This had no right to be as good as it was
This had no right to be as good as it was
It's a good thing it was mediocre at best.
I can't get into it at all. It feels like mobile garbage.
wat do?
Too bad Raid Mode is a fucking grind. I'll never unlock that sweet pirate costume.
but it's not good
you're right
it's GREAT
Jackass and Grinder were completely unnecessary.
MaY DAYYYY mayy daaayyyyy
Why not?
I really liked that one but didn't like the second one.
Where in the timeline are Rev games?
I still can't buy how RE6 everything was going down the shit and it was all solved super fast in a cutscene at the end.
Rev1's between 4 and 5, Rev2's between 5 and 6.
Rev 1 is between 4 and 5.
Rev 2 is between 5 and 6.
Same here. I played the first one for a bit but it felt weird
Play the remake.
It is a mobile game, it's a 3DS port.
Agreed OP,its a return to the old schol RE format witht the new school none tank movement twist. This is a winning combination with the action,backtracking,bosses,etc. Unlike the straight forward linear garbage that was Revelations 2,RE6 and so on.
Don't like me talk about RE7,Jesus what a clusterfuck of Outlast wannabe bullshit.
>I really liked that one but didn't like the second one.
Tell me about it,Revelations part one was superior to REV2 in every way. Rev2 was Last of Us knockoff bullshit with no since of exploring,reminded me of linear bullshit like RE5 and RE6.
I don't get why it's called RE7 if it's gonna be a new cast.
RE6 felt like the last game of the series, granted, I haven't played Ada's campaign so I might be missing some important dets, but it seemed like the right time to reboot the franchise and the first step was not calling the first game RE7.
It will likely have returning characters play minor roles. Also, Alex Wesker will probably be in it.
>This had no right to be as good as it was
I don't see why. It's not like the people handling RE are incapable of ever making good games.
This and its sequel were both pretty based.
>tfw S-ranking every stage in Raid Mode, solo
>including the Ghost Ship
Feels so good
You mean Natalia.
I was trying to avoid spoilers, asshole.
>>tfw S-ranking every stage in Raid Mode, solo
>>including the Ghost Ship
This is why Rev1 >Rev2
Raid mode was shit in Rev2 just a bunch of rooms with no purpose and shooting random enemies like a watered down horde mode
>Rev2 includes characters ripped straight from RE6 and Rev1
>no costumes for them
>no Ooze Rachael
Amazing graphics on the 3DS, puts almost every other 3DS game to shame.
When those things come at me I shit myself...especially the fast ones...holy shit.
Never really got the timing for the dodge. And I'm not even bad at videogames.
Jill's gameplay was excellent. Everyone else's was terrible.
its not. its a mediocre entry in the series that seems to get a pass on its overly shit characters, boring enemies, bad pacing, horrid action sequences and wonky dodging all because 60-70% of it has some decent atmosphere.
its right next to 0 and 6 as the series worst.
This. The ship levels with Jill were great. The other levels were bland linear filler, sadly.
Says fucking you
How is the second one? Is it as good as the first?
>It's a good thing it was mediocre at best.
It was as good as the original two games, which are the best in this shitty series. Playing it right after having played 6 made it seem like an amazing game because of how shit 6 is.
Holy shit people who liked REV1 over two I thought I was the only one.
Same here.
It was better than 6. But not that good. Maybe 6.5/10. Still enjoyable
Found you!
I like both.
Revelations 1 has better locations (Queen Zenobia and Dido) and better bosses.
Revelations 2 has Barry and the Little Miss scenario.
Mostly same here. There was a point at which I had the timing down briefly for a spell, but I can't do it anymore.
It can't be called a port if the 3DS version was made first.
>Ooze Rachael will never slide her moist sucker over your dick and drain your fluids
There is no remake, it's a direct port of the 3ds game with nothing added.
>episodic release
I'll never play 2 entirely.
Yeah Barry's return was great but his daughter was just ugh hearing her dialogue makes me cringe.
Agreed, it's actually one of my favorite RE games. Haven't played 2 yet aside from the first episode for free, though.
Also, 2 has better controls.
>Port to home consoles.
>Game sells like shit.
Also they didn't made the damn second game for WiiU. The game was fine but was pretty much built to play on short bursts. And consoles ports pretty much kills the atmosphere.
The graphics are improved and I'm pretty sure they reworked the aiming camera.
>buying digital
hmmmm uh give me a minute I am trying to see if this is good or bad.
2 does have complete physical releases if I'm not mistaken.
The game would've been much better without Moira.
Never played the console ports how did it kill the atmosphere compared to the original?
It didnt. I have the PS3 version.
The 3DS version of Revelations 1 is far better than the console ports.
Yeah but early adopters really bit the bullet on that.
Infernal Mode was a fucking amazing time... just ruthless from beginning to end. Norman on Infernal was one of the more stressful boss encounters in my recent memory. By the end I was bordering on just shouting at the TV for him to fucking die.
I personally really enjoyed raid mode too, great use of existing assets to really add a lot more. Tied in with the capcom online events and everything was a lot of fun.
Second worst game in the series, only beaten by Zero. Revelations is fucking garbo.
>early adopters
i.e. retards
I really enjoyed it and the second one felt really atmospheric too but such a shame it was divided in episodes.
It also looked surprisingly good for a 3DS game.
That seems irrelevant right now though. I mean sure, that sucks, but what does that have to do with the game right now?
Revelations is better than 5 and 6, imo. Though I do prefer those games' Mercs to Raid Mode.
Your taste is garbage.
Norman was one of the best Tyrant designs we've gotten in a while.
>you are now aware that Revelaitons happened because Capcom managed to port RE5 onto a fucking 3DS
MTFramework is a miracle of the universe, and Revelaitons remains the technical showpiece of the 3DS IMO.
>had fun with 4, 5, 6, rev 1
>time to play them in order
>start with 0
>stop there, can't get into it at all
3d baby forever.
Zero is weaker but I'd much, MUCH sooner play a Revelations game than acknowledge 5 or 6 again.
Best damn RE game I played since RE4. And that dodge mechanic was video game kino.
You were 4 years too late.
3ds is a bit more powerful than PSP. The problem is devs being lazy and two screens draining the power of the damn thing.
Xenoblade port is also damn impressive.
Yeah MTFramework are magicians game ran smooth plus compared to most 3DS games released now it still looks better.
Indeed. Alex Wesker's final form is amazing as well.
The only thing Revelations does better than 5 and 6 is the atmosphere. And admittedly it's damn good atmosphere, at least until the game cuts to Nerdman and Dindu and ruins everything.
Locked in a room with an ooze no no weapons dodge is your only chance to defend yourself all that time playing RE3 has paid off.
I bought this at a PSN sale awhile back and I'm at the beginning of episode 2.
Will I eventually start having fun? Something feels "off" with this game. It's like an actual walking simulator, the enemies are so few and far apart, which would be OK if it had actual puzzles.
The bosses are better too. I'm not saying that 5 and 6 had shit bosses, but they weren't great.
I didn't think those two were that bad at all. They are sillier comic relief characters, but I never found them ruining the whole thing for me.
>God Tier
RE4: Wii Edition
>High Tier:
>Average Tier:
>Bad Tier:
>Shit Tier:
Also, would you believe One Piece: Unlimited World Red started out as a 3DS game?
I may be the only one here but I actually liked them they had a unique personality compared to most RE cast I'm not saying they should be main character or anything like that.
Switch 1 and 5.
The nerdy guy took me completely out of it. I was pissed when it turned out that he lived through that explosion.
Put it in the "Bad Tier" and Umbrella Corps in its place.
Also, 5 wasn't that good.
>Don't like me talk about RE7,Jesus what a clusterfuck of Outlast wannabe bullshit
Oh, you've played the game? Enlighten us.
To each their own. If there was any character in Revelations I actively disliked, it was Jessica.
As someone who really liked RER1, I didn't care for RER2 OVERALL. Some parts where pretty good. Others were boring and tedious. Generally, I it's ok, but very uneven.
Good devs can to wonders with shit hardware. It's good to see when they workaround limitations and games can end looking better than powerful console releases.
Jessica rubbed me the wrong way all her time with Chris was "Chris stop worrying about your friend who you had a history with and may be in danger and pay attention to me."
I hated every character other than the classic cast, Parker, and Paul Eiding. I think I might have liked pic related if he didn't look so god damn stupid.
I was happy to see that the costumes weren't all locked behind Raid Mode this time.
S.T.A.R.S. Barry and Lottie Natalia a best
Yeah, I didn't like his face either. The hair and his outfit didn't help.
Her dialogue was less than stellar as well.
>Me and my sweet ass are on the way!
Loved the game, it had a shit story though.
It's not like we're gonna hear about the T Abyss virus ever again. Or that Jessica bitch or the Red haired dude.
The texture detail and ploy count is way better than most 3DS games.
The lighting and ambience, its one of the few 3DS games where you look around the levels just to appreciate the visuals.
I thought the T-Abyss virus was pretty cool conceptually. Basically turned people into malleable water zombies. I wish they had a little more fun with the concept but crawling out of toilets and ducts was still an alright use of it, if not a little expected given said concept.
It also made Rachael way more attractive.
This did they ever explain what became of the t-abyss sample those two had? Did they sell it are they working for the government or another terrorist group seemed like a waste especially since Chris and Jill never mentions the betrayal at all.
The story was a bunch of literally who gives a shit but still an enjoyable game.
I grinded the arcade mode until level 50 and purple name
Even got S on ghost ship, all the way to the end, solo, on the fucking 3DS with no circlepad
>mfw oneshotting everything with that hilariously long ass revolver
I want to disagree with that but pre-infected Rachel was kind of a trainwreck outside of her cleavage so yeah, it actually was an improvement.
raid mode is fun as fuck.
i bought a circle pad pro for this shit and i still haven't finished it
is it really that good ?