NEET Thread

Due to unexpected circumstances I am now going to be living the NEET life. I am technically still employed but am on leave for possibly the next 8-12 months.

The only issue i have is what the fuck do other people do? It is only the 3rd week maybe and I already am bored with every game I own or can think about pirating.

Money is now issue as my wife works and I am receiving ObamaBux

PC PS4 Master Race

How do people live like this for an extended period of time? Is it just a gradual slide or what? Can I not see it because I'm a relative normy?

Please help me!

Do something you always wish you could do or learn.

I'm learning Japanese with all my free time.

Money is NOT an issue.

I get depressed as shit whenever something happens to leave me unemployed / out of school for a time.

I recommend workout out. If you hit the gym 3-5 times a week your state of mind will stay healthy.

Picture related?

"I don't have a job." is not video games.

Pick a skill to learn.


>implying neet isn't Sup Forums culture

I want Neo-Sup Forums to leave

>Sup Forums culture
>call someone else "Neo/v/"


No faggot just use Anki, Tae kim and read once you get far enough in all 3 of kanji, vocab, and grammar.

>Having a wife
mine died

I'm sorry user...
What video games did you play to get over it

NEETs should be forced to do community service if they aren't working

I don't want my tax dollars going to lazy pieces of shit

>It is only the 3rd week maybe and I already am bored with every game I own or can think about pirating.
you're not thinking hard enough

Live the life. Learn all the skills you want, apply your current/new skills to projects. Doesn't have to be fancy shit. Git gud at a game. Teach other people how to git gud. Finisht that fucking backlog.

Or you could teach yourself to walk in a new way, learn to sing and control your voice, practice banter and jokes. Learn to express yourself in ways that are easily understood by most, and how different people understand things in different ways. People, especially us fuckers, often neglect the impact that words, eloquence and non-verbal shit has on the way people perceive, understand and like us.

This isn't some learn to speak fancy shit that /r9k/-fucks will take pride in. Speaking clearly with a level of complexity appropriate to the audience is the mark of a great speaker, not their vocabulary score.

Also, take time to see your family and friends. I don't mean to just hang out with them. Be there for them, ask them how they're doing and what they're up to. Offer to help them with stuff, cook together, paint together, renovate together. If you've ever had a bad day, a bad week or year, if you've ever been in the dumps... Let's face it, we're pretty much all in the dumps, we just get used to the gray after a bit. You know that all it takes to make shit colorful and alive is a drive to do fun and interesting shit. To go beyond what you thought you were capable of, be a protagonist in your own life.

Above all, I'd say, take risks, calculate them, make mistakes, and learn to deal with them calmly to bring the situation back to your favor.

Godspeed, user, you're living the dream.

Splice in some mangu, comedy TV, animu, take up Warhammer or something if money is no issue. You should be able to get at least 10 hours vidya satifaction for every two hours of the above.

>my wife
make yourself useful around the house and get in extra good shape so that you can stay on her good side, you loser

Thank you slave for funding my tendie diet

I used to be a neet but I never asked for government handouts.

Is your wife hot or not?

>there are people on Sup Forums who aren't NEETs

this place has gone to shit i tell you what

>go to sleep as soon as im home
>wake up at 2 in the morning
>work on game till i have to go to work

It's a great life

You sound very clever. I wish I had a friend like you.

My neetbux are coming from disability inssurance that I paid into.




>being a jobless uneducated piece of shit is a good thing

Thus creating a situation where people won't be hired for normal wages anymore because you can just get slaves. Great solution.


She and I keep the house spotless and unfortunately we don't have a yard to tend to.

You just kind of go mildly insane to deal with it after a while.

Although, your neet life does not sound very neet, with a wife and money. Then it should'nt be so bad.

I lived the hardcore neet life with zero funds, zero friends, zero reason to ever go outside for about 3 years. I am still dealing with the negative effects of that time, both mental and physical. Wouldn't recommend.

>have no real life
>no friends
>no girlfriend
so you had pretty nice life guys ;)
at least you had your anime cartoons xD

>I am technically still employed but am on leave for possibly the next 8-12 months.
Is it medical leave? If not, get another temporary job that's more relaxed and enjoy extra dosh.

it's a phase.
you think there's no way out of it, but there always is.

Get a hobby or make a blog since you have nothing to lose

>or make a blog
He already did that and it's shit.

Be that friend, teach people how to be that friend. You'll find yourself in good company eventually.

One comforting thing you need to understand is that nobody really tries and nobody gives a fuck, because they think nobody really tries and nobody gives a fuck. The fact that you try your best everyday means you're already performing above 90% of the fucking population. I'm not talking about that bullshit about intentions being the only thing that really matter, I mean really try, put a lot of effort into it. Analyze what you did wrong, correct your course, improve, learn. Gott ahave a real positive attitude, not just a positive outlook on life. Shit's cool? See it as cool. Shit sucks? Make it not suck, make it better. Don't ignore the fact it sucks, that's what we do to cope with everything being gray and lifeless.

The "just do it" attitude is how shitty stars and youtubers and such manage to be known and popular, they actually try and put effort into it, despite being shitty. That technically makes them better than most of the population that just doesn't do shit. So just go out there and do shit, look dumb, look like an ass, and get better.

Find a job that you can do while in front of the computer at home. Enjoy more money.

Also, a lot of people would kill for such a deal. You have shitloads of free time to learn stuff and express creativity. On top of that, you are being paid. Make the most of it.

Expand your porn collection during the day

Where do you neets get your money? I dont understand where the money comes from? Assuming you arent being a burden on your parents?


i literally stayed in education so i could avoid work, now i'm living the neetlife

>Lost job and became NEET
I fucking hated it. I hated not having any money.

>be me
>Receive food stamps from the guvmint
>Use them to buy boxes of candy
>Sell those candy bars at the mall, etc.
>tfw the government is literally giving me free candy and money
>Spend that money on vidya
It's a good feeling, lads

Parents both work, I have 2 younger siblings in education

Haven't been to school since I was 14, neet for 7 years

I never go out and mostly use internet during the day and don't eat much, I'm underweight.

I play vidya on a hacked 3ds/ps3/pirate on my laptop

Ok, do you have Garry's mod? Because I could plug you with a server that is very time consuming and isn't a shitty Dark RP

If you ever heard of the Frostburnt Foundation, then you know about it. The game mode is a fallout game on Garry's mod, we're one of the more successful servers around. There's an actual sense of completion in the game and you work hard for your stuff

Here's the IP adress

Specifically regarding video games, try some non-casual games. I.E. start going to /vg/ instead of Sup Forums. Racing sims (PC, not console trash) StarCraft 2 or CS:GO will all take at least 6 months of daily playing before you're even average

>free time
Use it wisely time is the one investment you don't get back. I recommend you workout nothing wrong in doing something good for yourself.

post them pics buddy

Then there's zero incentive to get them employed, user.
And no one gets paid to do those jobs anymore because they can just force people to do them without pay.

Man, sometimes I wish I were a fucking NEET. Do you really get my tax dollars? Asshole. I lose about $200 biweekly for your bullshit among other things. Still, I hate my job, I hate the people around me, I'm being literally crushed under the weight of wealthhy people thinking that I've committed some horrible atrocity and wanting to punish me for it with their lavish amounts of money. I stay employed because it annoys the elitist of the elite. Is that retarded? I find it amusing. It probably is retarded in the long run, but for now, they accused me of something for which I am innocent, with no fair trial, just vigilante justice dished out with the endless funds at hand, and I fire back by remaining employed in their company despite their best attempts to threaten, goad, coax, and inconvenience me out of a job.

Am I fighting the good fight? They want to paint me an unstable bipolar. If they succeed, I'll have no credibility. If I succeed, I'll win possible millions in a lawsuit for employment fraud and criminal harassment. The latter being much more difficult to prove.

IS IT WORTH IT Sup Forums?

I'm pitted against immeasurable odds and more money than you'll ever have.

I've already decided, but I'm wondering your opinions.

Do the stuff you couldn't do while wageslaving.

That's vague.

are you sure you're innocent

>TFW I have to physically restrain myself so I don't run away when someone comes within 20 feet of me.
It's for the best that I stay inside, I guess.

This is my issue with the NEET life. I'd be fine if my computer weren't so shit, though.

>get $641 in SSI every month
>get another $300 in food stamps
>live in a closed/gated community in Atlanta, GA, alone
>don't have to pay taxes on house, including power, utilities, etc
>recently got Google Fiber installed
>pay barely $100 from Amazon Pantry to send me things do I barely have to leave the house.
>have shit stocked up for months
>neighbors are nosey and are always curious "about that one house that has no car but has lights on".
>not a social person so stick to myself a lot
>invite women over from Craigslist to cuddle, talk, and let me suck their tits
>fucked a soccermom a few years ago. 90% sure she's pregnant but doesn't want to get divorced so she claims the kid is hers.
>spend most days playing games, or writing
>would love to write a book but I feel that by writing a book I'm putting myself out there and I'm just being judged harshly.

what the fuck

anyway games are cheap as fuck
i work like 2-3 days a week doing yardwork, half my PS4 games are in my backlog

it's ez shit

>30$ for borderlands 2 + TPS
>20$ for infamous: second son
>20$ for bloodborne
>20$ for metro redux
>20$ for FFX / X-2 remastered

or just buy an mp game like destiny and spend a few hundred hours on it
i bought battleborn for 40$ plus the season pass and have 60 hours in it so far, good shit and decent matchmaking times on PS4

There are literally no neets on Sup Forums or anywhere. Neetllyfe is a meme. Less than 0.1% of teenagers become neet. And that doesn't last very long. All neets are forced to work eventually. They just delay it to their late 20s.

I don't care about girls anymore. I have abandoned by biological purpose and desire to procreate. My survival is taken care of by the government and supplementary income. All I do is play video games all day. I used to feel lonely but over time that feeling subsides.

I used to be a normie with a girlfriend, friends but had trouble keeping a 9-5 job. I eventually gave up on everybody and they gave up on me. Having people around is more trouble than what it's worth, my friends offered me nothing and only took my time for some mediocre levels of enjoyment, doing drugs with them increases the amount of dopamine production in my brain when I am around them but it isn't practical and video games are superior and far more accessible. My girlfriend was primarily used for sex, the only time I felt happy around her was when I was taking advantage of her body by constantly touching her ass, tities and making her give me head however the flipside is the complete lack of mental engagement and the emotional baggage that comes through relationships. Porn has supplemented my desire for sex but I've largely stopped caring and attending to my increasingly fewer sexual needs.

There is no reason for me to integrate back into society and based my life around other people who are inferior to video games, peace of mind and my own leisure. I will kill myself when I become bored enough and video games fail to simulate me. Life is pointless.

>education starts again in two weeks
>training for employment promotion

I'm really doing it bros.

I want to stay home and play video games.

It is vague, intentionally. If I were to provide you with details, it might hurt my cause. These elite, they are getting desperate, you see? They never expected me to endure the kind of hell they've wrought upon me in the past 8 months. They have no plan for me if I remain at the company. I find that amusing, entertaining, delighting, in fact. The downside being that they can bribe their way into every facet of my life and suck the happiness from it from the core. My family, all save for one, turned against me. The one in question, he is unaware of the situation. It's kept under wraps, I'm tortured subtly, because if it were brought to light, I'd gain instant credibility. I'll leave it at this. I'm employed by one of "the big five" in the U.S. They aim to make it "the big 3" but are being wrecked by the DOJ. That too, is amusing.

Yes, by the Gods, I am fucking innocent. The worst crime I've committed is making an utter ass out of myself rather publicly, without my knowledge. I was filmed without my knowing. I'm quite the ordeal now. Nobody's friend. A blight, and if you were to gain my confidence and trust, it would be immediately quite the commodity to sell. There's much more to the story, but I have no confirmation. I assume that a crusade would not be wagered against me without good reason, but I can offer no proof. I do believe they wish to use illegal and convoluted prose to paint me a rapist. Though that crime is one I've never done. Take it for what it's worth, which is just my word.

The bottom line is this - in attempting to get me to "step down" from my position, one which they offered me under the pretense that I would fold and quit, they've resorted to many felonies, crimes much worse than the original ones they wish to frame me for. Thus, I have ammunition in a lawsuit, which they aim to avoid at all costs. But time crumbles the house of cards. If I endure, I might yet gain the proof I need to win millions.

>tfw not enough autism
>can't get neet bux
>crippling depression and social anxiety
>on top of the shit sundae is vocal speech problems
>wasted money on college twice by dropping out because of emotional problems
>might have trauma problems from bullying
>don't know what the fuck to do as time is going by, getting older
>can't be 20 forever living with the only people that care about me

"le le le why don't you just get better?"
oh go fuck yourself

>she claims the kid is hers
I hope a pregnant woman is claiming the child is hers.

The rise of single men is becoming a thing because porn is becoming easier to access so they avoid relationships entirely. Doesn't help that feminism and rape culture are still a thing.

We're going the way of Japan very slowly.

Same here. This will be the first time in my life I've attented school while working full time. Good luck, user.

I'm 25, btw.

>tfw posting from work

feels boring man

>Boss made me take a week off since I'd taken no vacation since March
>Most friends are broke, so nothing really to do
I don't get how some of you can play vidya all day everyday. 3 days in and I'm bored as fuck. Reminds me of my jobless days.

Most folks in these gated communities are rich, spoiled, and retarded. No woman wants to lose out on her hubby's money.

Stop being a pussy, faggot. When's the last time, if ever, that you had a real job? See a doctor, get prescribed something. Complaining on the internet is easy but going out and trying isn't. School is an easy way to fail and say, "oh, I tried." You'll end up being 30 and still living at home. Time only goes by faster as you get older.

I'm 18. At this rate, I should be debt free with a half decent degree right before I turn 20.

McDank's is paying like half of my tuition. Management was my best possible deal at my age and GPA.

Good luck to you too, user.

My friends and even my old GM told me to slow down and stop working so much. I forgot how to spend my off days at one point.

Recently got promoted and a raise. What game should I celebrate with

I love seeing obviously bad bait like this being ignore.
Never change v

I just sleep

like I said, I have social problems
I can't read ques well, can't communicate or hold a conversation let a lone make friends.
so, what happens when I find a job
I'm just going to go through the same shit as high school
also I'm not the type to have shit grades, I had As and Bs and took honors and AP. But people took out their stress on me because its easier.
and its not like I can fight back, having stutter problems like that and shit.

I'm seeing a therapist and taking meds but this has been going on for 2 years.
I don't know what the fuck I'm doing wrong.

Holy shit, you sound like a good person, would love to have a friend like you.

Why is this so enticing

This is good shit right here user, bless you, you magnificent beast, godspeed on your journey through life.

Oh fuck you all, I'm jealous. I would have been enjoying summer vacation right now staying inside nice and cool with the a/c on max. Instead I am fucking working

you're living it good actually
most neets have serious issues
maybe some are living under a mask, being smug
but most of us have some ptsd and depression because we're oversensitive fucks who can't control how we feel in dire situations.

well, I can't leech off of society because Im considered high-functioning etc. for some reason and I have to try to fit in I guess.
its really torture of being isolated and bullied by others vs dying.

I wish I were normal like you user

I think next time I'll just take a few Thursdays and Fridays of and have some long weekends.
>tfw don't have the energy to do vidya all nighters

>Am I fighting the good fight? They want to paint me an unstable bipolar. If they succeed, I'll have no credibility. If I succeed, I'll win possible millions in a lawsuit for employment fraud and criminal harassment. The latter being much more difficult to prove.

Well, if you sue them and have the right intentions you can win millions and never have to work a day in your life. If you're going to go out of your way to piss off the big 5 companies in the world, go ahead. You're not hurting anyone but the company and to many, the companies are hurting the economy by holding the government by the balls in certain scenarios.

>Sup Forums: my blog, our blog.

Get a hobby

besides video games

Destiny is not that fun.

But raids and FFA Crucible makes the game fun. Singleplayer is still trash though.

Because it's real life, not some fairy tale that some idiot made up. I'm living this hell, this mess. I'm pitted against stupid unfair odds and I'm winning. A hollow victory, but winning. It may very well be screwing over my future, but its an intriguing insight on the American corporatism Oligarchy. I'm taking them on. One man, no aid. A doomed mission. Or one that could make me rich.

That's why its interesting.

>fucks who can't control how we feel in dire situations.
>that feel when a dire situation hits me i don't know how to feel because it's never happened to me because nofamily.
>can't fake it to make it either becuase it feels not genuine
>due to being dull to emotional response i'm blunt with my words accidentally but it works out because people enjoy some blunt truth
>still wish i were a neet because i feel like i'm living in a dystopian society leading to ruin

Are movies an okay-tier hobby? That's my goal for college. Even if I just have a job holding a light or something.

then sue them what's going to go wrong my senpai
if you're winning you're already a step ahead of them

*Orchestra plays*

W-w-wagieeee w-w-wagieeee,

w-w-wagie, w-w-wagie, w-w-wa-a-gie-ie-ie-ie


*Music changes*

Work, work, work all he does is work, work, work.

*Music changes*

Hello? Is it time you are looking for? I can see it in your eyes. I can see it from your cries. All you ever wanted, was for Mr. Shekelberg to be nice...

Dum, dum, dum, dum... Tududu tudu du

is this literally Tom Cruise and The Firm or something

>dunt dunt chika chika du dunt dunt chika chika


>dunt dunt chika chika du dunt dunt chika chika

i like to take some naps, in mah favorite pajamas.

iiii like to take long walks, iiinnn mah favorite parts town

>dunt dunt chika chika du dunt dunt chika chika


ohhh wagie wish you could join me, but avoid me, lost in the void of work shame

>dunt dunt chika chika du dunt dunt chika chika


>dunt dunt chika chika du dunt dunt chika chika

>dunt dunt dunt
>dunt DUNT


>dunt dunt chika chika du dunt dunt chika chika

Why are there so many NEETs here?

Why don't you all get a job?

I work a job where I am usually around 9 months on 3 months off.
The first few weeks are awsome, then I get bored as shit. I usually end up pounding nails under the table just to have a reason to get up in the morning. A man needs a purpose, user.

It can be anything. Hobbies are just something you can sink time into that reward you with actual benefits. Unlike video games which do nothing when you progress. Movies are a pretty big thing in America, so being a buff on it can't hurt. One of my coworkers is always talking about movies, I wish he'd shut up tbqh.

Haha, hello! NEET comedian here!

So a wagecuck wakes up at 6am....



How many wagies does it take to change a light bulb?

Just one but he'll want to be paid for it


But I think the funniest joke of them all is the pathetic live those wagecucks lead, am I right? Slaving away for a rich Jew just to pay for our LAVISH lifestyles!

Hahaha, thank you, thank you!

I don't think I count as neet because I work from home, but I haven't left my house or talked to anybody in a year and I think I'm going mildly crazy. I've been getting my minor human interaction with a female streamer who averages ten viewers, which can't be good for me.

haha jokes on you I work for chinese overlords

He doesn't get paid until the end of the month

He doesn't get paid until the end of the month

Mummy Please don't send your lovely boy off to be cucked
>don't worry sweetie I'll give you your Neetbux now
Why thank you mummy

The life of a Wage cuck is never coming my way

The life of a Wage cuck is never coming my way

>Oh boy I can't wait until I get my 7.25$ pay today
>You're not getting paid today instead you're working overtime with out pay
>Oh boy thank you for not firing me and for treating me like a bag of dirt

The Life of a WageCuck is not to be
The Life of a WageCuck is not to be

i work from home making about 200 bucks a week but im still a neet

i havent showered in almost 3 days

Ragie wagies, off to work
I know my poem already irks
Your hard earned cash belongs to me
I live my life completely free

I feel your anger through my screen
Calm yourself with warm caffeine
It gives you energy to slave away
And get through the entire weekday

So wagie, now you've read my poem
I hope that it hit close to home
And as us neets always holler
"Another day, another dollar"

That's the thing. People are supported by this company, and where I live the general populace cater to the rich and are easily bribed. Making my life just that much harder.

If I want to win a lawsuit, I need proof, and these people aim to end my employment by making life hell before their charade falls apart. The people around me have no problem with it, either.