Game acknowledges buttons and prompts

>game acknowledges buttons and prompts


>rebind all your keys
>game hints still use defaults

>NPCs acknowledge ingame controls
>admit that they aren't even sure what any of it means

>game notices what game saves you have on your memory card and comments on it


>hit the jump key
>what does that mean?

>main character asks if the player has died if you don't touch the controls.

>game knows you like men

>Press the action button!

>game uses xbox controller prompts
>when playing with a mouse and keyboard

>game knows thatif you dont reply to this post your mother will die in her sleep tonight.


There should be a game that maps it's controls to how you react to the tutorial prompts
"Press the jump button" with no prompt telling you what button that is, it simply maps jump to whatever button you press first. Every gameplay function, crouching, sprinting etc is introduced in this way, and it wouldn't let you use the same button twice. I wonder if people would even notice

>"Press the inventory key to view your items"
>Doesn't tell you which key that is

Fuck you, immunity cat

>game knows your fetishes and emails them to your friends and family

>game is a goverment program used to spy on you

>someone accidentally hits two keys at once, like space and v, not noticing they fat fingered v at the same time
>wonder why they jumped once but can't ever again if it has support for combinations of keys as binds

Cool concept though.

>game tells you that I’m Rick Harrison, and this is my pawn shop. I work here with my old man and my son, Big Hoss. Everything in here has a story and a price. One thing I’ve learned after 21 years – you never know WHAT is gonna come through that door.

I actually laughed at that. Thanks user.


>NPC acknowledges that they're imaginary

fuck you

Fuck off, Anthony.



man this is a chore

>engaging and serious cutscene

This meme really is forced and unfunny

You could just not do it you fucking newfag sack of shit



>game lets you cross dress and fuck the last game's main character

Can we autoban these niggers?

>Sequel ruins the best character

What fucking game

>Sequel makes the worst character the best character.

"Press the attack button to attack."

What's the logic behind these kind of tutorial message?

That has to be MGS4

>During a tutorial cutscene, an NPC tells you to press the action button
>Other NPCs nearby look around in confusion, and then say "What do you mean by action button?"

I love this though


Cross Days, currently not in English, though the prequels are

welcome to 2016 where all the fuckers born in 2000 are the ones making all the new memes

>Press the action button

Have to press every single button to find out.

>Mechanics are worked into the lore

Another game written by Kirkbride when?

Start doing drugs. If you already do, do more. Create your own insane gameworld and grab some friends and do some DnD style thing with rules as close to Morrowind's ruleset is, just with d20.

Its the best you'll ever get, the dude does fanfiction now.

What about when they're mandatory but they're still that pointless?

>Jump with the jump button
>Jump now

like, if you need a tutorial at that point it's so vague you wouldn't be able to complete it, and if you can complete it then you don't need the tutorial.

I recently played some game that did that.

At the beginning, it was like "Let's test your controls. First, look up."

Depending on how you moved your mouse, it would decide whether or not to invert the Y axis.

>game makes you go "haha"

>game really makes you think

Dude, Im friends with the people who own a cafe meant for board games and pen and paper RPGs, and all I do is drop acid and tell retarded stories to my players. The owners give me free booze when Im GMing!

>games that make you do something