Why does Noctis get so much hate?

>Not an edge lord like people assume
>Feels the burden of having to lead his country at young age
>Days are filled with training, school, and other political business
>All this whole fearing his father's imminent death and while watching him deteriorate

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hes basically sasuke


I've never seen him get hate, pretty much everyone agrees he's a good MC. And his older self is the best FF protag design.

Facial structure isn't even remotely similar.

>eyes suddenly change to red
>nose angle changes
Either way. Would sex both

If you did something other than videogames you would understand that there is a finite amount of plots and archetypes and they have been used to an innumerable degree.

I know this completely shatters the snowflake badge you get from name-dropping what you understand to be an obscure enough reference to provide a link as if you have discovered some hush-hush retard conspiracy that we've all fell for. But once you can let that go you will find everything in life more enjoyable.

Gamescon confirmed he can still see the light from Versus XIII

Someday you will grow up like the rest of us user.


Isn't he already past puberty on left pic? How did his nose change so drastically

yes they are

Nose and ears never stop growing.

how does a goatee make a him suddenly so manly?

Noctis eyes can already turn red

this is false

Great Argument!

forgot pic

I think he was talking about because he runs like a sperg lord and acts a bit like not!evil Sasuke

Yea it really doesn't make any sense. No one changes that much when they are already fully grown and it's only been what 8-10 years? No one's features change that drastically due to "age". Especially when it's only 10 year difference from 20-30.

He literally looks like he got major plastic surgery to look white as fuck. Brow implants, jaw surgery, nose surgery the works.

It's a soft beard. It connects to his hair line. His jaw has also squared off and the bridge of his nose is more defined.

He also looks like a young Big Boss.

Go ahead, put the bandanna on him.

>Not an edge lord like people assume
Hes literally a King with control of tons of blades.

If there's indeed a 10 years timeskip, then he'll have aged a lot more due to Lucian crap

You both have half-facts.

True, cartilage doesn't "settle in" like bone does and stop growing. However, noses don't simply keep growing as you get older. Otherwise, everyone 60 and above would look like fucking Pinocchio.

The true answer is gravity. Makes your ears and nose droop.

Which could be the case for Noctis but it looks more than a little droop, the shape straight up changed.

How old are you?


So how does any one here know whether or not they're going to change the younger model of Noctis to match the older one?

Older Noctis's head is also slightly tilted down

Yeah, what a fucking retard huh? How dare they expect a creative effort for a character being written in 2010+ that isn't another cliched pretty boy who has such a hard life because they have to do something that they don't like to ):

I can post cherrypicked images too. Also, Leo is a shit example since he was warped by coke and got fat.

>muh aging allows you to transform into a completely different person
>even though he was a fullgrown adult at 20

pls fuck off

he has rapid aging

They ain't changing shit, Tabata had an interview with IGN today where he said he won't even add monsters or anything like that in the extra 2 months he got 'cause it would need extra optimization and shit, he'll now focus solely on polishing what's already in the game

Notice how Leo's nose is literally the same overall shape, it just got a little longer and more defined over the years.

Noctis went from having an Asian nose to a Greek nose

niggers don't count

Polishing would be tweaking the face on young Noctis ever so slightly to fit the older one though. Come on user they're not going to rebuild his model from the ground up.

Human men aren't fully grown until 26. That's when the last major changes happen to the male body. After that the deterioration process begins.


I'm sure you're trying to make a point but it's going over my head

Older Noctis has nip eyes through

I think it may be a joke. Swords have edges, he controls swords, so it'd make him a sort of lord over edges. Yeah?

Why you think they would change it now? You're acting like Old Noctis only became a thing today and not years ago

Noctis has rapid aging because of the crystal curse

All I'm saying is if people are really having this much of an issue buying into old Noctis then it's not gonna be very hard to fix it compared to whatever other problems the game may have.

I can keep going faggot.

>humans don't stop growing until 26

A 20 year old doesn't age that drastically to 26. Stop your autism.

Noctis always had a regal nose

Well, people also had issues with Cidney looking too smokin'and Tabata's response was *laughs*

Is the one of the right him when he's aged?

So do we get to play as older noctis?

That's kind of a different deal isn't it? This what one character is supposed to look like after aging, and the whole Cidney thing is more of a "STOP PUTTING SEXY WOMEN IN VIDEO GAMES BAWW"

He's the first thing you get to control

>browbone drastically more pronounced
>full eyes to beady eyes
>nose is twice the size and the top is busted not even the same ridge
>overall face is bigger
>different jawline

>fags will defend this


he has a mother as well

Ah so literally cherry picking

>cherry picked

I don't think you understand what this term means.

Your one example doesn't make the others less possible.

Let it go sperglord.

But that's wrong. Cry more weeb

I think you're blind.

just post fucking Patrick Stewart already
it varies you faggots

He looks like a Japanese backstreet boy.

>using an immortal as an argument


Yeah, I didn't even know the guy was Noctis before I saw Prompto and the others

If you want to bring a meme back you have to change it every so slightly so you come off as more ironic and making fun of the meme you pernicious caitiff. Obviously you should have said Nsync Adolescent instead.

Soo, I missed it.

Is Older Noctis a playable character, or is he just a NPC/Enemy that shows up later?

>Putting on that much muscle mass in year

I don't understand how the human body works or any /fit/ stuff but that's pretty incredibly if you can put on that much muscle mass in a year, granted I guess he had a profession trainer/dietitian.

why does noct sound like such a beta faggot?

>the point
>your head

My god why do you faggots give a shit about the difference. Yeah it's jarring that he goes from Aisan faggot to American with red eyes but I'm just glad he's hot a fuck.

If game tropes are anything to go by then chapter 0 takes play a little past halfway in the game

and considering noctis' accelerated aging we should be able to play him a fair amount

Yeah, his trainers name was David Steroids. Good guy.

It's Hollywood. Everyone uses a little gear.

Christian Bale still blows my mind considering he did it in 6 months. Most likely steroids though.

I see Matt got some negroplasty done..

So he did actually take steroids? Was that confirmed? I figured celebrities didn't do that to bulk up like that, pretty sure any /fit/ user will tell you it's possible to put on that amount of muscle mass in a year, depending on what your diet/exercise regiment is like.

I guess, kind of sucks they resort to steroids, I'd be afraid of the side effects they'd induce but celebrities are rich and shit so they probably don't care.


Didn't he do The Machinist before Batman too? Fucking christ.

because autists want to insist that it makes sense.

If you just want to fuck him, say so. but implying it even remotely looks like "natural aging totally the same person" is autism.

yeah and look how massive he is in Batman

1000000% steroid use

he's always had the red eyes

Bale actually got so buff he had to tone down on his muscles a little, made Batman look too fucking buff

>Before car accident
>After car accident and over 20 years latter
This is a joke right? It's not even a fair comparison.

Why do people say that he looks like Sasuke?

I don't see it.

I had no idea that older model was Noctis until someone mentioned it. He looks cool, but they look like two totally different characters.

See Uncharted 4 for successful character aging. Dad Drake looks studly.

Sooo did you not see the post he quoted or am I the one who truly took the bait?

Those eyes are pink not red.

How do you even survive at the weight he was at during The Machinist? That looks incredibly unhealthy, I mean, I guess he signed a waiver or something and they probably had health specialists on site during the filming.

It's not possible to get to that point in a year of lifting naturally. That sort of thing takes ~2 years+ at least to do, while also working out 3 days a week full body every week without skipping a beat. Hollywood actors use gear all the time.

I miss my uncanny valley waifus.

>Looking at young Noctis makes me thinks he is massive faggot.
>Looking at him at older Noctis is turning me into a gigantic faggot.
W-what is this strange feeling?

It's the haircut.

The hair mostly. The Cockatoo look is popular in Jap land.

except it does look like natural age progression. contain your autism weeb

I think I read that he ate one apple and a can of tuna fish every day to prepare, so yeah, super healthy weight loss.

I think this is a better image for comparison. The angle's better.

it's clearly red

they go red when he's in a summon state which happens when he's near death, so his eyes always being red know implies he's always near death and in a summon state.

>File: noctis_x_stella

Please explain to me about what is so attractive about an older Noctis that he is making you question your sexuality?

Because I don't see it.

How can anyone look at this picture of a way past puberty 20 year old and Old Noctis and believe they are the same person? Just lol

That hairstyle in reality looks like it'd be annoying as fuck, the hair is constantly in your face/eyes, it blocks part of your vision. The feeling of it tickling your cheek, and just hanging in your face like that.

Because fanboys. Seriously FF fanboys ruin FF. I'm glad I ignore you faggots and just enjoy the games by myself you're not worth the time or effort to interact with.


Was new information released?

>they go red when he's in a summon state which happens when he's near death

Different summons have different conditions for summoning

What's the context of this?

I really fucking hate Ignis hairstyle, it's just sticking straight up in the front like he took a pound of hair gel and spiked the front of his hair straight up.

This in the demo's booth, can't read German but two sources confirmed it mentions the light of expiring souls and also that Noctis can foresse the death of peopls

>in a desperate attempt to reassure myself XV doesn't look as shitty as it does, I'm downloading the 8GB uncompressed 50 minute gameplay trailer from SE's website