You're never seeing those watches, SHITters
Zero Escape: Zero Time Dilemma
It's no use.
But it's my first time actually ordering a watch.
Life is simply unfair.
Didn't they say they would start selling all the old watches again or something like that? Or is that just my wishful thinking?
they did, way back in june at momocon
but at this rate it will take them ages to even get to that point
is ztd worth playing? i'm hearing it's bad
"Enjoyable disappointment" is the best description I've heard. If you like ZE and keep your expectations low, it's a fun ride.
It's still worth a play overall, but it doesn't really offer proper conclusions to everything that happened in VLR. as well as raising plotholes of its own
You played the other two? You have to play ZTD faggot.
Enjoy buying them for $40-50 a pop
Trips of truth does not lie.
I'm playing VLR right now and honestly I'm not liking it nearly as much as I liked 999
ZTD is going to suck balls for you then.
VLR does get more fun though.
In that case, you're probably not going to like ZTD. It's substantially different from 999.
It's worth it if you love memes though.
Were the puzzles easier in 999? I couldn't enjoy VLR since I couldn't figure out the puzzles by myself. I plan to start over and try again without any help, but I'm not confident.
General consensus is that 999 had the easiest puzzles. I had to look up a couple solutions for VLR and ZTD.
>and ZTD
What was it? The only puzzle I remember struggling with was the wires one because I had no patience for that shit.
Heart puzzle. I kept thinking there was something about the dots I was missing and wound up trying the same solutions over and over again like a tard.
A lot of ZTD's puzzle rooms gave you zero idea of where to start. It felt like the puzzles took a lot longer to come together - everything I found required me to find something else first, until I eventually found a starting point.
Not to mention it had the most pixel-hunty shit in the series. Manufacturing can fuck all the way off.
That was probably VLR's fault for making you think of multiple solutions for extra files.
I had this problem too, finding a starting point.
Every room felt like that, and it was fine once you hit your stride then realized you were missing one thing.
to be fair, I also couldn't figure out the pills in the Biolab were numbers for the specimen puzzle.
so I just brute-forced that one
Managed to get the SPIN part of the roulette wheel without even getting any prior clues though. I think Carlos even said a line wondering how he knew the answer.
Bump, I guess.
why tho
Just let it go.
Our time's up. This is it.