
>PC alone
I thought statistics from steamspy only from steam purchase,not gog?

Other urls found in this thread:


Correct, but we have no way to track GOG purchases, so it's safer to just say over 700,000

GOG purchases account for a very small quantity of games sold on PC anyways

Jesus how much did they make off of this game? I'm not sure even Deus Ex will have those kind of sales in a month, let alone less than a week

>over 1,000,000 people now hate Sean Murray

This is the kind of shit people kill themselves over. Especially now, since he's rich. He has nothing left to do now, he'll fall into that celebrity depression thing and kill himself eventually.

Enough that I'm hoping they can use that money to fund themselves making free updates for a few years I know how hopelessly optimistic I'm being

You fail to realize how few people actually follow games as closely as people in circles like ours do. Most people who bought NMS probably have no idea who Sean Murray is

>700,000 on steam
>unknown numbers from GOG
>2nd biggest launch for a ps4 game
>set to become one of the best selling games of all time

I honestly hope Hello Games are sued, shut down and everyone at the studio is left in massive debt. This will never happen but of course even if it did, Sony would get away scot free, laughing all the way to the bank.

even better user. theyre already working on a new game.

not even fucking kidding

Why do that when they can gain positive word-of-mouth through keeping the game updated, bringing in even more money and building a huge brand like Minecraft did?

Then they can hire more staff and make No Man's Sky 2, the MMO people wanted from the start

>"It's a small experiment"

aka they only have a few staff on it

No need to freak out yet famalam


>Bad game is popular
Nothing new

You could have prevented this Sup Forums

Why didn't you stop it?

You guys keep buying shit games, so they're going to keep making them.

There was nothing we could do

unfortunately people paid for NMS

Oh boy, is this the thread where we pretend 700k on launch is a good number for a AAA game, much less one revealed at E3, the event where the average game there sells 5-10 million?

I bet you actually think they get 100% of the money from each copy sold, too.

you do realize they made over $42,000,000 from PC alone right? thats simple math 700k x 60 = 42000000

Are you serious guys? If you expected this to be a AAA game than maybe this game isn't for you. NMS was never a AAA game, idk where people got this from. Maybe you should lower your expectations, because for me this is exactly what I wanted.

>2nd biggest launch for a ps4 game
...in the UK. Might as well say "2nd biggest launch for a PS4 game in Uganda"

>ITT someone on Sup Forums has no idea how well games actually sell on the PC

Deus Ex: HR
>Owners: 1,369,556 ± 29,065
This is a game that's been out for nearly three years and has had multiple sales. Witcher 3 has sold about 2 million in a little over a year and has also had sales

700,000 within the first week on Steam alone is fucking incredible

Didn't Witcher 3 sold more on gog? Or was that only a one example.

They only have "a few staff" in the whole fucking company

Good. It's only going to get better with updates. Not sure why Sup Forums hates it with abandon. Did the devs trigger you all so much?

>the state of the game industry.
>the second best selling console game is total garbage with literally almost no "video game" and fun elements in it

I want to cry.

They used 5 in the prototyping phase of NMS

Assuming they use the same amount here on their new project they still have 10 people working on NMS full-time

>people bought into the hype

How's that buyer's remorse? Lol, fucking retards thought it'd really be anything other than an FPS Spore. My fucking sides. Granted, NMS is an average game and not terrible, but after all the hype and lies? No living up to that.

>what is steam's cut
>what is tax

>mfw all these people are so mad
>cruising comfy in my spaceship

feels good man

>literally a rehashed Spore and you wander aimlessly doing nothing until you get to the center of the galaxy and start over

Actually, I apologize. Spore allowed for more interaction and customization.

>hurr i'm just gonna cherrypick two random games to fit my point
Good job confirming you're a retard who still thinks PC is some obscure neckbeard-only platform. Fallout 4 sold 2 million in its first week on PC. That's how much NMS was supposed to do, but it's not, and considering how its playercount is literally 1/4 of what it was a few days ago, and that shit metascore and steam score, it probably never will.

Let me fix his math

700k x $60 = 42 mil

$42 mil x 0.7 (account's for Steam's 30% cut on sales) = 29.4 mil

29.4 mil x 0.8 (to account for UK tax on profits) = $23,520,000

Still, not too bad for week one profits


>People fell for this shit

>not considering daddy Sony's cut, and how they literally won't give the devs anything unless their game sells a certain amount

>Game was supposed to do as well as Fallout fucking 4

Yeah okay

>1/4 of what it was

Did it really drop that hard? That's a big fucking flop.

I bought it because someone told me it was Subnautica in space. A bit disappointed but it's okay. Maybe I'm telling myself that because I don't want to think I wasted money, who knows.

But how many of those people refunded?

This is a main stage E3 game. What other kinds of games get multiple live playable demos and get showcased by Geoff Keighley and Stephen Colbert? Oh, that's right, AAA games. NMS is in every way in the same caliber as FO4. This was supposed to be Sony's next big thing, something to rival Watch Dogs and Skyrim.

That's actually standard for game releases on PC

Follow Deus Ex: MD on release and watch the player count drop off fast over a few days

>Sony's cut

Hello Games self-published on PC



Why the fuck would an obscure title from new indie devs be competing with one of the largest game devs in the industry, over a long awaited and hyped francise, fallout.

Are you willingly being a simpleton? Do you realize how small NMS's studio compared to fallout's?

multiple e3 appearances
multiple appearances on live tv
full advertising circuit from tv ads to display ads in stores


>PC peasants with no taste show their preferences

It's not indie. You're not indie when Sony is backing you up. You wanna know what an indie title at E3 looks like?
These are indies. Do they get to come out on stage and talk in great lengths about their game? No. Do their games get to be part of a corporation's main big reveals? No. They're lucky to get their game shown off for more than 2-3 seconds in a short clip reel. NMS isn't obscure and it isn't indie. Fallout is directly the kind of game that it is competing with. Both games are presented and marketed in the same way and have the same priority by their respective publishers, so they should be treated as such.

That doesn't change the fact that the game keeps stopping itself every time I try to open it.

You're forgetting that they love to pull the "they just poor indie devs n dindu nuffin" card any time criticism comes across at how shit and boring it is, but throw out the whole "AAA experience" to justify them charging $60 for this procedurally generated pile of shit.

Well there were insufferable retards who bought into the hype hook, line, and sinker. Same exact shit with Star Citizen too, and the same exact disappointment will happen. Possibly even more, since some special sorts of retards have spent thousands of dollars on a dream, on a concept. Shit is like the Bernie Sanders of video games.

But with a lengthy catalog of excellent games, including the very popular Joe Danger 1 and 2 (and that's all), the new game will be excellent! Go on goy, swipe the card!

kill me

there was nothing Sup Forums could do

sean murray was on fucking jon stewart lying about his game and several other shows

he shamelessly hyped up a turd and lied non stop, they spent time and money hyping up the game then actually making it well.

I hope nobody trusts this faggot ever again

Does anyone here ever stop bitching? What ever made you guys hate yourself and everything around you this much?

Joe Danger 1 was great

I'll stop bitching when the game canmake it past the Hello Games screen on my computer, thank you very much.

What are your specs

AMD that doesn't support SSE4

I have the GoG version