Why is this allowed?
Why is this allowed?
Show me an African-made video game.
Who the fuck cares about anything on that map beside japan and the US
why are YOU allowed?
It's not?
Who the hell refers to Asia as the west? Are you retarded?
Are you an asian if you're russian?
Because literally every country other than Japan have been corrupted by America's shitty western design philosophies. Only Japan has managed to achieve perfection with anime.
Yeah that's about right
Are you dumb? Eastern europe also covers russia and kazakhstan and everyone knows the UK is to the right of africa
The russians that live near europe are considered eastern european. If they live in the asian continent they'd probably be considered asian
we're white
deal with it, jamal gutierrez
Do they consider themselves asian though or do they want to consider themselves european? these are serious questions incase you think im just pretending to be retarded
they are practically centuries of racemixed Eurasians
America, Europe, and Australia are considered Western.
The majority of Asia (read: are there slanty-eyed yellow people there? If so, then yes.) is considered the East.
Africa, South America, and the Middle East do not make enough video games that compete in the global market to be considered relevant.
There's nothing wrong with liking Japanese media but holy shit fuck off weeb.
>Who the hell refers to Asia as the west?
Sup Forums
if it's not from japan, it might as well be from america in their eyes.
Ape Escape, Super Monkey Ball
Fuck off to your containment general, you fucking cancer.
which is?
Bro force and toxic bunny are made by south africans, although South Africa is Africa's only competent nation.
meant to reply to
gracias lince
Nice thread OP, you have a distinct leafness to your post so I can tell your a fellow shitpost master like myself
I think he's talking about that 24/7 general on Sup Forums with a bunch of Latin shitposters with TONS of simpsons images.
>not calling anything east of sweden and west of china the middle east like the americans do
Why they don't they just call it the north?
Japan & South Korea are Western, they are owned by USA
So who the fuck coined the tern anime and can we shoot them?
Made in America? Cartoon
Made in France? Cartoon
Made in Germany? Cartoon
Made in China? Still a cartoon
Made in Japan? Anime
Like when and how did Japan get these exclusive rights to having their own special snowflake name to refer to cartoons?
>fuck the wall we manifest of destiny
Anime was based on Betty Boop kek
The treaty with japan just prevents them from ever building an army again.
because they're the best at it
Depends on who you ask
I have seen Sup Forums discuss korean manga before. I think the main problem they have with them is they don't have a reliable source for them and they don't have regulars that can fansub or scanlate. Literal chinese cartoons are probably even worse.
gracias lince
The only thing as bad or even worse than Reddit itself is an argie version of Reddit and its shitposters.
Because it's so remarkable. It's so well known and specialized to them it deserves its own category.
English has a habit of stealing words from other languages. Anime is just short for animation in japanese, regardless of origin. Tom and jerry was even voted as the best anime at one point in japan. It's only foreigners people who say anime when referring to Japanese animation.
Seems about right, though China has, for some reason, absorbed Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan, who, along with Kazakhstan, would be considered part of the East. Vietnamese and Pinoys are also part of the East.
You also forgot to add Puerto Rico into the West. I might live in PR, but I'm an American national whose only here for work in trading with the US Virgin "Here be niggers" Islands.
Anime is just Japanese for "Cartoon".
The thing is the animation industry in Japan has grown larger then any other country in the world, despite the US having the Walt Disney Company one of if not the largest corporation in the world.
Elitist just decided that the "anime" should be a distinct term that distances itself from "cartoons" because they felt the term cartoon had a reputation for being "childish".
Why do so many flags use stars?
To know which countries you should avoid
Every nation no matter how dirt poor it is has a view of the sky. The sun and moon are also common elements.
It really depends. Both Asians and Europeans live in (relative) harmony in places like Yekatarinburg and Vladivostok.
Who the hell has ever considered China west? Japan is considered more western.
I love Finland and all but they're still eastern Europe.
And the image already covers European Russia as .
El PeruANO.
a fucking leaf
It's from Cameroon.
Why is the UK smug? They literally fucked their own economy over for nothing.
According to cold war propaganda, yes.
Cuantas copas tenes papá?
We can go deeper
Good. Maybe you American manlets would be bred out by superior Slavic genes.
This doesn't really work though
>Iraq is ok
>Afghanistan is ok
>Mexico is ok
>but whatever you do don't go to New Zealand
That's just bad advice
Stupid, dumb Euro scum
Is this "WE: the game"?
you do realize the continent of asia is the east right
No, it's based off of actual west African mythology.