RE:B Love or hate thread

What do we think of the new Resident evil 7 gameplay trailer? Does this count as 'going back to survival horror's roots'?

Or will it be a shit outlast remake?


I think it's boring shit.

Fucking "We".

jesus, ya fags I'm not asking for a hivemind consensus, it's one of those expressions people use, like when they're talking to kids "why do we look both ways when we cross the street?"

I think it'll be an Outlast clone, btw




Shit/ lack of any art direction.

>Or will it be a shit outlast remake?

Well there's combat, so it's already a step above Outlast.

That still doesn't mean much, though.

i think i'd have to see inventory management and combat in action before i make a final judgement.
my current judgement is that it looks awful

>It's a step above boring streamer-bait garbage

I know, right?

At least they got the hint that people are sick of over-the-top action but this was definitely not the way people wanted to go.

In the end, I'm curious to see how it'll tie to the rest of the RE games since it actually takes place after 6, but no way am I buying this bullshit.

The story is retarded, but it's fun to see what convoluted shit they'll try to pull.


is anyone actually going to buy it though? being 100% realistic will you?
I probably will

Did people buy Outlast?

It might honestly become one of the best-selling games in the franchise, and for the shittiest reason. It's LP fodder.

>people deciding not to buy it before they've seen what the actual gameplay is going to be like


Capcom has already given the base concept. Judging by that, people decided they don't like the concept and don't want to play it.

Is that really so wrong?

why did they give the finger?

>Capcom has already stated the base concept
>they literally said they are aiming to make it like RE1 in first person

Yeah I can see why the RE4babbies like yourself wouldn't like it

what finger?

That trailer is a small part of the game, they've already confirmed on the Playstation Blog.

You won't be playing as her. They still haven't said who the fuck the new main character is.

They claim that they're going back to their roots every time a new game is coming out. Why should we believe they're not bullshitting us when what they're showing is nothing like that?

Same here, user. The "I have to hide!" bullshit really tied the knot for me.

Yeah, I'm sure they said that in order to continue trying to pull fans of the original games in, but none of the trailers nor the demo show that. At. Fucking. All.

And I didn't like RE4. So, please, continue to eat shit.

anything is better than 5 and 6

The way I see it, it couldn't get any worse than 6 was.

You people are just pissed that it's going to attract all the YT and Twitch streamers who are looking for their next Outlast fix. RE hasn't been a secret gamer club in a long, long, LONG time, and each sequel has been getting worse and worse.

We will never get another Outbreak/REmake/classic RE game. The most we can hope for is something actually scary that at least tries to be incorporate survival back into it.


when will this meme end

>We will never get another Outbreak/REmake/classic RE game

We're getting REmake 2, faggot. Eat shit.

No cute RE girls, no buy

>implying a shitty re-hash of a shitty game is somehow good

I really hope they don't fuck it up. That remake is like our last resort.

I love Resident Evil 6!

Because it wasn't good.

Quite honestly the best thing about it was the co-op.

>We're getting REmake 2 made by modern Capcom and not all the people who made RE2 good to begin with

It's not REmake 2. A true REmake 2 would have to be directed by Kamiya and the rest of the original RE2 team in the same way Mikami and his team personally managed the RE1 remake from start to finish. The people who made RE2 are long gone, and I doubt Capcom even has the original assets or build from 2 left.

The only reason they didn't fuck up the HD REmake port was because they already had the original game and did very little to improve upon it. This new one will have to be made entirely from the ground up, by people who had nothing to do with the original, and it's a guarantee that Capcom will do something to fuck it up.

We're dealing with Modern Capcom. Do not trust them, do not hype them, do not enable them by continuing to buy their shitty cashgrabs unless you like the taste of their shit sliding down your throat while they take your money and run.

that dummy finger. they literally give the finger and nobody know why

this. it would be like expecting modern konami to make a good silent hill 1 hd remake without team silent. it can't work.

Who knew that annoying kid from 2 would grow up to be cutie pie.