So what's Sup Forums playin and drinkin tonight?

So what's Sup Forums playin and drinkin tonight?

Pic related Because im a poorfag

and H1Z1 king of the hill because I have no taste in vidya



Hello Sup Forums. Somebody from Sup Forums told me to fuck off to this board. What do I do now?

user it's a wednesday night

Try to think on what you did wrong, since Sup Forums is the shithole of Sup Forums

Every night is Friday night when you're an autistic neet

Man I wish I was still a neet
But then I wouldn't have money to buy shitty vodka with

Go back to Sup Forums and for the love of God stay there forever, Sup Forums should just become its own website or some shit it's fucking over everything

I'm broke and I work tomorrow so I'll just be sticking with mary jane.

Cranberry juice while playing some FTL

im drinking natural light because its cheap

i might play gta 2 later

Wow not only do you have shit taste in liquor but shit taste in vidya aswell.


get on my fucking level


Ah, I see you're still spending your parent's money.

Got a cheap bottle of Spanish red and I'm replaying Oblivion
I forgot how you start the thieves' guild, don't you have to get caught dindu'ing or something?

Is any vodka worth drinking neat or is it just one of those things that's for mixing only?

Jesus, have been having a hard time dude?

fuck i don't remember either
you had to ask the beggars in waterfront?

Vodka by itself is pretty pointless.

It taste like nothing with a very very slight hint of rubbing alcohol depending on the quality.- at least enjoy your drinks.

4 roses bourbon
fucking smooth

user Its fucking Thursday.
I'm drinking Carlton dry.

Here's a weird trick; You know how some people suck a lime/lemon after shooting tequila? Munch a pickle slice (a good one, don't do it with like, hamburger slices) after a shot/pull of vodka and for some reason it lets you taste the flavor of the vodka that's hiding behind the bitter, alcohol sting.

But as for just like, in a glass on the rocks? No idea, even the 100 dollar a bottle stuff is just stingy nonsense.

My go to drink has been gin+tonic+splash of orange juice.

So good, senpai.

I was playing Wolfenstein TNO a bit. Just beat the moon station level , great game so far.


Eh, don't do much of that on weekdays. Water and a frozen lemonade earlier.

>not travellers

it's like you don't even have a problem

Dragon Age Inquisition
Drank too much last night, so Sprite

I gave the beggar in front of the quest nigger in waterfront a septim, nothing. I kinda remember an Argonian running up to you with an invitation or something

My go-to when I vodka.

mom told me not to drink all the sodie pops at the same time

im gonna do it anyway

Drinking Knob Creek.

Playing Kirby Air Ride.

that sounds about right.
try talking with the argonians in waterfront or some shit

Was playin From The Depths earlier. Might play some Super Monkey Ball or Sonic Adventure 2 with the gf now that she's home.

inb4 normie get out


>Knob Creek
my fucking nigga
have you tried the maple yet?

I'm an idiot, all I had to do was ask 'em about the grey fox. Thanks senpai

Haven't gotten to the liquor store today so I'm drinking the Milwaukee's Best Ice that my friend left at my house and playing Donkey Kong Land because I apparently had money left in the eShop.

Nope, just the straight bourbon. I'll have to try that out.

Week and a half sober. Keep coming back.


24 days here.

You sound like my ex, she had a hard on for that shit. I prefer black barrel jameson, kinda tastes like chocolate.

is drinking alone unhealthy behavior?

depends how often, how much, and why

>Smirnoff and H1Z1

Could your taste possibly get any worse? Not even trying to be a dick but jesus fuck...

tfw drink every day like a 6 pack 16 oz cans and 2 24 oz

get in prison somehow
2 birds with 1 stone if you murder someone for dark brotherhood

Nah. As long as you aren't doing it daily or in excess by yourself.

I drink (a lot) mostly on the weekends with friends, but I might have a beer every third day during the weekday by myself.



you're not by yourself if you're playing online
pic related

>being a eurocuck

If you're looking for a cheap 5th of vodka that doesn't taste like complete ass just get a bottle of UV blue. It's like drinking fruit juice.

Bonus points if you mix it with lemonade flavor four loko and black out for a couple days (i did this once, i wouldn't recommend it).

Or just get one of those 6 dollar bottles of wine, a dry red like a cab is best for cheap wine because the bitterness hides the shit flavor. If you're a fag and you get a 6 dollar rose or muscatto, you're gonna have a bad time with the added detriment of becoming a flaming faggot for drinking sweet wine.

>brother gets some xr
>we try it together
>he fucking loves it
>i think it's the exact same as the normal
>don't have the heart to tell him that since xr is like.. 5x the price or something

I do love the bags these things come in.


if you drink enough to get fat yeah like me

1.75 litre vodky last me two-three days, dont drink for a couple days, repeat

You're not allowed to post on this site if you're under 18, you know

Drinkin Crown Royal Whiskey and listening to Deicide and other metal bands


I don't like to drink during the week, despite being currently unemployed I mean "freelancer" might as well be "unemployed" right?

but on the weekends I usually drink too much heineken. Or when I'm feeling especially poor, rolling rock

you draw furry porn, too?

Nah if I drew furry porn I'd have cash to buy something better than fucking rolling rock. I'm a freelance videographer

>I do love the bags these things come in.
me too. I keep my DnD dice in them

Nothing wrong with vodka mate

>amaretto flavored vodka


Youre a bro for life

Going to try to play some Fallout 4, see if I can get back into it. Drinking water currently, unfortunately, because I can't afford to spend money on alcohol. I have a bit of cheap Irish Cream I'm saving for later though. Mix that shit with Peppermint Schnapps and it's even better.

You know what's up, nigga. Someone's gotta show these budweiser kids who the boss is

I live in burgerland

I just sip from the bottle and chase with a beer or soda usually, flavored vodkas aren't bad to drink neat though as long as they're chilled. I should just get into whiskey already.

If I were drinking tonight, it'd probably be a 26er of SoCo. About to start up a game of Steel Empire while listening to some Boris.

my nigga

i'd buy you an xr anytime

Yall need to graduate to some more interesting beers. You're doin good, but there are better things out there ;)

Do you guys just hate good beer or something?
Try some of this. It's only about $8-$9 a six pack near me and it's delicious as fuck.

Mike's Harder Lemonade. I get two tallboys of differing flavors and mix them. Its generally pretty good, tastes good and somehow the alcohol layers on itself so it tastes stronger.
>inb4 dude girls drink lmao, go chug tequila and get in a car crash you swine

I stick with what I like and I'm over my "let's be a beer hipster and try a bunch of new shit" phase. Sorry.

>somehow the alcohol layers on itself when I pour two alcoholic drinks into the same glass
really makes you think

100 proof vodka. Playing some Sleeping Dogs.

So you're retarded?

That's like saying "I'm over my good food phase so I'm just gonna eat Burger King for the rest of my life".

Just try it, or are you a pussy?

Well they're the same thing except for flavor, its not like mixing a shot made of hard alcohol and a liqueur, it's more like mixing Bud.
Budweiser + Bud Light doesn't equal Bud Black Crown.


Here's a weird trick: Instead of chasing with a pickle like some kinda faggot just make a fucking vodka martini with a pickled olive in it.

>being a retard
He didn't say "I'll stick with bud light"

I'm also broke, if that counts. Unless you just wanted to vent to someone about superiority. That's ok too user.

NOBODY calls me pussy

Alright, maybe Heineken is Wendy's

Honestly I drink to get drunk. I feel like I'll waste money if I buy an expensive six/12 pack and down them all over the course of an hour. Like what's the point.

>gay little drink glass
I don't like going back to the freezer over and over

how many olives should I put in here?

>Drinking: Canadian Club
>Playing: Clicker Heroes

>peat whiskey

awful, awful, awful taste you fucking hipster. I gagged upon enlarging.

I thought it was a picture of sriracha from the thumbnail

I think living in a metropolitan area has spoiled me. It's easy as fuck to get a discount 6 pack for a fiver at my liquor store. Usually because some smaller brewery made an amazing beer that wasn't marketed well so no one bought it.

LOL I was gonna say MAYBE an Arby's, but in that vein I'd say Stella Artois is Arby's

i drink gin pretty much everyday, and since im a poorfag i always go with this. its disgusting but im this point im more than used to it


now whiskey i can never drink straight under any circumstance. its just too fucking gross. agree with the flavored vodkas tho. i just get the shooters, stick em in the freezer and its all good

I went to vodka because anytime Skol tries to do anything else the flavor is obscene. I use to mix my vodka with gatorade and pedialyte so I could weather the hangovers with a bit of finnesse. That's all behind me tho. It gets better.

I think I just get overwhelmed by choices when I walk into one, not to mention I don't get as good of prices as you. I just don't want to pay like 9 burgers for something I wont like.

i generally mix it with earl grey, mint, or some other type of hot tea. it feels like a more sophisticated way to get shitfaced on the reg

Any gin below New Amsterdam is just cheap vodka tier. New Amsterdam my nigga.