As someone who only buys PS4 games that are not also on PC or Xbox One, I'm disappointed by this...

As someone who only buys PS4 games that are not also on PC or Xbox One, I'm disappointed by this. I'm not going to give my reasons, but I'm very much anti-mulitplatform. I'll be crossing this game off my "to buy" list.

Thank goodness for Bloodborne, Uncharted 4 and Ratchet and Clank, at least. Looking forward to The Last Guardian. Curious about Nioh, Gravity Rush 2 and Dreams.

>Letting muh platform get in the way of buying good games, especially when it's now on more platforms

You're really petty tbqh

>As someone who only buys PS4 games that are not also on PC or Xbox One, I'm disappointed by this.

Do the same. I just buy them for ten off the internet later so the devs and publishers do not get my money.

>I'm not going to give my reasons

>there is now massive shitposting around yoko taro's dream sequel

Please stop

Your reasons are quite clear, you're a faggot.

Even before the PC port was confirmed, every thread would have one or two guys come in and say "It's shit because it's not on PC"

>As someone who only buys PS4 games that are not also on PC or Xbox One

Stopped reading there
What kind of retard has such a policy for games?

>this qt actually looks good

Fuck you OP

not surprising its on pc considering weeb games don't sell that well even on ps4 be happy its isn't on xbone

>every thread would have one or two guys come in and say "will wait for the PC version"

Right? Taro deserves better than this

I must be mistaking Yakuza and Nier threads now.
At least Nier had a ghost of a chance of getting on PC, especially after that one guy said it's a possibility.

Why do people browse neogaf if they hate it, just to post their garbage here? Nintendo fans are strange.

So what do you do when a game comes out on a console, then gets a surprise port to something else? Do you destroy your game in anger?


another falseflag pcuck mobileposter
sage and reported

You know this is a copy/paste from NeoGaf, right?

Also fuck you OP, this coming from a Sony fan.

Kek sonycucks mad at getting cucked. What else is new

ironic shitposting is still shitposting

I only feel this way about collecting physical games.

As soon as a PC version is announced I no longer feel compelled to buy a physical version ever because it's always going to be available in some form or another.

Still, doesn't mean I'm anti multiplatform or angry with ports.

He sobs in shame.

As someone who have both PS4 and PC I don't give a fuck.


reminds me of that one jap who broke his tales game in half when he found out that it was coming to playstation

>it's a console war thread

Oh, why is this bait thread still up?

Report and move on, seriously.

