>Bought this game on release
>Refunded it
>Considering buying it again
I'm generally not great at FPS games but I need something to play since I'm trash at mobas and NMS was a let down.
>Bought this game on release
>Refunded it
>Considering buying it again
I'm generally not great at FPS games but I need something to play since I'm trash at mobas and NMS was a let down.
>You fell for the "Lets hate on new things!" circle jerk
was it fun?
did you feel good?
did you at least cum?
I don't know if I had fun. I played two games then refunded it.
and spent the next few hours shitposting how much you hated it
Basically. So should I buy it again?
What is it like to be an add-riddled child unable to commit to a decision? Why are you such a faggot?
Fortunately for you overwatch is the beginners fps
After 30 hours I can say it a pretty average shooter, low content and low skill ceiling ruined what could have been a decent game.
I've put 150 hours into it but Blizzard's seesaw balancing is really pissing me off. Every single patch someone gets nerfed into the uselessness while another turns into a death machine who is on every single team in every game you play.
I've played few Blizzard games but I'm starting to understand what people were talking about during the early stages of the game when they shit on their balancing ability.
No, you are too big of a cuck.
Yeah go buy it, you gigantic faggot.
Its fun in spurts and you will burn out really quickly if you play too long
buy a ps4 and then get battleborn
better game and you won't have to get cucked by skin crates
you should definitely not kill yourself
I'm curious about all the people claiming it has a low skill ceiling, what SR did you reach by the end of the season?
The thing about balance is, it isnt fucking possible.
You simply cannot balance this many heroes and abilities. Something is always going to be the "best" and the meta will shift around it.
I'd rather them have this kind of back and forth balancing where each hero has a chance to be the "best" for a little while at least.
Once they find the perfect balance, and the game ceases to evolve, then it is truly dead.
>gearbox is better at balancing than fucking blizzard
jesus christ
it isn't hard
>need to move box to the middle of the room
>kick it
>goes to other side of room
>kick it again
>goes to other side of room
you make small fucking changes. small. fucking. changes.
The problem is that Blizzard largely only buffs/nerfs in extremes, like how McCree went from broken to total dirt in a single patch before they buffed him again. Zen / Mercy, same deal. Mercy turned into trash pick and Zen was on every single team, it's just frustrating dealing with this rollercoaster bullshit every few weeks.
I can't help but wonder whether the balance rollercoaster is intentional in order to bring various heroes/play styles into the meta and then replace them with something fresh. It's the only reason I can think of, there's no way they can't tell that they should be making small changes rather than very large ones.
There's really no such thing as a simple small change.
Even small changes are enough to shift the balance towards certain paradigms and away from others
Even if Zen only got his 50hp and discord buff, the entire meta would have shifted like it did, and those were "small" changes according to many
Why would you buy a game, play it for 2 rounds and then return it? Especially given that you say that you "don't know" whether you had fun, indicating that you didn't have time to form an opinion.
What the fuck is wrong with you?
then give him a 25hp buff you retard
baby steps
how is it that a massive company like blizzard with fucking decades of massive hits can't balance their fucking game at all
while fucking gearbox who couldn't even market their GOTY has gotten the game to a point where every hero works well and the two who are currently "OP" are OP by a small margin
HotS has better balancing than OW, but it took a long ass time.
Blizzard can't balance a see-saw.
I'd say its the same with overwatch.
Every hero is viable in normal play.
There's the FOTM's that are slightly stronger than most, but every hero can be used effectively in the current game.
Looking at shit like hero use in tournaments is not a good way to gauge balance. There are always going to be stronger heroes, and those are the ones that will always be picked in high tier play.
>Refunded it
how?? i tried to refund it but their terms say all sales are final. Did you buy it from Amazon or something?