What's your chat/teamspeak personality?

What's your chat/teamspeak personality?

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way to ruin a steak

You might as well eat a piece of charcoal


OP you fucking triggered me with that picture. Could of had a steak but now you are just eating charcoal. Fuck you.

Maybe a bit too black.

but crusty yet juicy and smooth to chew steak with real good spices...

There is actual, edible charcoal that look more appealing than that steak.

Well-done is for men, medium, medium-rare and rare are for degenerates. You might as well just go up to a cow and bite a chunk out of it while if you're not going to cook it properly you fucking savages.

I just talk normally

orangutan roleplay

Shit bait

>First post derails
what the fuck is this bizzaro Sup Forums?

being bratty 11 year old princess with blonde twintails is my chat personality

That one drunk fag who talks way too loud, spams a soundboard, gets banned and begs to be unbanned the next day.

i'm the guy in your group that people make screen caps to post in the thread and make fun of me


Complete and utter faggot. Thats who I be
Lets suck crack and smoke dick. and I'm all out of crack.

Why the fuck would you do that to a steak?

Prove me wrong.

It's missing a "possible parasite infection", but otherwise it's correct.

>needing spices to make your charcoal steak good

Might as well dip it in ketchup then since you don't care about quality at all.


Some people here say only men eat well done and only low tests eat rare
It's a lot like the thick(fat) meme in that it's retarded and they're just trying to make an excuse for their awful taste

>there are people on this board right now who will try to justify anything other than well done
dont cook my meat shit heads


Well done is for sissy nu male millennials who can't handle medium rare because they have estrogen in their tap water.

If you're asking for your steak well done, it's not being cooked to begin with. It's just being left burn.

Jesus fucking Christ people, its a piece of meat. Who gives a shit? Steaks are overrated as fuck.

>I know literally nothing about food or hygiene

How does it feel to be misinformed?

Cow steaks maybe, but Ostrich and Swordfish both make for pretty tasty steaks.


I literally can't

Teamspeak uses stolen source code from Mumble.


Thats a tasty looking pizza!

I pretend to be jewish and say OY VEY a lot

Well done steak is bland and dry as fuck. A juicy medium rare is the god tier steak.

Who the fuck eats steak?
I'll stick with a Beefy Crunch Burrito.

>le rare steak

Feels like eating already chomped shit.

The best objective way to cook a steak is to let it stay longer on very low flame. Juicy, nicely done and not a fucking raw turd.

>not being vegan
lol I can't believe you all got tricked by the meat industry

>Ramsay bitches everything is raw
>make him a cooked steak
>bitches that it isn't raw

Make up your mind.

I've got balls of steal.

>He doesn't get his burritos from Burger King
Pleb detected,

I play Overwatch and add random people I defeat to my friends list to group up with. I take on the persona of the Doritos Lord and scream into my mic about how the other team can't handle my many flavors. I've kept it up for two weeks now and have randos that I added begging to play with me on the regular.

>ramsey bitches about the meat not being raw and thus not able to judge the quality of it

Is this guy retarded or something

How's your vagina doing?

>literally just a burger wrapped in a tortilla

Whatever, cuck.

"Balls of steel" What is that?

what the fuck did he just make

a thousand black cocks later and it's still going strong

Slutty brown elf girl


>charcoalfags will never experience the closest thing to culinary perfection, a steak tartare from a high-class restaurant
It's not even funny anymore, it's just sad.

>eating horse
>high class

do you ride cows as well?

Medium/Medium Rare is the ONLY acceptable answer.

If you contest this, kill yourself immediately. You are a cum guzzling faggot that deserves to be baptised in the same fire as your overcooked steak.

drunk/high belligerent asshole, but for some reason my online friends seem to like me.

Me too
I always say anudda shoah and various Jewish phrases (((ironically))) but I catch myself doing it when I don't mean to
Must be the circumcision

Well done keeps you well, the only and best way for steaks.

Also this is not vidya

I make jokes and clever quips on a dime and that steak is way overcooked.

lol, all the good steak places do something to the meat before/while cooking it you're delusional otherwise

I'm pretty sure this guy's whole deal is to annoy people who like to be pedantic about cooking. It's seriously heartbreaking what he does to perfectly fine food, but I'm fairly sure he does it because it amuses him, not because he actually likes the taste.

then again there are some real sickos out there.


>this pleblord is too much of a numale betamax pussy to eat blue rare
off yourself for the good of the planet, my friend.

stop talking about irrelevant shit in the food thread please.

>TV celebrity is a reliable source for what is and isn't well prepared food
uh huh

What is it like to live in the constant fear mass media has instilled in the unintelligent?

>medium rare
That's how I prefer it. I wouldn't judge anyone unless they asked for blue rare or well done.

gordon ramsay is a dickhead but he does know his shit, and he's right about well done steaks.

honestly I think most of the people who are legitimately defending well done steaks haven't actually ever had one, and what they're picturing eating is actually medium well. FYI, well-done means there is not a single molecule of pink flesh remaining.

When did people start getting so pretentious about steaks of all things? Its such a dumb thing to give a shit about.

Do you overcook your popcorn too? What about marshmallows? Do you like the taste of ash from a burnt out fire? Do you scrap the scraps of egg off the pan to eat? Do you set your toaster on max setting? Do you wait for the water to evaporate when cooking pasta?

>one of the world's greatest chefs isn't a reliable source for what is and isn't well prepared food

uh huh

steak tartare is beef unless otherwise stated, dumbass

What temperature does steak have to be cooked to and held for it to be safe? What kind of storage conditions does it need? Do you even know, bro?

Since people were enabled to project their insecurities to the world wide web. Someone eats their steak anything besides well done? Holy shit I look like a child for liking well-done steak, better go on a rant about food poisoning, surely that will assuage my ego and I never have to think about it again.

tbqh I've never tried it, so I can't knock it.

You shouldn't be so adverse to trying new things. You should also stop being a baka and embrace the word filter, desu.

>not eating delicious brisket instead

I want my steak red, rare and bleeding on my plate. It's the only proper way to consume a steak. Cooked or grilled steak is for low test beta men n women.

It's really something how they just gave him ownership of all those restaurants in the past because they knew how good of a TV celebrity he would be in the future.


the same as my regular personality
amateur comedian with a hint of self loathing

>he's never eaten barbecue

Its more than that though. Steaks are held up as some kind of ultimate food in the west, and I legitimately can't figure out why. I guess its just the random whims of our culture.

Hell yeah

I miss Texas so much.

>could of
Well now you've gone and triggered me.
I agree about the steak though.

That dude is looking at a cock.

my TS friend dislike me i wished i was a better friend

This is evolutionary correct. Eating any meat that still has blood or red means you have shit genes and didnt evilve properly. Really think hunter gatherers cooked their meat until it was just a yad bit red or cooked thay fucker up nice and brown? Fucking assholes, anyone who disagrees is probably some faggot european or from a shitworld country.

Get fucked.

Better not eat anything that isn't burnt to a crisp then.

And don't ever leave your house either, bad people who want to hurt you are out there.

It's a holdover from when meat was expensive and uncommon. Now beef is dirt cheap in the west and the quality has fallen in accordance.

A good steak is still high on my list. Just below a a beautiful salmon fliet, or shrimp in pasta.

>or shrimp in pasta
Patrician fucking taste my man

Hows it feel to not know what a proper meat tastes like? Assholes like you at outback saying they want their meat medium or anything other than well done is fucking cancer. Go to a fucking 24 hour diner and waste the shirt order cooks time with your bullshit order and hope he doesnt spit on it.

Shrimp in pasta is overrated. Either that or I've never had the correct combination of pasta and sauce with the shrimp. Shrimp by itself is fantastic, mind.

go all the way at least

it can't be unraw enough

shrimp is great in every way desu

>Hows it feel to not know what a proper meat tastes like?
You tell me, you're the expert, seeing as you eat well-done steak.

Sounds like you need a beef injection

Its almost as if taste in food is one of the most subjective thing we experience and people bitching about other people's preferences or praising their own preferences is genuinely retarded.

Literally confirmed for savage.

I'm the sassy one who rallies everyone together at the end to achieve victory or commiserate in defeat

>he's never had shrimp scampi with scallops

You should go out and eat some then. Especially with some garlic bread.

You sound like this retarded Irish guy I met

Only ate well-done beef smothered in awful sauce