>post that game you think you're good at
>other anons prove you wrong with a challenge for your next playthrough
How tough are ya
Self-Imposed Challenge Thread
Killer is dead
I'm pretty good at Alice: Madness returns.
I don't know why but every time I play a shooter I NEVER throw away the weapon you start with. Unless the game tells me to pick up something different I will keep the two guns I start with and attempt to keep it until the end.
C&C: Generals
come at me you fucking faggots
I think I'm pretty good at mainline Kirby games.
Bring it niggers
Don't use any copy abilities unless the game forces you to seems to be the obvious thing here.
FTL and Xcom EW.
Do your worst.
beat pikmin 2 without ever using purple pikmin
finish the game without bying anything, you can only use what you find in the random events
Go 7v1 on max difficulty against all superweapons general as toxin general and win
9 Day Run faggot.
Wonderful 101.
Fite me I've unlock Bayo.
Smash 3ds
Play through the game without masturbating
fuck, im gonna try it
Beat it while holding the DS upside-down
I'm fucking great at Star Wars Battlefront II
Give me a challenge
You fucking monster.
Good luck
I'll give it a try.
Purposely lose 1 stock at the start of the battle
Max difficulty with the character you played the least time with
Dota 2
I'm not particularly good at any game but my favourite is Fire Emblem Thracia 776 and I'd appreciate suggestions for challenge runs.
I'm the best at Fatal Frame, I know the location of all the ghosts from the first three games.
I can exorcise any ghost no matter how hard in matter of seconds.
Probably not many cntenders for this game in this board so basically I win.
Fire Emblem Fates
Fuck my shit up Sup Forums
Nice. I'll give it a go.
All easy feeding bots on your team, all unfair bots on their team, win the game as crystal maiden
Half Life 2
come at me fagets
Gunstar Heroes
F-zero X/GX
play it blindfolded
Sleep Kirby only. No damage.
I was expecting something like get 8k mmr but sure i'll go try that
Mount and Blade Warband.
Also this is a fucking awesome idea for a thread.
Conquest Classic Insane Solo Corrin
Not too hard but it should keep you busy a while
Final fantasy tactics
Long War
Pistol Only
play as a woman
you can't partecipate in offensive or defensive siege
you can only use a bow
max 10 soldiers
Only played the game once but...
>no dodge rolling.
xcom ew
max 4 soldiers for missions
Let's 'ave it, lads.
Long war is such a shit mod
Dark Souls
melee only
use only knife on master difficulty :^)
Ninja Gaiden 2 on master ninja.
Come at me faggots.
Pure Plat mission 003 with hammer. No Rodin allowed
Beat the game with only squires with the exception of Ramza, he has to be a white mage.
No hit run. All of you. Do a no hit run. There's your challenge.
And do what? Beat the game? You don't need to kill anything to do that.
>play as a woman
Ok fine
>you can only use a bow
Again, this is viable
>max 10 soldiers
Practically an impossibility to beat the game like this
>you can't partecipate in offensive or defensive siege
Now thats just silly
Come now, be realistic
Bloodborne. I've done a SL4 run already.
no armor and starter weapon
no camo and eliminate/knock out every enemy
I can try classic like this.
Got first second try. Guy sds for me after though. Second i dont play 90% of the roster bar mac and super heavies. Choose someone for me.
Do a no hit run using only the slowest attacks.
>Gunstar Heroes
Use only melee attacks to defeat enemies, whenever you can.
Also no weapon combinations, ever.
>Solo Corrin
That just makes it tedious.
Just do a standard conquest playthrough if you haven't already, i.e. lunatic ironman with no bonus/online stuff.
No levelling and skip the estus flask. Ban pyromancy and elemental weapons if that's not enough.
Beat it in 45 minutes or less. speedrun strats go.
Victoria 2
Fable. Come at me.
currently n°1 world wide on age of mythlogy
try to challenge me
No rolls
No full phys def shield.
Gun star
>whole run with only one upgrade type
gp serbia with no liquor factories
no restarts
Which one playstation o GBA??
If it is playstation I can easily wreck shit and your shit with my monk squad.
What's the WR? I'm playing on the most current version. My fastest time is an hour thirty.
We talkin' R2 almost exclusively or just using the slowest weapons possible and attacking with them.
>no rolls
now, you are bullshitting nigga.
Yellow shirt female Wii fit trainer
I'm damn fine at Dead Rising 2
Ha, jokes on you I play HPM
Just Cause 3
is anything even possible?
Crash Team Racing
>playing the meme mod
good man
Slowest weapons possible, R2 attacks only.
Diablo 2
No using the wing suit or the grapple to get around and you can't use any missile based weapons to destroy bases
Kid icarus uprising
It is too easy with rolls
H-here goes nothing
Master difficulty
No crosshair
No looting allowed unless dead bodies have key items
Strelok Must Die Edition:you only have 5 retries
Good luck. You'll need it ad much as I did
Freedom fighters
Oh crap. Right just got your first challenge legit just there as mac. Gonna try classic now.
WR are:
Rank ------Player- Real time---Patch
1st | muzi_nasu | 31m 56s | 22m 11s
2nd | maruyosan | 26m 03s | 22m 13s
Shoot only when u stand still.
Paper Mario TTYD
any mario/zelda game
Shovel Knight
Bet those niggas got lucky with Rom. I'm down with that 45 minute idea.
>melee only
Isn't this impossible, since you need to kill some of the gunships with the RPG? unless you exploit
No VATS, Partners, weapon mods, or fast travel
Not possible.
For example if you leave Smough for last his AoE attack will hit you unless you roll, and he does that attack errytime you're near so no time to run away.
I expect to see you post about your victory in 45 minutes or less if the thread is still up.
This game. Just about to start a new playthrough.
No Badges, Goombella only
can't you time it with a sprint?
Even so he didnt say its a no hit run just no dodge or block
U can use bows :^)
Don't use items
Boost FP only
No partner upgrades