Deus Ex Thread


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Looks great

can't turn off purehair

Why would you want to?

>tell us about your experiences on facebook

>The flesh is weak.
>We are the future.
>We are the Deus Ex: Mankind Divided: Special Edition: Director's Cut: Featuring JC from the Deus May Ex Series.
fucking squenis I swear to god

because hairworks/purehair are 90% of the time terrible performance drains with no real benefit

whoa somebody call the cops guys

>having a shit PC
Just get a console version then, poorfag.

>temporal AA On or off

I miss MSAA, tired of this blurry crap becoming standard

i have a 1070 retard
game has performance issues


weren't the reviews for this shit supposed to be out by now?

Game isn't out yet, retard. How would you know it has performance issues?

so it's confirmed to have denuvo, right? Absolutely, positively?

Why aren't you playing Deus Ex Go, Sup Forums?

>what are review copies
where do you think that screenshot comes from you nigger?

the hitman one was a neat time waster

Why don't you just use 4K res then or DSR?

which heavy metal band will be referenced in Mankind Divided?

>I am a vidya journalist guys trust me ;)
Well okay then faggot, post proof of shit performance then.

Welcome to the coalition JC. I may as well start using crack.

I'm also tired of this

>you don't need AA at 4K


Did you ever doubt? Nixxes after all. Those fuckers are wizards

MSAA doesn't play well with most new engines. Deferred renderers or something fucks it up.

>Rise of the Tomb Raider

one day left

But you don't.

it's "coke" you dumb butt

This is actually from a comic from the first game. It's so generic I forgot everything about it aside from Mr. Title Drop there.

no it's not, there's too many polygons for it to have been made in unreal

I literally just realized that, goddamn it.


Where's the option to remove the black outlines on objects? Shit looks like a Telltale game sometimes, especially with the facial animations

no idea what you're talking about
but it's probably orange-filter v2

if you guys could augment any part of your body, what would it be or if at all?

Gotta love the music industry.

>we are not plagiarising those guys. We're just referencing/homage/sampling them! It is totally fine. Royalties to use their IP? FUCK THAT! We're just being creative an shit!

wait, its out??

How is it? Are there unlockables/collectibles of any kind? Is there any sort of bonus in MD for having played Go?

Nothing past the first game with GMDX mod is worth touching.

Prove me wrong plebs.

what the hell are you talking about

You get up to 5 praxis points to use in MD if you complete DEGo and link your shit

mine phallus
short of that, legs


oh fuck, and its only $5? Just watched videos, it looks great.

Off I go to play it, thanks.

I'd augment one of my eyes so I could shitpost all day and no one would ever know I'm sure there would be other stuff.

Other than that, and depending on what cyberpunk future we're in, I guess I'd get a neural jack. I dunno I don't think I'd chop off too many body parts just to replace them with beep boop robot ones

everything, complete conversion to robotics

Probably just my non dominant eye.

It would be scary to Aug my arms. I'd lose my "real" sense of touch, even though I know "real" is just electrical signals interpreted by my brain. It just feels weird...

If I lost my arms in an accident id get Augs but, I guess what I'm saying is... I wouldn't ask for it. Seriously though.

Deus ex devs stole someone else's creative property. But its ok cos its just music.

Oh yeah the song they referenced. You're kind of an idiot, you know that?

how did they steal megadeth's property?
the song isn't even in the game, and only 2 lines of lyrics are directly quoted

I want all of it, except my internal organs. Hook my body up to my digestive system so I can use body energy to power my mechanical body. Make me faster, stronger, more durable, give me the whole motherfucking suite. I want to be a douchebag in a suit kicking the shit out of criminals in a shitty costume. I'd sacrifice personal quality of life for that kind of life. At the very least, give me more powerful arms and legs.

So have they shown anything different in terms of gameplay?
I kind of liked HR but I didn't end up finishing it because I felt it was built a lot more around stealth than any other play style.

become one with the machine.


>I felt it was built a lot more around stealth than any other play style.
Yeah that's how stealth games usually are.

Your making waves user.

Well I guess I expected it to be closer to the original in that regard. My bad.

I trust more in flesh genitals than I do cybernetics


do you have the "I wanted waffles" gif?

I don't think I've seen that one but does it end in mr goldshit saying to not be entitled?

No it's a clip from 30 rock. The one guy is holding a pizza box and the black dude says "I wanted waffles!" and the guy with the box opens it and it's a huge waffle. It sums up HR pretty well

found it

it's like HR but the xp system is balanced better and you have more gadgets and stuff
It's pretty good

>become machine
>make space station
>leave earth
>watch the wars from afar in safety
live the dream user, live the dream

Currently started a new game in DE:HR. Going full violence.

That lipsync in those leaked webms is utter shit. It was alright for HR, but it looks horrible on more HD models.

Do we already know if Prague will be the only city hub?

No, but Prague itself is absolutely huge.

Get my brain shoved in a robo-suit famm

I know it's only $5, but I'm kind of miffed that Deus Ex Go gives you Praxis Kits for the game. I got every upgraded in Human Revolution (including ones I never needed or used), but it was a pretty tight squeeze, so I'm already worried about whether or not we'll get enough in one playthrough for Mankind Divided.

why did he shit out butter

Fuck, man, five days. The wait is killing me.

I hope the writing won't fall into obvious political pitfalls.

Because he was trying to prove a point, and not doing a very good job at it.

that sounds like shit. the more i hear about all this garbage the more i don't think i'm going to buy it. season passes, pre order bonuses and now garbage games tied to the actual game?

Squeenix does Go shit for all of their games now. I think they have a dedicated team separate from the core devs.

it's not really related it's just a mobile thing that gives you some extra praxis points which is pointless considering in the main game you can just get more from ng+

That sounds like the easiest fucking job.
>shitpost on Sup Forums all day while taking 10 minutes a day to crank out some low res textures
>letting an algorithm make all of the boards
making a library of low res buildings and cars to reuse in every level
AND a steady paycheck? fucking awesome

i'm aware it's squeenix's fuckery that is doing this. that doesn't make it any more palatable. i'm thinking there's going to be a lot of cut content in hr anyway to be released and sold as dlc. what the fuck happened to video games?

I missed a few meme arrows in there but you get what I was trying to say

there's confirmed ng+?

>i'm thinking there's going to be a lot of cut content in hr anyway to be released and sold as dlc

That's not the case though. A separate mobile team means the core team doesn't have to spend resources and time doing dumb mobile shit.

In fact, they put in a fully fleshed out Breach game mode that didn't need to be put in. I think if anything they got what they needed to put extra content they wanted in this game.

Why wouldn't there be?

>Expect games to be about the impact of cybernetic augmentation on humans and whether they are counted as still human frm it
>Get black lives matter, robot edition instead


>Hardcore mode is called I Never Asked For This

Kinda hyped for this game. Hope it doesn't destroy my poor old machine.

Are you implying there WOULDN'T be BLM-tier retards in such a setting?

the fuck? i didn't ask for this

hr definitely didn't have ng+ on release and you seem to be implying it did have ng+. i searched and turns out they added it later. i didn't know that

>Mankind Divided will get a new difficulty mode that is called “I never asked for this”. This is going to be a treat for hardcore gamers who like a serious challenge, since this difficulty level will feature permadeath. This means that if Adam Jensen dies, you will need to start the game from the beginning.

I dunno about this.

Its canadian made user, its going to be mandatory to ally with them.

Isn't the main antagonist an aug activist?

Legs and Eyes. I've had shitty vision my whole life. I'm ready for binocular eyeballs please

And just fuck squats. Gimme some robot legs already

>skipping leg day

Not like it's mandatory or anything

I'd skip leg day if i had ROBOT LEGS

That's the point. After all the delays and additional content it looks like MD won't have the problem with cut content like HR did.