What is your greatest vidya accomplishment?

What is your greatest vidya accomplishment?

I'll start:
Beat Dark Souls without summoning

Anyone can fucking do that. It's called not being stupid.

Thats a shitty acconplishment OP. Kill yourself.

I did the Solaris VII Grand Championship in Mechwarrior IV:Mercs in a light mech.

I used the Jenner IIC with Inner Sphere weapons

I guess, going to plat the soulsborne games I'm 3/5 can't really think of anything else exciting atm

play agarest on hard without guide

I did that only because I did my playthrough when the servers were fucked. Didnt even have help messages in my playthrough

organized and scheduled a full 40 man mc/bwl/aq/naxx raid during vanilla, also server first boss kill on horde side.

I beat F-Zero X 100%.
Didn't play much of GX though, not sure how that one comapres.

i'm kind of autistic so i do a lot of challenge runs of games that i enjoyed but the biggest one was definitely hitting 5k in dota 2, took me ~5500 hours but was worth every second

i also beat hitman blood money on professional and got silent assassin on every mission without using any disguises. did it only a few months after the game released when people were starting to do suit only runs but i managed to do the whole game without any guidance after goofing around with saves on rookie for some time. i wrote one of the first walkthroughs for it on i think it was gamefaqs, not sure if it's still up and don't really care enough to check but it was pretty popular last time i used that site.

i also did a semi-knife only run of RE4 after it was released on steam, some parts of the game are impossible to finish without some type of firearm but i used just the knife where ever it was possible and had a ton of fun

I can't think of many, but one that's certainly up there is beating Call of Duty World at War on veteran with a controller

Hands down one of the most bullshit things I've ever beaten

I beat dark souls during the PS3 release week when everything was hard mode

Either iron manned every single Super Meat Boy world, or SS-ing every level of Dustforce DX.

I stopped playing them

Best halo odst on legendary with all skulls enabled

Probably rank ~230 2s in Warcraft 3.

I managed to suffer through Castlevania 64 for more than one level.

I can't remember if I beat C64.
I think I rented it when it first came out, and it was the only game I hadn't played to death, so I just powered through it.

It's not any harder with controller since it's almost all about tactics rather than twitch aiming. I mean you're spending 80% of your time stationary in cover.

I made a game. It's on Steam.

Other than that, I don't know. I platinumed the Jak & Daxter trilogy.

I took American Samoa to the championship.

Beat Thief 1, 2 and 3 on expert difficulties.

I was unable to stomach the new Thief, though.

I shitpost about games I've never played before

I beat the first spectrobes game without using the spectrobes

Won a game of Overwatch with my eyes closed

This. I've beaten every cod on Veteran, and the only difference is enemy accuracy and bullet damage. Shit gets trivial when you utilize cover in the right ways. Its almost like real life. Crazy right?

My first platinum was Tales of Xillia 2

I've never done anything worth even mentioning

I had the any% wr in tomb raider 2 for a few months

Beat MGS4 on the boss extreme difficulty in under 5 hours without: dying, using items, killing anyone or being spotted by anyone.

I don't know, maybe beating Abyss in Star Wars Racer with an non-upgraded Podracer.

I can't really think of anything, but I guess playing Spider-Man Shattered Dimensions from 0% to 100% on only hard mode in a single night counts.

Oh, does beating Monsoon with no damage on Revengeance count? I have the trophy to prove it.

I lost my virginity :^)

Beat Ghosts 'n' Goblins on emulator without save states. Both playthroughs. Took me all night when I should've been studying for an exam. Fuck that game.

Disgaea 3: Absence of Justice platinum. I'm close to platinuming Disgaea 4 for about a year as well, but I don't have the time to do it yet.

Also beating Double God Hand Gene in God Hand

I am Alexander the Great

I tried to beat this shit just because I saw that dumb Arino playing it.
Needles to say I didn't beat it.

off the top of my head i beat RAY and Liquid Ocelot on The Boss Extreme without taking a single hit of damage on both fights

Totally analyzing dishonored's combat system and finding at least 2 dozens of gameplay enhancing tricks and glitches.
No one cares because the fanbase are "muh ghost runs" retards and action game fans think the game is casual as fuck

I S ranked metal gear rising on revengence

I know it's not that hard of a game but the shitty parry system made it hard as fuck for me

Fuck mate put that shit on a resume, if you can do that you can easily manage any ammount of people on a worksite

Beat Max Payne 3 on hardest difficulty.

Completed hitman 1 without buying anything, only with knife, all missions (including first one) when I was 9.

Even wrote a shitty guide about how to do it on a website that doesn't exist anymore

WC in EUIV multiplayer game

Took a castle early beta mount and blade demo, If you lvled up to or beyond lvl 5 in the demo it was instant game over. Took the castle at lvl 4,
> Black knights
> No weapon
> 4 Shields

Beating Battletoads

>wrote a guide

You are a good man.

Finished Far Cry one on hardest difficulty
>Took a whole day (24 hours) to complete the 2 minute car part

During the first month on vanilla wow I had the hugest guild on my server
>Boys In Green

Me and my buddy got the top score at the local arcade for House of the Dead 3
>That fucking sloth
Spent so many quarters on that fucker growing up.

80,000 burnt fish collected
sold 100,000 raw lobsters for 5ea

I won a copy of Left For Dead 2 because I beat everyone else at a survival competition at video game store in the city, first try

I won a cs:go lan tourny about 2 years ago. We won $50 each. Rank 13 warlord on vanilla wow comes close. I also sold my account on Nostalrius for $400 about 6 weeks before the shutdown.

Beating CoD 4 on veteran on Xbox 360 is a comparable achievment for me.
That mile high mission literally came down to muscle memory at one point. Such fucking bullshit

Ranked 666 in pacman championship edition

meh, it's not that hard

I did it back in '09 or whenever I got that game

that's beating the game normally
dumb frogposter

Beat the San Andreas RC plane mission first attempt, on a ThinkPad with clitmouse

you're pretty good

Beat Dead Space 2 on hardcore mode

sad thing dark souls is a shit game

Can beat consistently F-Zero GX Story Mode on Very Hard in under an hour.

beat Stalker SoC on master, vanilla with no quicksaves. thinking of doing an AK only run next. not that impressive an achievement but it's all I have

>tfw beating ZoA mod when it bugged out the Day/Night cycle to be perma night

I can top that, try veteran campaign with Sticks and Stones and No Hud cards on

I also beat CoD4 on veteran.
Asides from Mile High Club (which was easily the worst out of the two games), it's not all that hard.
I remember only struggling with certain parts of the village defense part and the countdown timer rush, specifically in the nuclear silo room.

it's still arguably harder to aim with a controller than a mouse.
I'm sure if I replayed it now on PC I would have a much easier time picking off enemies

Took a stock off of Armadas Peach in tournament pools.

Level 6 made me want to blow my brains out multiple times. But I had to keep going.

I've also gotten to the second play through final boss on Super Ghouls'n Ghosts, but I cant beat that shit because you have to use the stupid fucking bracelet. And you have limited lives of you don't accumulate enough points.

congrats, how do you like ZoA? recently installed amk + autumn aurora. dropped about 60 hours on vanilla and now looking at trying new stuff out

SL1 boxer run in dark souls.

Stormbringer achievement in MGR.

Über run in Ocarina of Time.

Beat majoras mask in 1.5 in-game days, though that was with glitches and save states. Really wanna try an actual 3 day run.

>tfw you will never be as good with peach as Armada

Honestly, I would've tried that too, but I fucking hate Iron. So fucking stupid.

Beat Pokemon Heart Gold only using a Ditto

plutonia on nightmare. nuff said.

I beat a metroid style castlevania game without going on the map screen

Complete l4d2 The Bridge on expert realism with 3 other pubs without anyone dying.

I don't think its even possible to do that nowadays with pubs.

Won a sfv and umvc3 tournament a few months back

I 1CC'd Metal Slug 3.


>Dark Souls Soul Level 1
>Beat Dark souls in one sitting
>Beat Patapon in one sitting Twice
>Spelunky Hell run
>Solo'd the entirety of G-rank in Monster hunter Freedom Unite
>Beat Pokemon Ruby with only 2 Pokemon

Yet I still haven't finished a nuzlocke

Beating dmc 3 in Dante must die as the first run in a save slot.

I was in the top 25 in the world at Bubble Bobble Plus.

Top 200 here. Nice work!