Realism check: At what point of the game would the protagonist become insane?

Realism check: At what point of the game would the protagonist become insane?

Around 30 insight or so


Obviously the protagonist would never go insane because these Erdrich beings have corporeal form and can be understood by us the players and therefore the hunter too

Unless you want an in game answer, in which case it would be the first point their sanity meter things fills from the Winter Lanterns

Getting grabbed by the first Amygdala

When he first sees the messengers and the werewolf covered in blood coming to eat him in the very first cinematic

Waking up in the Hunter's dream would probably do it. To be removed from a Victorian city and placed into something so mysterious and unreal would probably push him to the very edge, at least.
Is a good answer as well.
He pretty much loses all semblance of sanity seeing them all in Yahar'gul.

This bugs me more in movies and video games than I'd like

the whole deal with lovecraftian old god stuff is that you go crazy from trying to comprehend their bullshit and having your brain crushed from the your own sheer insignificance in the face of them.

In Bloodborne, they have clear and understandable forms, they're fucked up looking but you can put them into words you understand. On top of that, they are clearly not almighty since their servants die and they die.

once he reaches Byrgenwerth. there is no Rom, he just suicides by drowning after staring at the full moon and diving into the lake.

this sounds pretty good but I was going to say when you give the password to open the door and you're supposedly talking to someone but then you open the door and its just a propped up corpse
makes me wonder what was really keeping the door locked in the first place

Right from the start by the shitty controls

Meeing the first Amygdala.

The start of the game. Seriously, the opening cinematic where you're strapped to a table and then a werewolf materialises out of a giant puddle of blood on the floor before suddenly igniting on fire as the creepy messengers descend upon you.

You go crazy before you start playing the fucking game.

What would be the best way to portray such a creature in a movie though?
Just never show it and cut to it's point of view whenever the protagonist sees it?


if you're a coward: as soon as you see the first werewolf
if you're an animal hunter IRL: as soon as you see Gascoigne transforming and smashing your face
if you're fine with facing demons around your size: once you meet BSB or amygdala. gascoigne and amelia might not frighten you too much since they are bigger werewolves, while these other two are just freakish ass demons

You don't portray it in a movie.

You portray the actors reacting to it.

in that case you should never have a nightmare in your entire life otherwise you'd go bananas
it just lasts a few seconds and you wake up like nothing happened

Well no, you wake up and past the door that same fucking werewolf is eating a dude. I've never had a nightmare where I wake up and that monster exists and it's in the middle of eating someone. Wouldn't you go a little bit crazy realising that your nightmares are apparently fucking real now? Does that mean the whole cinematic was a nightmare then? Because how could it just be a dream when that fucking werewolf is right fucking there?

...Is that why it has half HP? Because it actually did catch on fire before? Oh shit.

>In Bloodborne, they have clear and understandable forms, they're fucked up looking but you can put them into words you understand.
looking at shit like the winter lanterns makes your head pop from trying to comprehend them. it's the Frenzy mechanic.
>On top of that, they are clearly not almighty since their servants die and they die.
humans would normally consider them almighty precisely because they can't comprehend them, so it's impossible to conclude if they can die or not. for the hunter though, he received the blood transfusion and can see some shit, even though he can't get it all in for the aforementioned reason.

Wow you guys must have some big balls. I would lose it from the first fucking minute.

That weird surgery shit, bet he didnt even use anesthetic followed by messengers all over you and seeing some monster come out of blood only to get incinerated infront of me.

I would just end myself there and then holy shit.

>Well no, you wake up and past the door that same fucking werewolf is eating a dude.
you were only talking about the first cinematic dude, now you're including gameplay

I would imagine your primal instinct for survival would kick in long before you start to properly comprehend the situation and think about what's going on.

>these Erdrich beings have corporeal form
>who is Oedon

there was no surgery, just a blood transfusion, they stick a needle in like a regular ass injection and that's it, they didn't leave you all open on the table, why would you need anesthetics for a fucking needle.

Well in this case your mind knows it's a game. It's impossible to show something that cannot be comprehended in a comprehensible way without making it something...comprehensible.
If you saw most things from bloodborne in real life you'd lose your mind though.

I kinda looked away and didnt see what went on cuz I am a big pussy.

>A game which drives everyone mad.

I want that.

The begninning cinematic with the blood transfusion.

Never. If I was the main character I wouldn't go mad. Nothing really fucking insanely horrifying happens in the game.

You hack people and monsters apart. Soldiers get PTSD from shooting people at a distance, how do you think you'd fare having to kill people with a fancy blade?

Plus you have things that literally drive you insane with frenzy, like winter lanterns and the Mother Brain thing I don't recall the name of right now. I'm sure getting your brain sucked out by brainsuckers or having the garden of eyes latch on to your head and start screeching at you is fucking terrifying as well. The first time you see someone infested with snakes that burst out of their head would probably make you shit yourself.

This. Like werewolves and even hideous monsters like the Braintrusts are wild, but getting picked up by some invisible force and drug 20 feet into the air and squeezed practically to death by an invisible horror would be quadruple bypass territory.

Needles are scary