ITT: Characters who are canonically B L A C K E D
ITT: Characters who are canonically B L A C K E D
Maori are bro tier so it okay
>Third iteration of newLara in the span of 2 games
>Maori guy gets 50% blacker between games
>Sam? Literally who?
Crystal Dynamics has no idea what they're doing with this IP anymore, do they?
>hunting beautiful animals to extinction not to survive but for their "outfits"
You're a retard.
ur mom
RoTTR is such a bore. The combat was easy in the first game but this is just casual difficulty.
Jonah is Hawaiian though.
How did he get so dark?
Anyone who waifu'd her in BL1 got cucked hard
lilith was shit in 2 and went full retard in the pre sequel
Crystal is a bunch of cucks trying to be progressive. Take a look at where they're HQ is for fucks sake. This should raise serious red flags for people.
Maoris and Aboriginals aren't 'black people" you fucking retard murricunts. They're asiatic. They can tan and get 'darker'
They have as much to do with africa as fucking slavs, rus, normans, anglos et al.
Which is to say Fucking Nothing.
*10 cents has been deposited into your account*
>This wasn't the first post
Fucking Sup Forums is dead brain today more than ever.
t. kiwi
>HQ in an extremely populated area for devs, and tech talent in general
>voiced by black person
>black facial aesthetics
>i'll just call him a shill huehuehue! see! anthropology is just facts, and facts are just opinions! and yours is wrong!
Not him but you got baited son. Hes clearly trolling/retarded
I wouldn't doubt it
You're both retarded if you think someone who live in England is going to magically get a tan and go from having brown skin to a very light black skin. Let me repeat that. SOMEONE LIVING IN ENGLAND IS NOT GOING TO GET A FUCKING MAGICAL TAN THAT DOES THAT.
Your mom