Why haven't you pre-ordered this gem yet, Sup Forums?
you wouldn't be...poor, would you?
Why haven't you pre-ordered this gem yet, Sup Forums?
you wouldn't be...poor, would you?
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I will pirate it like all 3DS/DS games.
I already have the PS version.
I know the translation sucks, but this game is about 100 hours and I'm going through that again.
Collect the tablet, go to a new map, do a load of quests until you get another tablet and repeat.
It's cucks like you who do this and then go on to cry when games you want don't get released.
Fucking kill yourself.
How would this game even fit on a cartridge? It's like 100 hours long holy shit. It takes a good 2-3 hours just to get to the first monster.
I would buy this if I had a 3DS but maybe someday anons. I'm glad it's out though everybody should get to experience it.
I'll play it alright.
But I won't buy any 3DS game, this trash hardware only deserve full blown piracy.
depends on how shit the translation is, if it's anywhere near as bad as fucking DQIX, I'll pirate the shit out of it
What games don't get released?
>Pre-ordering games
I bet you buy day 1 DLC too.
smug anime weeb fuck off
midi soundtrack
DQ7 and DQ8 nearly weren't getting localised and it's all your fault you filthy pirate scum
What's the actual release date? Amazon is still showing my order as arriving December 30th.
You ever just wish that instead of the 3ds you could play it know a TV?
but they were, so what's the big fuss about.
I'm not pre-ordering but im getting it day 1
if there's nothing extra for pre-ordering then there's no point.
But they weren't ya drongo.
It was only due to fan assurance that they wouldn't pirate that square-enix decided to translate the games for us westerners.
Sept 16 my good man
Portable JRPG >>>>>>>>DOG SHIT>>>>>>Console JRPG
I have. I've been holding out on playing the other versions because I've got it pre-ordered.
I'm not too hyped though because I already played the best DQ.
DQ7 and DQ8 got released sperg
Naw, I'll wait and see how the translation is. If they do shit like how they removed party chat from the DS version of DQIV, then I'm not supporting that. Companies shouldn't be rewarded for doing terrible work.
I played DQVII 15 years ago and it was shit. Would not recommend.
Fan assurance has fuck all to do with it, Square just wants people to cover the localization costs for them since they fucked up handling the cellphone releases on their own.
Sony had covered Heroes and Builders while Nintendo is covering 7 and 8 on the cost.
...Why would you want the worse version of 8?
not interested tbrh
So is the NA version really getting a midi soundtrack? Cause I ain't even trying to play a 100 hour game on a midi soundtrack in 2016.
not him
I tried to emulate it like 3 years ago and all of the menu inputs felt sluggish. So it depends on how you define "worse".
Cause I played it 2 years ago nigga
New version has Morrie and Red as party members and allows you to marry best girl Jessica.
I don't support Nintendo anymore.
I'm so fucking sick of them I'm considering selling my n3DS soon. Not that I ever use it, anyway.
I havent had a job in a couple of months and want to save money onstead of buying vidya.