It is still there, Sup Forums. What went right?
It is still there, Sup Forums. What went right?
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Sean Murray passed all his speech and barter checks.
Also cancerous hype culture
Viral marketing and nothing else of significance came out in the mean time.
it's a marketing trick, they pay a fee to have their game at the top of the list for X weeks. it tricks people into buying things because they think they're popular and everyone wants to consume popular things
Good marketing I guess
Honestly I'm surprised. People everywhere seem to hate this game yet it seems to be selling well.
it seems like people are enjoying it too...hmmm...
looks like im picking up the game tomorrow Sup Forums! hype
oops forgot the top part of the chart, lmao
also fuck it, driving to gamestop right now to get it
>40k reviews in just a few days
Wow this game must be doing great
Forgot pic
That's a huge drop in player base. I can see it becoming like evolve in a few weeks
Not even remotely close to the center of the galaxy or feeling bored yet
It's funny I wasn't even interested in this game until Sup Forums started its massive shitposting campaign, which piqued my curiosity and it sounded like something I would like
Thanks for advertising the game, I guess
I mean it doesnt really matter how much money they made when the class action lawsuit hits them for how much they blatantly lied in dozens of false advertising interviews, videos, etc etc
Its really only a matter of time, especially when he said there were going to be things in the game that arent. This is classic false advertising and at this point illegal.
>I can see it becoming like evolve in a few weeks
Uh, what? NMS isn't a multiplayer game
Am I supposed to be angry?
I'm glad you enjoy your purchase, anons
Its basically the definitive multiplayer experience. Plus the promise of free updates will continue to bring people to it. Its also just never boring, there are a million things to do. It'll be a long time until gta is off the top seller list.
I meant how the player base became almost zero
There isn't going to be a class action lawsuit. Interviews aren't marketing, and he was talking about an *in development* game. When companies get away with bullshots and trailers that feature nothing but cinematics and no actual gameplay, do you really think they're going to be called on a couple extremely minor features that they repeatedly said would be very, very rare not showing up?
The game is 99% what they presented it as. That extra 1% is something you imagined it being based on your own hopes and unrealistic expectations, and you're blowing it out of proportion because you either have autism or you've been on Sup Forums so long that you literally cannot enjoy anything.
normies always fall for this shit
I like it.
I see all these complaints and bitching and whining about it and all I can think is "Wow, I'm glad I didn't pay attention to this game at all until it launched" because it seems like half the people are upset at just how much was promised but wasn't delivered.
Well I didn't pay attention to any of the hype or the promises or anything involving the game.
I tried it out on steam's family share, I liked it enough to buy it myself despite the $100 price tag.
I really liked Spore's space stage and this is basically a scaled-up version of the space stage.
My main complaints:
Lots of issues with how it runs. The two biggest are the CTD when warping into a combat zone and the memory leak. The later of which is the only thing that actually pulls me away from the game for a significant amount of time.
Second big issue is the lack of depth. Seems like they focused super heavily on scale rather than making what's there a bit deeper. Spore came out almost a decade ago and already had a functionally infinite universe to explore, a larger scale shouldn't have taken so long.
Third issue is that I really want some kind of bank. Just somewhere to store shit if I don't feel like carrying it on me all the time.
But even with all those issues, I still really like the game. Sorry it isn't failing as much as you'd like Sup Forums
>Interviews aren't marketing
It doesnt actually matter. IF you do an interview about your product and give blatantly false information about it you can have legal trouble. Pls dont talk like you know anything
Even if it happens, since it's not multiplayer, I don't see how it's relevant. Multiplayer games are dead when their player base drops to 0 but for a single player game, a new person can still buy the game 5 years from now and enjoy it just as much as someone is today.
Did you really expect a single player game to have infinite appeal? People are going to play it to an extent and then stop, and move on to the next thing.
In order to sue anyone there needs to be damages, so anyone who refunded the game is instantly out. If you refunded the game, you will not be part of the class, so you're out to begin with. The class would be limited to people who bought the game, didn't refund it, still have it, and feel it was grossly misrepresented to the extent that the $60 they spent was a loss.
Did you even buy the game? No, you're just another stupid faggot on Sup Forums that bitches about literally every video game you don't like for arbitrary reasons. *You're* the one that doesn't know anything.
>Some shit tier space game with 0 coverage, still has way more features and may be even better with updates
Literaly 1000 times better then this sony pisspoor ruination of indie scene
>n order to sue anyone there needs to be damages
False. Pls stop posting its embarrassing
Potential for damage can be acceptable but it obviously doesn't apply here
I hope this is your first survival crafting game
Otherwise we don't know what is wrong with you
It a genre of play one and done, unless you are nine and worship streamers, then you eat this shit up because your surragit father said so
nice try shill.
You are an idiot. I state this not out of anger but factually. Try not to argue about things you haven't the slightest clue about.
>i have no arguments and iv been completely btfo by 2 government law articles but i win because i called you an idiot a bloo bloo bloo
>he dosn't know this is how the law really works
Add on bribing judges with campaign donations and you now know why the justice system is fucked
For evey law there is one on the books there is another that drecitly contradictory
Law is a joke profession behind a pay wall
You searched google for "false advertising law" and you posted the top two results. You don't even know how to read those articles nor how they apply to *anything*. A class group CANNOT bring action under FTC regulations. Only the FTC can act on FTC regulations. Could Hello Games be slapped with an FTC injunction? Sure. Let's ignore for a moment that they're not even Americans and supposed that they'll just serve the injunction to Valve, but this will be long, long after Hello Games has received literally millions of dollars, mostly from happy customers I might add.
A class action, completely separate from any actions by the FTC, would be a suit by a group of consumers who have been damaged (ie are "victims") of/by Hello Games. As such, such a group precludes anyone who simply refunded the game because they have not suffered any damages. How many retards are there that didn't refund or return the game and kept it just so that they can whine and bitch about it? Yeah, no one.
Suck my fucking dick you 12 year old cunt and get the fuck off my board for at *least* 6 years. If you are over the age 18 I suggest treating your condition with localized lead poisoning.
>iv been btfo so im just going to pretend everyone bribes judges all the time
Oh god if you wanted to make it more obvious you have no idea what you are talking about you sure did a good job.
Hey how dose it fell to spend 50000 on a meme degree?
Not him, law is like that tho
Its sick
this is probably the most #rekt post i have ever seen
>mostly from happy customers I might add.
Oh god you almost had me until this part. Pretty bad troll attempt
>almost 1 minute apart exactly
>samefagging this hard
oh you
>they pay a fee to have their game at the top of the list for X weeks
Is that true?
My friend has to tell me something. They are ill, gravely ill. Too ill to leave this place. All this time, Polo has been exploring vicariously through me - a sad subterfuge revealed. ..Grief-stricken, I try to offer condolences, but Polo gathers their composure and expresses a hope that I will not squander the time I have. Warp further than ever before. Visit places Polo will never see. The only way to live.
No, it's just shit paranoid people spout so they can tell themselves it's all the companies against them
Ok, I definitely overstated that part. But simply being unhappy with a product isn't grounds for a lawsuit.
I taste fear. I see the entropy causing the stars themselves to crash down around us. I see the death of all things
I also feel hope. I also feel renewal
Our time here is brief.. The galaxy is our burden
Things fall apart. Entropy holds
We cannot remain
We awake. We witness creation. The Beyond takes us in an instant
The cycle continues
We leave the Sentinels to maintain order. They are imperfect
It is probable that they will fail
We create, but we are not Gods. We calculate and we hope, but we do not forsee
We are not of your time. We are beyond your understanding
We are trapped. We cannot escape the cycle. We leave fragments before the Beyond takes us
You know these fragments. You are at one with these fragments
You are not chosen. You are probable. You and your kind follow in our wake
You among billions
You know what we cannot
You explore a cosmos we know must exist, yet cannot see
Life does not come from us. Death is not our creation
We leave fragments
Hope for perfection is with the Travellers
It lies ahead within infinity
Perfection is both near and far within the Beyond
To exist, it must be seen
The cycle begins
The cycle continues
Unite with the Atlas
I am empty
I am complete
Our time here is brief
False advertising in multiple interviews is though, and no amount of damage control on a mongolian chop squad knitting forum will save them.
Its not even just the multiplayer thing, theres quite a lot of other things they lied about too.
I am close to the endpoint. The sense of it is upon me, a shimmer at the edges of my vision, ghosting away when I attempt to focus my consciousness..I am torn. Fear drags me back, fear of what shattering truth I shall learn. What drives me on? Is it curiosity, free will? This is the illusion; I have become automata, I am the experiment and the observer. This universe was created for my journey. It is built about the path that I follow.
What, the planets not spinning? Not being able to land on asteroids? Shit like that is so trivial and no lawyer is going to prosecute that case because they are going to lose.
The judge is going to look at what was advertised: a science fiction video game, that looks and plays like the screenshots and trailers. If you paid for a science fiction video game and you got a potato, sure. But people paid for a science fiction video game and they got one, and they are blowing very, very small details completely out of proportion.
Calm down guys if this is what people really want it will sell, if its such a big flop their next game will not sell good anyways?
>having CoD:GO in your library
I think it depends on the jurisdiction as well.
Lying is actually legal in most countries, since it's part of free speech.
>still shilling this hard when you dont understand how the law works
just stop talking. All any lawyer would have to do is show any of the numerous interviews he did where he blatantly lied and hes fucked.
>Promise 100
>Deliver 1
Is this man the new Molyneux ?
>keep yourself safe
Thanks, I'll try
Id say its worse. I mean yeah fable was clearly overhyped but the games (besides 3) were still pretty decent. There are no redeeming qualities about no mans sky. At all. Everything that set it apart was a complete lie.
Honest question: what does Sup Forums get out of hateshilling this game so goddamned much?
it passes the time until I can do it more
So many of you buying it!
I'm overwhelmed.
lying with the intention to profit from customers' misinformation is fraud and not covered by freedom of speech in most places
Molyneux got fucked in the ass by Microsoft after what a complete failure Fable 3 was.
Im still waiting for Sean to get fucked by Sony after all the low ratings this game is getting.
Maybe one day Peter and Sean will meet in a bar and share stories about how they made millions through lying.
Fable 3 was great you pleb
Because Sup Forums full of autistic contrarians
I think that molyneux got fucked with Godus not the fable games ( I think )
underrated post
>For all of Sup Forums's shitposting, libel, and slander hoping for the next TOR, NMS was still a smashing success
How does it feel, bros?
>libel and slander
what did he mean by this?
Holy shit so much shrekt in one post.
Youre an autistic fuck, but good job user.
>Im still waiting for Sean to get fucked by Sony after all the low ratings this game is getting.
Why would they care? It's already the second highest selling game on the PS4
Everything posted on Sup Forums.
Not everything post here was false.
>what did he mean by this?
What did he mean by this?
>yes theres multiplayer but the universe is so big you wont ever find each other!!
That counts as a fucking lie to me, but whatever keep sucking that Sean Murray cock you nu male faggot, continue being cancer to the industry
How does it feel to be so incompetent that you couldn't figure that out yourself without a degree?
Barely any substance, randomly generated animals get repetitive. I saw the same type of leopard cow with different horns in two different systems like five warps apart.
Sentinels. Why make a game about harvesting resources to moved towards the center of the galaxy, and they add something like sentinels to hamper that in the most retarded way?
Why are planets 'undiscovered' but there are already bases on it that have fallen apart and become decrepit, with travel logs on them?
Goddamn do I fucking hate that nu-male actually got picked up in the common vernacular on Sup Forums
Those four faggots that kept pushing it in every thread until all the kids thought they weren't "in" if they didn't join in too did a good job
Why, because you are one?
Have a (you) for your trouble
For all of Sup Forums's shitposting, if you like exploration as a concept, NMS is a decent product. There's plenty they promised that didn't make it, but the game itself still offers a good experience for those that do more than follow their little quest markers to the galactic core.
I wouldn't doubt there's a Streisand Effect going on too. Sup Forums shitposted SO incredibly hard everyone who didn't care about NMS suddenly expected the most unrepentant pile of shit they ever saw. Sup Forums has even outright lied about what parts are bad rather than merely pointing out the lies. Prepared for the absolute worst game ever, you play the game and see it's not actually that bad. Might as well keep playing at that point, right?
Expect the best and don't get it? OUTRAGE. Expect the literal worst and get far better? Pleasantly shocked. Worked out for NMS rather well. No one cares about the lies anymore because they were told to expect far worse and the worst didn't come.
How the fuck do you guys fire so many holes in a boat that you make it more buoyant? That shouldn't be possible, but you managed it. Fucking morons.