How does blizzard fix objective best girl to make her more playable?
How does blizzard fix objective best girl to make her more playable?
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Get her to use a toilet.
i feel like she needs to have another structure to build for her to be more viable.
>best girl
>the one that has autism
Pick one.
change her ultimate to let her use her fecal powers
She can stack up the 4 instead of 3 in her reserves.
Increase the distance her turrets can be placed from where she is by 5 meters.
She can move her teleporter if she wants once every 30 seconds after placing it.
>every time an indian qt comes up its always le poo meme
Why did they Nerf her turrets on console?
Don't fucking greentext me. I rent fucking care if you're playing on pc, faggot
It's not just a meme. Indians are filthy and they smell bad, and you're only attracted to them because you can't smell things through internet images yet. Or maybe you just have a scat fetish.
99% of people the world over smelled awful before modern sanitation. I'm sure poor Africans are smelly too and lack many toilets, but they have entirely different memes
I'm not falling in love with the filthy subhumans from the slums of India. All the hot ones immigrate to my country and smell fine once they have access to clean water
India has cities who's gutters run with a stream of shit and piss. There are designated shitting streets for people to shit in. They shit in lakes where they get their drinking water and cleaning water from. It's just a bizarre thing you don't see in many modern countries and it's understandably seen as gross. Doesn't help that images of trash oceans in India are all over the internet.
It's kind of unfair, I know, but honestly you can't tell me the poop meme isn't well deserved in this case.
Turrets grow back a few seconds after being destroyed. They take another second or two to activate. Can't be placed within range of a spawn room barrier. Keeps the turret pressure up with little extra attention, but you'll need to move them occasionally or they won't be very effective against alert opponents. Might be too strong on king of the hill in quick play when some meme team puts 36 turrets on the point, but Blizz says they don't care about hero stacking imbalance so whatever.
Fuck she's so sexy
Best girl doesn't really need buffs though. Pic related, it's best girl.
>that hip shake before sitting
They knew what they were doing
Not making her gun a short range 76 ult.
Not being racist for starters
I liked the idea of giving her healing turrets. They come from the same turret pool so you can't have 6 attack and 6 healing. They would heal 15 HPS each.
>complaining about racism
>on Sup Forums
nigger detected
Prevent her teleporter from pointing out on map edges, so little bastards can't send you deliberately falling off the map.
oh god those thighs
Because console players cannot aim. No bullshit, that is exactly why they nerfed it.
I'm horrified but interested...
Buff shields to +50 instead of +25.
Blizzard said the reason they originally changed it was because of Zenyatta and Tracer, and they already buffed Zen up to 200, so there really shouldn't be any harm in fixing Sym.
looks like she been shot too many times by Ana's darts
>you will never cream on her brown skin
Before urbanization, people could just bathe in rivers, springs, and lakes. Even afterward, the Romans had a very good sanitation system. It was during the Middle Ages that things declined and commoners started to get dirty.
India today is just as bad if not worse than medieval Europe. They cannot comprehend the concept of a loo.
Naw. She's just not a support in general. Her E should become a passive that's always on and she should get a different ability, one that heals if they must have her being a support. Or change up somehing else about her and make her a defense hero
I didn't open it in time, I figured by the thumbnail that it was a baby cat or a mouse getting cut with some sissors, right?
I love crossed legs
It's a tied up mouse getting it's penis cut off with a scissors while fully aware
just buff her weapon, that thing does nearly no damage, the only way for her to even have a chance is to bait the enemy into6 of her turrets and hav the team behind her.
You can't really make her M1 too powerful because you literally do not need to aim, you just hold it down in front of people.
But they weren't over powered and broken like torbjorn's
her clothes just clip threw the stool I thought blizzard had talent and integrity.
Fix her country first
Doesn't matter, consoleplebs were still crying about how the arguably weakest character in the game was overpowered because they couldn't look up and hit her turrets.
As a Symmetra main (point at him and laugh), I'm so fucking glad at least I get to play her on PC.
Nobody stands a chance when the Russians bribe the judges.
More like the controller deadzones and input suck shit. Compare the aiming in console OW to any major console shooter like CoD and you'll see how badly Blizzard fucked up.
Her weapons are not her problem, in fact they are actually very good since you don't have to aim and can just focus on jumping and strafing around.
And her right click is excellent for chokes and does 120 damage
What' her fetish? Don't say scat
>pharah finally smiles in-game
Indian chicks
If you don't like Indian girls you have shit tier tastes. It's like considering yourself a drinker and hating Craft Beer
her alt fire goes through shields it is pretty useful for chokes
Nobody was complaining. Literally find me a single thread anywhere that is remotely complaining about her shitty turrets
>tfw 66% winrate with her
Same, senpai
Not enough symmetra SFM
I like the indians that dont look like niggers
also sauce please
Anal for sure
Get rid of the teleporter.
Replace with an ultimate similar to Gundam fin funnels revolving around her.
>launch M2 from literally across the map on Voskaya Defense, travels a good 10 seconds before it even reaches the enemy team
>it hits
>kills a Reinhardt who I assume was being attacked at and just didn't see the death ball slowly creeping towards him
Symmetra surprises me sometimes
up her health, her real power comes from being up close for a while and she dies too fast
Give turrets 15-30 HP instead of 1. This was a single wayward shot won't destroy one but you can still easily pop it or punch it.
If those aren't enough modify the alt so you can gain charges while its up if you are killing people
I fucking hate when splash or dragons kill all my turrets so this would be cool!
>Don't care much for Symmetra
>See this new taunt
>Fucking diamonds
I don't understand boner.
I thought the dragons dealt no damage to buildings, at least I can confirm Torb's turret won't take damage from it so I figured Symmetra's stuff followed the same logic.
Triple range at which she can put down turrets
Get rid of god awful turret charge mechanic. Give it some kind of cooldown (5 seconds? I dunno, doesn't seem too bad considering they get one shot by everything in the game)
Teleporter has 8 charges
Larger range in her beam and more lenient
They don't. He's a retard
Give her a better gun.
I want to _____ Symmetra!
I wouldn't have an example of a hot indian chick if someone asked me. Which is not to say I wouldn't like to, I just have no idea who/where they are.
Everyone talks about Symmetra being an indianfu, while ignoring that she'd be a autistfu too.
Is this what happens when you swim in the loo?
I want Symmetra to shit on my face.
her ass is bigger than Widow's and she has the best legs in the game
I want her to enema.
Make her turrets heal allies.
Seriously. Thats fucking it.
Thats fucking all they need to do to make her worth using for more than just 2 maps Point A.
Thats fucking ALL. As it stands, as a support, beyond that first Point A rush, there is absolutely no reason to chooser her instead of a SUPPORT that can FUCKING heal (IE EVERY OTHER FUCKING SUPPORT) or a Tank.
I want to use her. I really do. I love her fucking gun, I like being able to give people shields, I like the turrets, but its not enough.
That would make her OP.
Giving her the option to have damaging or healing turrets might work, but making all 6 dual purpose would be terrible.
After putting down a teleporter, allow her to place another one down by pressing Q again(so it'll destroy the first teleporter) at the cost of using a single(or maybe double) teleporter charge. So say she has a teleporter left with 4 charges left, after placing it in a new spot it takes 3/2.
Nice thing with this is, you can also eat a charge if you want to to intentionally destroy the teleporter. One of the problems with Symmetra is that if you have a good defense going on, but your teleporter only has 1 charge left and you want to get rid of it so that you can build ult meter and place a fresh one down before the enemy team's big push comes in. The only way to get rid of a teleporter to build a new one is by going through it to get rid of charges or switching heroes.The ability to place a new teleporter down at the cost of charges will fix this problem.
All of a sudden she becomes much more viable on offense. Especially payload maps.
>So say she has a teleporter left with 4 charges left, after placing it in a new spot it now has 3 or 2 charges left.
this could be interesting. So like you could place 3 healing turrets and 3 damaging ones or whatever? Someone email blizz
Thats actually what I meant, but I shoulda specified.
A toggle switch, like Lucio's but for the type of turret that gets placed. Between healing and damaging.
Basically allowing her to make a small healing spot at little spots. From a tactic standpoint, it could be fucking awesome.
is it too late to add an entirely new mechanic to a character this late in the game? As far as I know, all the patches have just been tweaking already existing variables in game
I really do not envy people who find this meme funny
Ehhhh, not necessarily, but its hard to say with Blizzard. They've actually changed fairly significantly how certain mechanics work, but haven't added new ones, no.
Well, not since release at least.
The difference between some characters and their alpha versions are pretty astounding. Like Bastion having a Reinhardt shield but only being able to turn 45 degrees.
Regardless, she needs something pretty major. She has a lot of potential, but she's missing that one thing that makes her viable in more than extremely circumstantial scenarios.
>Give turrets 15-30 HP instead of 1.
This so much
>think I'm being sneaky sneaky with my turret placement
>lol doesn't matter, all of them destroyed instantly when the action picks up
what are you doing outside of /hg/ fag?
She can actually be kind of fucked up on consoles because you can set your sensitivity really high and walk straight through people to force them to slowly turn around to aim as you melt them
>1 poo has been deposited into your account
Accept The Glow under Atom's gentle embrace and be at peace.
>lid is down
of course the currynigger cant use it properly
curry is tasty
and it makes you fucking stink
the civilized world realizes this
I need to protect that smile