If your ranking of best to worst fallout games doesn't looks like this:

If your ranking of best to worst fallout games doesn't looks like this:


You should strongly consider suicide

Other urls found in this thread:


4 is a better game than 3 honestly.

And NV.
NV may have better writing and choices, but it's still the same dogshit gameplay of 3.


Close, but no dice.
>3 and 4 aren't even on my list
>Tactics is though

Admittedly, you can give it much better gameplay with mods like these.



I put 3 before 4 simply it atleast pretended to be an RPG, and had a cool setting (although they fucked it up pretty bad).

3 Also had a marginally better story and dialogue options. Also Fawkes.

The only thing 4 has over 3 is better graphics/gameplay.

Fallout 2 was the Borderlands of its time.

Fallout 3 was a watered down Fallout from lazy, clueless developers.

The only good Fallouts are the first one and New Vegas, and even then New Vegas only reaches its real potential with modding.

1>3>2=Meme Vegas>4>PoS


3>4>NV>the rest = trash


What is this meme of the first one being better than 2

It is literally just 2 cut in half in terms of content and features with a slightly better story

NV>2>1>Tactics>3>Literally any other RPG>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>But now that is settled out of the way, which game has the best intro? Outro? Pic heavily related. Birth of a series, until Todd struct it down. youtube.com/watch?v=WkBNKa2KXZE

always and forever number one

Van Bauren > All


I also agree with this statement!
I might even go as far to say that Fallour 4 may be the best Fallout game ever, especially with the high quality of the DLCs.

>until Todd struct it down

how are you this retarded
whether you like the new games or not, todd saved the fucking thing from a lifetime of BoS

Clearly intelligent male.

Trips don't lie. I wonder what VB would've been like completely finished and on time.

nothing else matters

Fallout 4 felt like an entire load of eh.

The game is eh.

It's price is eh.

It's dlc is better than the game.

It is eh incarnate.

I'm not that much big of a fan of the original tun-based combat and I felt like any Special point that isn't put in Agility is an automatic waste. 4 was disappointing as they took out all the story, lore and RPG aspects of NV but as a generic Borderlands esc. shooter it was okay.

I guess NV was normie enough for me to get into yet complex enough for me to get invested.


3 is more of an RPG but 4 plays better and isn't a pain in the ass to mod unlike 3.

And doomed them to mediocrity and pale imitations of what they once were, you fucking simian.

F2 is a bloated game, theres no less "features" in F1 or whatever the fuck you mean. Fallout 1 is a tightly designed game where every area feels like it was carefully thought out.

You should all really kill yourselves... In terms of gameplay fallout 4 is the best. Im tired of this new vegas is better because more dialogue options, and more voice actors meme. Did you even read/use half of them? Were they that fucking nessecary for you to enjoy a game?

My ranking is and will always be 3>4>NV>2>1 and the rest don't matter. Like it or not you have shit taste and have become a hivemind. Fallout 4 is extremely more fun to play than nv 1 and 2. Fallout 3 is my favorite and will always be at the top of my list.

>isn't a pain in the ass to mod unlike 3

But 3 has TTW.

>Fallout 1 is an undisputed masterpiece, even with it's gameplay issues
>Fallout 3 is a Fallout 1 love letter made by fans, and the only people I see shitting on it are those who haven't played it and get all of their info from Sup Forums images and NMA. Still has it's flaws
>Fallout 2 took out all of the crippling lonliness that made Fallout 1 so good. Maybe 3 didn't do it as well, but at least it tried. Also, the memes, Jack.
>I actually love New Vegas but constantly shit on it because it has the single worst fanbase on Sup Forums and /vg/
>I forgot about Tactics, which was kinda meh and the start of the downfall.
>FO4 felt like it was made by execs trying to cash-in on minecraft and mass effect instead of Fallout fans
>BoS is considered one of the worst vidya ever, even outside of the series

are you going to bully me now, user?

I actually really enjoyed FALLOUT. 4

2>1>1.5>NV>tactics>3>Brotherhood of Steel>Van Buren tech demo>4

Your getting slower Todd, and more scared

Literally the only thing 4 does better

Im sorry to tell you, but you're a massive faggot friend

Actually that was me, 348784558. I just didn't mean to respond to the person I did. I don't toddpost, I swear!

Anyone remember FALLOUT. Online?
How do you think it would have worked out?

maybe you should take off the NMA glasses, sweet friend. Or at the very least know the history of the franchise you supposedly care so much about.

But not done. Some areas towards the end like boneyard are hardly finished.

Hivemind, bet you haven't even played nuka world yet, any of the dlc, or even beat the base game.

NV = 1 > 2 > Tactics (Powergap) 3 > 4

objectively correct

1 = NV > 2 >>> 3 >>>>>>>>>>> 4

>Nma faggot hivemind
Boy what a suprise, have any original opinions today?

Right, nothing less. Lets see:
>Much smaller map
>Fewer locations (interesting ones too)
>Literally ON A TIMER for the first part of the game
>Pointless to have companions because they dont use guns you give them and wont wear what you give them
>If you give shit to a companion you HAVE TO BUY IT BACK. YOU HAVE TO FUCKING BUY IT BACK.
>Hardly shit to do

Yes 2 has its problems and is full of memes, but it took what 1 started and improved upon it and made a larger, more interesting world.

Lets be honest, the only really interesting place in FO 1 is The Glow, and it isnt very impressive.

I get what you're saying, can't completely agree with it, but I'll respect it.

The only thing I can bully you for is hating on a game only because of it's tiny fan base alone.

That is understandable with games that are infested shitty 12 year olds that spread bad memes(aka minecraft) or are just bad and because of the previous reason (aka Five Nights at Autism).

But Fallout New Vegas doesn't really have a cancerous fan base outside of Sup Forums.


Beat the base game and never felt the desire to play again


>2>tactics>1>that's all

heh... i remember when i was fresh off the dock like you, kiddo... heh... but that was back then, back when i didn't know... heh... i'l give you some time, kiddo, some time to learn the truth...

but until then... heh....

Then you have no right to form an opinion either. Far harbor and nuka world(so far in the beta) are fantastic.


this is actually true

as much as you may hate todd he literally saved the series from complete exile to bullshit off shoots

After 100 I think I get this jist of what kind of game FO4 is

a shit one


I just don't like most of them. The first was great, and Tactics was neat (but not great). Fallout 2 didn't really strike the right chords from an atmosphere and tone perspective for me, but NV was loads of fun, if a fucking mess.

Please, user. I'm still not over it.
Don't hurt me like this.

>no nv

guyz, am i blending in as le old fag yet?

>Fallout: A Post Nuclear Role Playing Game
>10 ending sldies, 9 of which are variable

>Fallout 2
>20 ending slides, 13 of which are variable

>Fallout: New Vegas
>30 ending slides, 28 of which are variable

>Fallout 4
>5 ending slides, 1 of which is variable

Shit taste, kill yourself OP.

NV > 2 > 1 > 4 > 3

what OS? I have 64bit W7 and it runs fine on patch 1.27. I don't even need to use any compatibility mode.


I consider them all to be great games aside from tactics - which is just good - whild BoS is absolutely goddamn terrible.



Hey, like everyone else, it's just an opinion friend.

Not only have I played every single Fallout game Including the Brotherhood of Steel shit, I was one of the first people to play Fallout 4 a week before release. I was greeted with just awful dialogue (HATE NEWSPAPERS aside the MC just goes from one tone of voice to another in the blink of a fucking eye and it never sounds natural since the writing is just as bad), washed out textures and lighting (Everything looks like its chugged a gallon of Clorox), Boring guns, Boring armor to strap onto your boring clothes, boring crafting system to duct tape more useless shit your wooden guns, boring settlement building, absolutely retarded Mr. Bad Guys (We're making synths to replace people on the surface because COMPLEX MOTIVES JUST TRUST ME I'M UR SON), suffers from Openworlditis like F3 (You can go anywhere when you start so anywhere you go can't be too hard to get to, they even give you Power Armor and a Minigun near the start), uninteresting locations (exceptions include the Robotown and the Chink Sub), boring characters (again with the exceptions of Liberty Ghoul and Spaghetti Spillin Travis), Every faction being absolutely retarded (and not in the Fallout NV way where you can disagree on their ideologies and methods, they're literally just all stupid with stupid ideas on how to fix this stupid fucking wasteland (SYNTS R PPL TOO :^(, SYNTS R MEENIES :^(, SYNTS R DE BES EVEN THOUGH WE TREAT THEM LIKE FUCKING SLAVES, ANOTHER SETTLEMENT NEEDS OUR HELP)), no ending slideshow to show what effect my decisions have made for the people in Radioactie Lobsterville, Just two fucking endings (that I think play the same ending movie anyways), Inconsistencies with the world (Ghouls can live in a fucking fridge for 210 years with no food or water and are perfectly alright when they're exposed to sunlight for the first time in literal fucking centuries, Jet being stored in prewar places), and much more. I'd go on but there's apparently a character limit.

calm the fuck down


NV > 2 > 1 >>> 4 > 3

4 is much more disappointing than 3, sure, but it's undeniably a better game.

At least we still have Fallout, you mong. Shit could've vanished forever.

Gameplay or gunplay?

Because it's still the same "point in general direction of enemy" but now with recoil, improved animations, enemies who on rare occasions bleed out on the floor.

Oh yeah, and I ended up killing a lot a guys just hovering on cover while I stood right behind them.

I'll guess Fallout 4 main thing running for it is that it looks pretty. Kinda like a cheap whore who just began her career.

I would have liked it better that way then what happened.

>Pic related was my first time playing Fallout 4 almost a year ago now

>2=1>fuck the rest
New vegas included, all of the 3d fallouts are just shitty oblivion with guns.

>had a cool setting
I recently replayed F3 with TTW and no, it doesn't. It is 70 percent copy pasted brown hills and the only place on the map with actual content is broken up by what I can only imagine as Skyrim dungeon beta tests. Fallout 4 at least has vertical elements to its map design that lends itself to more interesting gameplay. Despite Fallout 3 having DC most of the gameplay takes place on a completely flat plane with very little actual use of the buildings.

>3 Also had a marginally better story
How. They are both equally awful until Fallout 4's latter half, which is palatable but not good. Fallout 4's story is like a half-realized attempt at copying New Vegas, where Fallout 3 is full retard with no breaks.

Fallout 4 also has actual companions with more than ten voice lines like Deacon and Danse.

I would rather have a halfway competent 4/10 game than a shitty game with tacked on RPG elements that don't amount to anything because the writing is so god awful on every level.

I cant tell you that your opinion on the setting is wrong, but to me DC was a hell of a lot better than Boston.

As for the story, they're both complete garbage, and arguing which pile of shit stinks more is pointless.

You almost got it.
1 has best atmosphere.
2 has too many references to be first.
NV has handicap thanks to Beth's engine.
3 has some redeeming qualities like Point Lookout and few other quests.
4 is a horrible junk that isn't even an RPG.

I am feeling this guy, 4 was the biggest disappointment I have ever had in gaming and I am a Dark Souls fan


I don't understand the love for NV, evven if it's better written than 3 and has better quests, the gameplay is still the same trash. Just walking around feels like shit in gamebryo

It doesn't feel like shit in Gamebyro though. It just feels shit because of Bethesda. Play Divinity 2. That's a fun game. Play literally any other game made in the Gamebyro engine. IT IS BETHESDA. NOT THE FUCKING ENGINE.

2 > 1 > 4 = NV (for completely different reasons) > Point Lookout > Everything else

Sure, okay, but love it or hate it, 4 is better then 3. 4 has about the same level of cheesy story and dialogue but with better gameplay and level design.


4>3>NV>everything else is trash

this is basically me, though I did not play 2 enough to see its full glory, I may rethink my opinion if I go back and play it again

excuse me where is BoS?

forgotten as it should be

1 > New Vegas > 2 > Wasteland 2 > Tactics > 3 > 4

2 was a meme-game.

Why was 2 a "meme-game"?

2 > 1 = New Vegas > Tactics > 3 > 4

It literally was a meme-game of nothing but pop culture references.

didnt really detract from the experience tho

Fallout 4 was the first time I've never played a Fallout or even a Bethesda rpg more than once. I've only played it on consoles, do pc mods redeem it at all?

Which is why it isn't below tactics.

Hello, summer Sup Forums.

I never finished it, first one. I won't repirate it for the DLC either because I hear it's just as shit. Apparently one has some SJW liberal hokum message? Why can't libshits make good games? It's not even a rule for them they didn't do this badly in the early 2000s and 90s.

There is only so much glitter you can sprinkle on a turd.

Unless FO 4 gets a complete overhaul mod like Enderal (?) for skyrim, it'll be garbage no matter how much you mod it.

fuck off you know 2 is better than 1.

why wouldn't you play a Fallout game on a PC?

I know it might seem a little absurd at first but NV along with all the DLC in it's totality is a much grander experience and deserves #1 status.

I like Tactics

Tactics was fun