there's xp for wave clears and challenges. Keys and crates, too.

>everything became SUPR SRS FUKKEN BUISNESS GUAISE and no fun was allowed anymore

Weird because everyone nowadays does everything "ironically" and is a meme spouting degenerate, people even ironically marry too but don't take anything seriously.

>could've had zombies in space

Ty and relax, this is an anonymous website, they have no rights to ask for your identity

Please tell me the zombies map has a rideable roller coaster

They all seem so happy...Where did it go so wrong, Sup Forums?

Your cultural identity is reddit

its 2:30 am near disney world in the 80s, everyone in that vid is high as fuck on quaaludes

Yeah I'm not panicking, just saying
I'm off WiFi just in case
You're in luck, friendo.
It's more of one of those on rails target shooter things, but it's still a coaster.
There's also a shit load of playable arcade games (mostly stuff from Activision's Atari catalog, but there's typical arcade/carnival stuff too).

Diversity erodes social trust.

Notice anything?

No black people.

It genuinely seemed like half of the people there didn't want to talk to them, kind of like I'd expect today (most people just want to go about their business). I don't know what you guys are seeing.

Damn right

Don't start projecting now. They seemed to act as if they had all the time in the world unlike today where most people are in a rush to do their own shit.

But the big town rush thing exist since the 30's

Today they would have gotten furious because they assume you have the worst intentions. Youtube, etc.

Back then it was some kids making a silly home movie.

I feel like everyone else is projecting, if these guys came up to you and started asking you a million retarded questions about everything you would put on a polite air and saunter toward the door (like most of them did). The only thing is people being amazed by the video camera itself and thinking its a whole news crew when now every fag video tapes everything.

They did a video from 2014 and shit was more or less the same to me, the only true hint there of a terrible change was their kids who cant make eye contact with a camera while playing on their phones and walking at the same time.

Dies the characters have any story or are they just random 80 kids

>all those comments from dads and millennials with rose tinted glasses

holy shit why are you faggots such miserable crybabies?

>implying you aren't

It's still slightly unclear what the actual story is. They got sucked into an 80s b-movie (dunno if that's actually who they are or not) but they're super over the top archetypes: jock/valley girl/rapper/nerd.
It's entertaining, unless you really genuinely don't like the neo-80s stuff that's gotten popular recently.

Nowadays a woman wouldn't flaunt their endowments on camera. They'd sue you for recording them and start a patreon to live off monthly wages accumulated by nucucks.

What the fuck has happened to this world


I was born in the wrong time

I am saying this unironically too


Fuck, came here to post that, but got too distraced with that seven eleven video