I'm actually mad
I'd rather this game not exist now instead of it being played by cuhrazy and pc secondaries that never even bothered with Drakengard or Nier
I'm actually mad
I'd rather this game not exist now instead of it being played by cuhrazy and pc secondaries that never even bothered with Drakengard or Nier
Other urls found in this thread:
>that never even bothered with Drakengard or Nier
ive played both and im still getting this on pc, how mad are you consolecuck?
nobody cares what you want lmao
>PC port announced
>consolefag start whining
Not even a mustard but did all the fun from this game existing really came from some never ever shit? come on, child.
Talking about the game in lore threads like we did with previous Taro games was something to look forward to.
But that's impossible now.
I really don't think anyone on Sup Forums except a small cadre of spergs got all 100 weapons in Drakengard and probably not one of those number got all those without a guide.
That one was pretty obvious user. You'll hook some tards but you shouldn't be proud.
Why do you have to be mad? What's wrong with more people playing a game? Is your sense of elitism that bad?
Speaking against the pc hive mind is not bait like you believe
Niche things becoming popular is always a bad thing.
>bought Nier twice, once on 360 and again on ps3
>will buy Nier Automata on PC
Eat shit console fanboys
I loved Nier, but everything I ever see in relation to Drakengard just befuddles and disconcerts me.
Fuck you I played Nier.
And manly dad Nier not pussy fuccboi Nier.
Not a console fanboy, I judt believe pirates and poorfag on pc don't deserve to be pandered to.
Just an insult to your original fanbase.
The downside of Drakengard is that you have to play the game.
PC faggots arent going to play this game anyway. This series is niche, weird as hell, and too "Japanesey" for most people. Its highly unlikely it will be ruined like Dark Souls was.
kill yourself
Sonygger tears are delicious.
I've never played any of the other games. This is the first one that looks any good. And by that I mean it actually has gameplay.
>I believe we shouldn't get a vastly superior version of the game because that means people I don't like will be able to enjoy it.
It's a good thing that your opinions regarding who deserves what don't impact reality in any way.
Here in lies the problem with pandering to mustards
Their superiority complex results in them bringing up specs and performance every chance they get
Did people forget that the first Nier wasn't an exclusive?
They all have plenty of gameplay.
Whether that gameplay is good is another story.
Now we need an image representation of this to post as a reaction, much like our old fox-and-grapes maymays.
I'll never understand the hate when an exclusive goes multiplat. What's so bad about more people being able to play a game, especially if it's a good game? Wouldn't that be better for the developer and at the same time you have more options as to what you want to play the game on?
Xbox owners aren't insufferable cunts like pc faggots are
And they don't exist on Sup Forums anyway
Yeah man opening the floodgates for refugees always ends well
They don't seem to be doing that a lot in this thread.
inb4 makes a post pretending to be a mustard bringing up specs and then cites it sixty seconds later
It was going to be played by secondaries even before it was announced to be coming to PC. I know this for a fact, because I am one of them.
Game looks neat. Drakenguard looks like hot garbage though.
They feel like they wasted their money when they buy a platform for exclusives and those exclusives get ported. So buyer's remorse.
It is hot garbage
Play it anyway faggot
i tried to play drakengard 3 but it ran at around 5fps so i returned it
The drakengard games are hot garbage and anyone trying to make themselves seem superior to anyone else because they enjoyed them is trolling or delusional.
They're interesting garbage, but still.
Sorry, OP, just another reason for me not to buy a godforsaken PS4 when the console is already being euthanized.
If this is true you are pathetically shallow. Rethink your life.
>What's wrong with more people playing a game?
because it introduces a cancerous fanabse that plagues the thread.
Look at how bad Souls threads got on this site due to Dark Souls getting ported
Being mad more people get to play a game is retarded.
To be fair though, "git gud" and DarkSouls shitposting cancer makes me totally understand why some people hate games going to PC.
I'm not sure how many of you were actually here back then but it just proved that the absolute worst and most cancerous playerbase is on PC.
Hopefully they shut the fuck up and play the game without circle jerking specs and forcing memes.
Might as well hope I win the lottery or get superpowers while I'm at it.
I'll pass. I have games that actually seem like they'll be good on my backlog already.
That said the setting and whatnot look neat, but I'm not going to suffer through a bad game for that. I'd rather just read a plot summary or something.
>Their superiority complex results in them bringing up specs and performance every chance they get
and deeming that the game is trash if it's not 60FPS
PS4 owners will try to tell you that they'll magically stop being able to talk about the game because every other fanbase is supposedly cancerous except for them and they will want to talk about it too.
If you're equating playing a video game on a PC opposed to a PS4 to refugees then you need to find a new hobby.
PC wins again lmao
Pretty hard to talk about a game when pc users shitpost about muh superior version everytime people say they aren't playing the pc version.
Pc faggots are literally the equivalent of Syrian refugees raping and defiling everything they can
>Pc faggots are literally the equivalent of Syrian refugees raping and defiling everything they can
It amazes me that someone is about to reply to this post seriously.
Holy shit is it really coming to PC?
>he doesn't realize that gitgud came from consolefags shitposting when new pc players tried to discuss their trouble at any point in the game
>Pc dindu nuffin
Git gud came from people literally saying it every time anyone said they were having trouble post PC release, with it being mostly console players who had already beaten the game to death. The souls fanbase has also been pure concentrated cancer since DaS released in the first place, so even if you weren't incorrect this is not a good example.
I'm an idort, but playing games on a PC is always going to be a better experience than playing it on a console. It's a straight improvement unless the game is an absolute garbage port, and even then the community can often fix it, like with Dark Souls.
If you actually don't want a better version of the game to exist, then you're just being petty.
it's fine if they want to dual-release, it just means they don't get the interest from me they otherwise would as a Sony exclusive
Are you OP?
stay mad
If you think every game deserves to be on pc you're entitled
Explain how "pandering to mustards" makes the game worse for people who don't own a gaming PC?
The company is just going to make the console version first and then port it to PC. There will be no difference for console players.
>inb4 "muh community"
No, I'm not a faggot.
Why does it matter what platform it releases on?
Do you care when every other game isn't an exclusive?
I think every game should be on every platform.
Exclusivity harms the consumer.
>poorfag on pc
>He thinks someone playing on a WindowsXP laptop with only 2 gb of ram will be playing Nier Automata
You sounded like a retard in your other post, but I let it slide. Nah, you're actually a fucking retard kid and no one can save your ass.
Reminder that if you have only one system (which isn't inherently bad) and reach the point of getting mad at others enjoying games on other platforms, you need to either
a)stop posting because you're underage
b)a poor NEET that needs to neck themselves
Inviting in people who were never interested in the game in the first place is a bad thing
And yes, being unable to discuss the game now is a valid answer. Nier threads used to be great but they're ruined and have been ruined since Automata.
OP is a fag that never known love.
I hope it has a special edition or something so I can have an excuse to get a physical copy on PS4. So I can have something on my shelf at least.
That pompous ego. That capitalized sony. That complete lack of self awareness. Even if it's not a joke it's hilarious.
>what is denuvo
>1000$pcs vs 400$
lmao stay mad consolecuck.
if it does i'm getting it for both.
Okay thanks, I was just curious as to whether you were baiting or not with the
>Git gud came from people literally saying it every time anyone said they were having trouble post PC release
Consolefags are literal children. If others enjoy what they want, they get mad.
Have they? I haven't seen any get made about Nier in particular, god forbid people talk about an upcoming release as opposed to the games that have been out for years
I give special interest to Sony exclusives.
First of all they're Sony exclusives, thus "games you should buy the PS4 for"
Second of all multiplats are usually unoptimized garbage compared to Sony Exclusives. Gravity Rush Remastered / Disgaea 5 aren't going to be turning any heads with their visuals, but compare Killzone / Bloodborne / Ratchet / Uncharted 4 / Infamous with most multiplats and you see a big difference. They're made for the hardware.
Destiny's a decent example too. That game looks gorgeous.
The most casual man to ever pick up a controller
People who own PCs stronger than a ps4 are a vocal minority
I don't think it "deservers" to, but it would be an improvement if they were.
Why would you not want a better version of the game to be available? Even if you can't play it yourself right now, you could still play it years later when you can afford a better PC. How can you not want the game to look it's best and the be the most enjoyable it possibly can?
How can you wish for a game you like to be locked to hardware that will be obsolete in half a decade? What will happen if your console of choice breaks and they've stopped making them at this point? Without a PC version/emulator you'll never be able to play your favorite game again?
cause all the dark soul kiddies now have pcs and they want the game to sell
no, that's just denial
yeah, and? I capitalize Nintendo even though they're absolutely garbage
>Made for the hardware
Could've fooled me when it doesn't have 60 fps like the previous games did
I'll agree that Bloodborne does look nice though, especially since it runs better on PS4 than DaS3 does.
No it's fact.
Steam hardware surveys prove it.
Yes but the graphics look FUCKING GORGEOUS
Looked like a Pixar movie
PS4 users that buy actual games and not just CoD and FIFA are a vocal minority too then.
>who were never interested in the game in the first place
And what makes you say that?
I was interested in the original Nier and almost bought it. It's one of the games that I regret not playing.
The only thing stopping me if the thought of having to pull my old 360 out of storage, find a physical copy of the game somewhere on the internet (likely used), and then having to play it at a downscaled 720p.
If a PC version were available on Steam, I'd buy it in a heartbeat.
Because pc users claim console games are shit and that consoles have no games.
Clearly they aren't worth pandering to if thats what they think.
No, you're retarded. The majority of PC gamers play on hardware that is slightly stronger than a PS3. The reason they can play so many game is because there's a "Low" settings features and Resolution feature in the game options.
>porn mods/SFM in our lifetime
Shitposters on Sup Forums are not representative of the majority of PC users.
You know just as well as I do that the only not shitposting Nier threads are Drakengard threads, just like the only not shitposting BG2 threads are CRPG threads.
Thats just the way neo-Sup Forums is, theres no boogeyman here and you don't even need shitposting fuel for people to shitpost, they'll just spew their retardation everywhere anyway because they're fucking add afflicted children.
Well, they did. Almost all decent PS4 games are multiplat, often with their own older systems. No reason to buy one if I can play everything on my PS3 or Vita
Why are you generalizing everyone who owns a PC like that? How is releasing a game for another platform pandering?
Yes they are
You're not able to have a thread about a game not on pc without it being shitposted into oblivion by pc fags
i hope they bring the original nier to pc too
That doesn't answer the question of why you want the game you like to be worse just so that other people can't enjoy it.
What you're doing doesn't make any sense. You don't gain anything from depriving others of enjoyment. You're just hurting yourself as well as others.
>pc secondaries that never even bothered with Drakengard or Nier
thank god , those tittles are hot garbage
PC are going to play the first good nier/dg game.
Nier at best is a 5
>buh muh lore and music!!!
with that clunky combat and Dk3 beign a ps2 of course.
Sounds like you're still talking about Sup Forums.
Pc owners generalize everyone else then cry when they get generalized. Hilarious.
And throwing games to pirates is pandering.
A game running slightly worse and looking worse is a fair trade off to keep pirate scum and other pc cancer out.
>and that consoles have no games
You take that joke way too literally.
You aren't able to have a thread about "game" without it being shitposted to death by "retards" unless you need to actually hit the catalog button to find it.
The important word here is "retards" not "pcfags" or "sonyfags", its fucking "retards".
Yeah man its just a joke
>Parroted by everyone on Sup Forums in a desire to fit in