Season 1 is officially over. Do you have anything to show for it?
Season 1 is officially over. Do you have anything to show for it?
>Have near 400 credits
>Don't want to get anyone's gold weapon
Seriously, spent all my gold on buying Fool Junkrat only to find out it looks shit as gold. Might get Rein's hammer with Paragon skin but I just don't fucking know. No point in hoarding them anyway since Season 2 will take like 3000 credits for gold skins.
when you get gold weapons does it only count for the skin or the all the skins on the character?
All skins
no, fucking 24 points off because I could never break past 59.
Nope, had 76 and I'm getting 200 funbux from the end of the season. I am much too casual.
Nope, people taking video games too seriously saps the fun out of them lightning fast, and that's all competitive mode is.
>got to 65 once and only once
>still get a free gold wep
>have enough points from actually playing Ranked that it doesn't matter how well I do next season, I'm guaranteed another by the end of it
Fuck off Competitve are better closer and longer matches.
174 Credits
>mfw season 2 is going to multiply the cost of a gold weapon by 10
All your points will be multiplied by 10 and you an only hold 6000 at once once season 2 starts. Get spending
Nice work, best skin too.
>Forced into lucio always
>They dont know I played both jet set radios
Rolling around the map is no issue for me.
100 points left.
like pottery
Thank god the rank difference will be max 500 points
Otherwise I will cut myself If I get paired with 40s being 74, and no i wish I was joking but it happens.
is there any way to see yours or other people's s1 ranks now that it's ended? I know of masteroverwatch, but is there anything in game?
any points you have right now will also be multiplied by 10, and you'll get 10 points from every win
The only reason they did this was to be able to give people a few points in the event of a draw
No it will be exactly the same the difference is you get points from losing now so its much easier. 10 for win 5 for loss.
>islander skin
>apocalypse voice line
>say "chesse" highlight intro
>golden hog gun
are you me user?
i have 300 competitive points, enough for one gold weapon.
who should i get it for senpai?
That's good to know thanks. I guess I don't have to be worried about it anymore!
Should I get Reaper's(with the El Blanco skin) or Zarya ( With the Siberian Front Skin) ?
I'm leaning towards reaper so I can throw gold all over the floor.
I'm currently saving up my credits for either Ana or Pharah.
Soldier 76, Mercy, and Reinhardt are the only characters where i think a gold weapon wouldn't completely clash with the character.
>not junkrat
>not roadhog
are you dumb
Protip: Don't buy a gold weapon for a character that already has one.
Ex: Genji and Soldier
>not yellow winston
Golden banana, dude
Golden balls
Look at OP's pick and tell me what's appealing about him holding a gold hook?
Not a fan of Winston to be honest. But I feel like the characters i named have skins that blend into the gold weapons more easily than to just pick a gold weapon because x characters is my main. Soldier and Reinhardt have gold skins and Mercy has Burnished. Personally i like the fact that Genji gets a golden katana but i stand by my statement
Zen's white, purple and gold skin works great with it as well
no because the matchmaking is garbage and i just got stuck in games that were one-sided stomps, whether i won or lost. it just got boring after a while. you can tell if you're going to win by the first round.
on the other end you have DOTA2 where you can tell if you win or lose early on and are stuck in a 40+ minute game, but at the end of the day i'd just rather play a good game instead of these MOBAshit games.
i caved in and got it for dva and will waste 1k on her legendary taunt.
at least she isnt pure shit anymore
Golden guns look like shit at low settings anyway.
Nope. I was going to do the rest of my placements today but, little did I know, it ended today. So, thanks Blizzard.
I find it extremely strange that there was no in game indication of when it would end at any point.
Are they removing Golden weapons or something?
Grats user.
>Try to get top 500 but Im getting tired of ranked
>Top 500 is a shitty icon and a spray I will never use
>Im rank 74 and my stats always is climb without dropping only 100 wins in 160 matches.
>This all solo q
>Realize I have more fun in QP
Drop competitive untill next season, Im just worried how much we need to play comp next season to save master and grandmaster.
thanks friendo
I got the green/blue scarecrow junkrat with gold, looks like shit but mah waifu
top 500 is a lottery because blizzard matchmaking is shit and expects you to carry bad teams in a teamwork game
No, because I never unlocked Ranked.
I really hope they add something else to buy with Comp Points soon
At the rate I play I will have Gold weapons for all the characters I actually like playing by the end of Season 2
that looks nice
>playing comp
>Played both jet set radio's
>makes no difference
This was one of my old matches, I carried but holy shit thank god I wont be seeing this anymore
I got cucked
I wish I made it fuck all the rank 74-70's guys play like shit half the time
>not getting to 65 at least once
>not even getting to 60
pretty sad desu
I couldn't break past the barrier that is 55.
>Can't get past 55
It's alright user, not everyone is good at video games.
t. Guy ranked 47
>wake up about 11 this morning
>6 hours left to get to 65
>Should be easy fampie
>5 losses in a row with 2 DCs in there
>Always get the golds
>Rank down to 59
I just hope they add something else because the gold weapons are ugly as fuck.
Can we get some actual designed weapon skins? Maybe special competitive character skins (NOT FUCKING GOLD, they can even just be an epic style recolor)
I placed at 54 then dropped to mid 40's because of the pre patch rate gains then got up to 55 and dropped because of shit teams then got back up to 52 by season end.
49 shitter here. My boyfriend is up to 69 though
My boyfriend and my friends are terrible too, I just get drunk and play qm and then get nervous when they ask to play competitive
What role are you playing?
Support, Tank or Offense.
If you're playing with subpar team mates it's always easiest to carry by being a good tank. If you play an offense you have to carry hard and take all the DPS onto yourself, as a support and you're generally fucked because all the healing in the world won't stop shitters from dying.
Right, whatever you say.
Got ranked at 43, cockroached my way up to 60 the day before season ended after hovering around 57-59 for the last month. Felt fucking good man.
Not the best looking golden gun to choose but I had to get it for my main before anyone else, fucking come at me cunts.
Tanks are life homie. I can't do shit when my team doesn't follow up on my push
>Reinhardt on dorado
>Tracer's giving our whole team a lot of shit
>We have a Winston, literal counter
>Ask him to focus Tracer
>proceed to lose like bitches, POTG is tracer getting a quad bomb
ranked at 51, dropped to 42 and reached 62 for some reason
though I hate the golden weapons. I guess I will just keep my points for other rewards in future
My favorite hero since the second she came out in PTR
>let my 12 year old cousin play