How do you deal with everyone having guns and killing you within 5 minutes of spawning?

How do you deal with everyone having guns and killing you within 5 minutes of spawning?

People chase nakeds for miles just to shoot and kill, this game feels impossible on your own.

Even if you gather enough to build a base, when you wake up the next day its been raided and your sleeping bag destroyed. That is if you are lucky enough to not be C4'd by a clan whilst still online.

I have never felt so salty about a game in my life.

>not having guns yourself

Explore, do the jump puzzles in monuments, get weapons, gather resources far away, set base in a good hidden spot and be smart about how you distribute your loot and also git gud.

Sneak a lot

I tried running as far away as i can from spawn, but each time i just get sniped by some guy in his house. I made a small base underneath some rocks atop a mountain, no one or houses in sight i come back after a few hours and its all gone.

I didnt know there were jump puzzles, were are these located?

Most of the time i dont even have any loot worth taking when i die, a couple days ago i managed to make a good fort with lots of resources about 10 metal doors to break through to get to the top, it still got blown to bits.

is it good yet?

Its fun but there is an XP mechanic put in place now instead of blueprints, so if you join a server at level 1 you cant even craft a stone hatchet till level 3 so you have to grind hitting with a stone for a an hour.

Guns are not available till like level 18, and that takes 10+ hours, so when everyone else on the server is KOS with guns and C4 you will have a rough start.

The game is fun though.

>getting shot at by people in sniper towers as a naked
>they always miss

tfw they hunt me down and run after me every time, why all i had was a rock :'(

>find stone on ground
>make 5 rocks
>turn around and throw rocks

You'll find Rust is full of turbo-autists who will literally sit at their computer for 12 hours knocking down metal walls to break into your house.

I remember the first couple months of DayZ.

Good times

The problem with these games lies with the core gameplay progression. Once you have the best gear, there's nothing else to do besides murder everyone.

This game sounds kinda terrible, like its been filled with autistic players who have been here significantly longer than you and they all want to make sure you have zero fun. What's the point of playing it now?


Throw rock bounces of their full metal armor, gg called.

It is such a fun idea for a game, i had a blast for a while but it is just such a grind and its so hard to get of your feet.

People just come to ruin all your progress when they already have every item in the fucking game. Even if you do have a gun they just come round with 5 of them, and use rockets or grenades, and its all over.

Are there any servers that dont have such a shit community?

Rust would have been so much better as a caveman simulator.

Guns just ruin everything and are too much of a force multiplier to counter with skill.

If the game was just bows/rocks/throwing spears it would be fantastic.

>Naked just spawned
>Guy wastes ammo on me


I agree, it just makes it so new people can not catch up or compete.

Its like playing a shooter with lvl systems and the best guns are at lvl 50, untill you reach that you best get used to using a rusty glock whilst those at high lvl use a heat seeking missile launcher.

I spawned and was shot in the head after 10 seconds, i wake up and a guy is next to me with a gun.

At this point i dont even bother running, i know they will kill me. If i spawn near people may as well drink the salt water and commit Sudoku.

I would only agree to this if the team were onboard with having better low-tier weaponry. I just want a fucking all-purpose catapult for launching men over walls.

At this rate it sounds like your best choice of action is to run headfirst into people and keep respawning after getting shot. Hopefully they will eventually run out of ammo and you can crack your rock against their skull once before they pull out a carbon fiber military knife and instantly kill you.

What's worst? ARK or Rust?

I dont even want to fight anyone :'(

I threw my rock at 3 guys that raided my house and killed me today, i had a sleeping bag outside so i just woke up and ran at them, my rock landed then i got blown away by a shot gun :')

rust. been out for liek 5 years and still looks like a pre-alpha, with sjw devs.

What's the best survival game out there right now?


subnautica and the forest tied depending on which atmosphere you like more

Subnautica would be my vote. Even though it's in early access it still gets updated and the whole underwater angle is actually really good. Plus it has an actual plot and objectives to strive towards.

Underwater is also spooky as all shit man. There are some terrifying shit down deep.

If reign of kings wasn't so full of hackers and incompetent devs it would be a really neat game.

>deep down

the first night in subnautica is more terrifying than anything any game has ever given me

>the forest


It's hard to have fun with the game alone. Get a friend with you, and maybe try a smaller server. It's not a problem of gitting gud, it's a problem of most servers being filled with shitters who think the game is strictly a DM FPS because they saw some fuck's raid video

gather rocks for 10 minutes

get mauled by a bear

welcome to rust

Also, farm bears for exp
If you build a little platform with stairs, you can climb to the top and arrow them to death

I have never been killed by a bear, only humans.

What is the forest like? is it a solo experience like subnautica?

mostly, also has coop but haven't tried it. last i heard it works pretty well and they're upgrading it a lot.

forest and subnautica are both good models of early access games, both have efflusive websites that tend to give long-ass patch notes and news of upcoming patches. doesn't feel like either game has a chance of not being completed.

And the new level system fucked the game, actively rewarding that turbo autism by locking guns behind a grind.

Don't bother with the game until they fix the hacker problem.

No matter how big and how secure you build, you WILL get knocked over buy a guy rapid headshotting a kalashnikov through walls and ESPing straight to your cabinet and loot with minimal explosives.

Why does she have tits in this picture?

There is actually a steam group and Rust server that was created yesterday called RustChan. It's a rust server for Sup Forums users and it is being wiped tomorrow, so everyone will be starting off fresh.

>XP system implemented so that early game actually lasts longer than 2 hours before clans have rocket launchers, AKs and full metal armor

>official servers and most community servers only wipe maps, not xp

>within 2 hours clans are running around with full metal armor, rocket launchers, and ak's

what was the fucking point of it then?

Where is its server located?

Ausfag here so I probably won't be playing on it

How many hours can I put into subnautica ? And the forest too I guess

The original rust was quite fun - for some reason the new version isn't as good.

Right now I have 23 hours on Subnautica, according to Steam. Not bad for an Early Access game.

It's because the community has changed

There were always groups that would have the advantage, but they'd be around 5 players, 10 at most, and they'd ignore small/solo bases because they knew they wouldn't get jack shit from raiding it, and if they did, the Solo could still survive by having a few good spots to defend from

Now you have clans of 30 people who will pile on a solo guy just so they can increase their KDR, and there is no fucking way a solo guy will ever win because he'll just get fucking rocketed

I don't think I would buy another game from this developer. Instead of sorting out issues like this they instead waste development resources on trivial shit like dynamic cock sizes.

Join a less populated server


>Sup Forums not liking rust

lmao ur all fucking casuals

>Join server after full wipe
>Make a comfy cave base with 2 sheet metal door at the start
>Go out for luch
>Go back and im already raided

That just made me uninstall, it seems its too easy to raid anyone these days. Exp system really ruined the game.

You need to play with other people. Play on modded servers with periodic wipes so you can start at the same time as other people.

1st- wander until level 8 so you can make a scrap door. Wooden doors are shit. Put a codelock down too.

2nd- Build hidden. Rocks, coves, etc. Don't build near big bases, don't build in the open.

3rd- Use stashes. Don't put all your valuables in there, but put essentials- tools, resources, etc.

4th- Box in your Tool Cupboard. Wall it off completely. If someone gets in your base, they can't take it over.

5th- Air locks. You should have to get through 2 doors to get in your base.

6th- Put your bag OUTSIDE your base at first. That way, nobody will destroy it if you're raided.

7th- Wood walls are terrible. Upgrade that shit.

8th- Get on when others aren't mornings. At 7:00 there's hardly anyone on and monuments are empty. I use this time to go to monuments.

9th- Don't build directly near roads and monuments. Have a path to at least one monument, but building near is a death wish.

10th- If you're going to roam, start with nothing and gather as you go. You can have full burlap, wooden armor, plenty of arrows and a bow, along with whatever you hunt on you by the end. Leave your guns for when you need them most. Tomorrow a research kit should be added to let you research weapons you find- save guns for that.

11th- Choose the right server. Big servers are shit- full of hardcore no-lifers. Pick smaller community servers.

12th- Don't kill on sight unless you fear for your life. If you have nothing on you, go up to people. Be friendly if you can.

13th- make friends with your neighbors. "Hey I live around here, I just wanted to let you know Im friendly and we can work out an alliance-" Don't let them know exactly where you live until you trust them. If they kill you on sight, try again. If no matter what you say they kill you, consider moving.

14th- If you want combat, play embankment or battlefield servers. There are plenty of "noob friendly" servers along with ones that give increased gather rate and XP rate.

Follow these steps and enjoy.

What's a good server where I don't get killed by helicopters? Where can one meet Sup Forumsirgins to team up with?

>How do you deal with everyone having guns and killing you within 5 minutes of spawning?
If you're solo, stay away from the beach and run into the woods or an abandoned area. There, you slowly build up your strength.

As soon as I saw I was playing as some ugly ass, old looking black dude with a shrimp-dick, I uninstalled.

unequip your clothes and weapons, put them in your inventory and the chopper won't touch you

Haven & Hearth
It's the only survival game I know of in which;
-you don't log in to a destroyed base after every break
-there's no hackers
Unfortunately it instead has it's own problem of people automating everything with bots
Which pretty much undermines the entire concept of loss from permadeath / looting

>see a guy crouching trying to raid a building
>make 2 spears and flank over the mountain and through a valley down to him crouch walking
>he is holding an ak74 and in full iron armor or something
>get within 20 feet of him
>chuck spear at him and it slams into his body
>he turns around and mag dumps 20 rounds at me and misses every shot
>chuck 2nd spear and land another body shot
>he has two 10-foot long spears sticking out of him
>he reloads
>run at him and pull one of the spears out of his body
>try to requip it to throw it at him again
>he starts shooting again
>10 misses
>throw spear
>barely misses him
>he shoots me and finally 1 shots me
>guy in base never even comes out or cares just running around inside

Totally fair
Every melee should be 1-3 shot.
Throwable melee should be 1 shot because its the most skill shot thing in the game.

>devs still dont know how to balance melee
>implying chivalry doesnt exist as a model to base it around as a last resort

Because guess what, it takes 1-2 weeks (depending on how much you play) before you're high enough level to craft armor and aks while you can craft spears right off the bat.

Even then, a bow will 2shot anyone to the head.

They're implementing research back into the game so you can research shit and gain limited use blueprints.

Anything should be 1 shot or 2 shot imo being that if youre so fucking unaware of your surroundings you deserve to be punished for it.

The advantage of having a gun or anything is the sheer volume of fire and the distance able to engage at range.

Basic mechanics of this game are heavily broken.
There is no chase mechanic.
Theres no weight mechanic where a guy in 50lbs of armor can run just as fast as a naked.
People can literally run and reload and theres no penalty and they just spin around and shoot you.

I picked up a scoped thing the other day and it had a better scope then the high end dayz rifles or the 40x scope in Battlefield. You could engage targets easily at 1000m with that fucking thing. Its a fucking joke.

If you dont join day 1 and autism grind, youll never be able to do anything because the game is way too fucking snowballed.

Another time I had found a pistol and heard some people talking in mic and I did some trick jumping to get into this 2nd floor of a base and they were like jumping on top of each other and jumped to this ladder and I shot the guy in the top of his head as he was coming up the ladder. Then I shot him in both shoulders and then he looked at me and 1 tapped me with his rifle. The game is not about skill just about gear.

thats a pretty big fuck up, my group and another group had someone do this to us

Sounds like the Day Z experience.

If you find that a problem, join a less populated server. Its like a difficulty slider for rust.
Only turboautists play on 100+ player servers.

Even then, the game is very skillbased. If you learn from your mistakes and not just ragequit after getting raided the first time. Raiders can tell a well-built base from a poorly built base, and will always go for the shit ones, assuming its not a 20+ clan who demolishes anything in its path (hence why large servers are cancer)

That's Rust man. The rage you feel in rust is 10x stronger than you've felt in any other game. You could try playing on a slightly less populated server if you want, might help.

nah dayz mod is completely different
you just run to a militarized area or you can fight some 20 bots with a lee enfield or whatever and if youre good enough you can murder them and get geared. Ive driven a semi into them and jumped out and grabbed the air drop and jumped back in and took like 30-40 rounds of fire into the truck and escaped. Then I can fuck up anyone.

If you play on one of those servers with tanks and stuff, the clans usually buy those tanks with thermals but you can kill like the 30 AI's defending the spawning tanks and you can get a basic ww1 tank and use trenches and hillsides and things to tactically manuever and destroy those thermal tanks because it only takes 1 tank round to decide the battle and skill > thermals.

Even if you find a sniper rifle in rust, it wont have a scope on it and youre some 80 hours away from being able to craft one. So youre stuck with ironsights vs a clan of some fucking 25 koreans with fully decked out gear on day 5 since restart.

I made a base two days ago and it had like some fucking 12 metal doors and they just came with like fucking 60 c4 and kept blowing them fucking off and I enough resources to make like 5 satchels at best but the only thing I could do was wall all my shit off inside the walls so they would never find it.

There was zero fucking hope man.


From what I've played, it seems like the kind of game where it's actually better with less players. I remember having a lot more fun in DayZ when there was only enough people for rare encounters, not every 5 minutes.