This is objectively the best "standard" (as in, basic stick/button controller with no extra functionality like tilt...

This is objectively the best "standard" (as in, basic stick/button controller with no extra functionality like tilt, gyros, pointers, wheels, etc) controller of all time. Sticks have been tweaked since original, shoulder bumpers clicker, but just as easy to press as with the headphone revision controller that came prior, wired, bluetooth wireless, and speedy wifi-based Xbox Wireless all built in, no separate upper lip, raised, clicker D-Pad, very nice feeling textured grip on the bottom...

I can't find a single thing wrong with it. And yes, it still works with the USB dongle incase you prefer Xbox wireless to bluetooth for PC use. Any new announcements on colors besides white? Fuck paying 80 bucks just to customize a black one.

Anyone else pick one up?

honestly shaking my head

perfection coming through

did you even read the thread?

That and gen 1 of that controller is way too cheap. paddle suck, so do the face buttons.

That controller is non-standard and feels cheap.

That stick/button placement is god-aweful.

360 controller has a better shape and d-pad shape. If it just had the more sensitive buttons of a Dualshock, it would be perfect.

haven't used it

PS makes more sense to me
the fact that sticks are symmetric is a big deal imo
>got ps4 a year ago
>haven't started it in months
>use the controller with DS4 emulator on PC instead
it's great, I love my 400 dollar controller

feels very cheap

It doesn't feel cheap at all, and the ergonomics/ABXY are on par with the Xbone while analog stick and triggers are outright better.

>360 has better shape

Have you even used a 360 and One controller side by side?

>feels cheap
it's light, which plebs mistake for cheapness. put some batteries in, it's identical to a 360pad in heft.

No, the plastic itself is cheap, it creaks, and the mushy non-analog/pressure sensitive face buttons are shit. digital face buttons should not be that mushy.

Wii U Pro controller is best controller.

The spot between the gloss and the solid plastic feel cheap due to the texture difference, it isn't the weight.

but does the textured rubber surface on the edge of the sticks wear off in 2 months like my current xbone controller?

although the rubber getting smooth is still better than the 360 controllers where the rubber would straight break off to reveal the plastic and fuck up your fingers

It's up there, specially with that killer battery life, but it can't be used wired, and it lacks triggers.

ABXY don't feel any different from the Xbone controller and the analog stick feels the same. It hasn't ever creaked for me either.

The controller doesn't have a rubber grip, it has a textured grip. It's all hard plastic, but it feels nice in the hand. No rubberized grips to wear down.

Does it natively run on a PC? Or do I have to fuck around with xpadder or some shit? Because the dpad on those pro controllers are fucking choice

Reminder you are too young to know what an actual good controller is like

you're just plain wrong, there. mine are quite clicky. I'm using it to type this, actually.
>it's shit
oh, you should have said that to begin with, I wouldn't have bothered responding.

but there is no spot between, that part is a solid piece

im talking about the sticks you dingus

I have never had the rubber wear off any of my Xbox one pads.

My Dualshock 4 though is another story... I treat all my pads right, but the caps on that pad are shit. Replaced them with Xbox One caps actually.

No, I mean the spot between your thumb and your hand on the left side.

>Using a controller to post on a fucking internet web page

$.05 have been deposited into your Steam Wallet. Keep up the good work Jerry!

honestly I hate the ps4 controller (coming from ps4/xbone/pc owner). why have a stupid blue light thats on 24/7 wasting battery and is generally annoying in the first place? why is there a fuck huge touch pad thats NEVER used unless its a gimmick and it feels like it adds an extra inch to the length of the controller? why is there a fucking share button? why are there still no universal drivers that just work with PC (still have to use ds4windows and emulate a 360 controller most of the time)?

stick placement is also questionable but thats an opinion so I wont use it as a negative. a controller with all those drawbacks cant be considered greatest, and not even good IMO. xbone controller is the best controller released and it works flawlessly with PC to boot

Are the bumpers better than the standard xbox one controllers? Thats my biggest problem with them.

>it lacks triggers

I never liked the PS controllers. They always felt like they were made of cheap plastic. Also they feel too small for my hands.

Also consider that the thumbsticks were added on to an existing design, the Xbox controllers were made with thumbsticks from the beginning, so I think they feel more natural.

Not him but it's lightning fast

Consider kys Sonygger, you're locked out of the superior device.

The worst non-talked about misstep with the DS 4 is the D-pad. Why didn't they make a bigger version of the one on the Vita? Sure the DS4's d-pad is responsive, but it fatigues the hand.

I can lie back on the couch and shitpost, what's not to love?

They're not analog triggers.

>4th controller revision of the generation

is this new controller different than the second revision of the xbone controller (the one that added headphone jack and made the bumpers not shit)? or does it just add bluetooth?

dont xbox one controllers still use double aa batteries?

why did microsoft think it was a good idea not to have rechargeable controllers?

prove it. post your fucking controller to at least show you own one, because right off the bat saying your xbone one doesnt wear off and your ps4 does makes me think you are just acting like a tool.

oooh I see what you mean now. never mind.

the top face is all one piece, aside from the buttons. the texture changes are across a single molded piece of plastic

Lower digital shoulder buttons shaped like triggers do not triggers make.
Bumpers got better ever since the first revision with the headphone port on them, so instead of having to press under or on the side, you can click anywhere like a 360 pad. But it lost it's tightness.

The S controller allows you to easily click anywhere, but tightens things up so everything is nice and clicky.

holy shit, relax kid, this isn't grade school

>top place

I mean the bottom left gloss user

I hate the stick placement on the ds4 as well, but at least the ds4 feels way better than the ds3. That controller is fucking shit

you could have just said you didn't like the fact that they're digital. All triggers are buttons

I got orange juice in my Bone controller and I can't fix it now.
I had orange juice in my 360 controller and fixed it.
360 > Bone

very tempted to buy the xbox one controller Version 3 (really glad sony's game audio headphone was copied)
does gamestop do decent controller trade ins?

the same reason they thought it was a good idea to launch the controller without a headphone port, or the ability to replace the hard drive

You can use an official battery recharge kit, or use eneloops for everything.The option for standard AAs isn't a can, it's a pro.


Best Buy MIGHT give you 14 last I checked, and then you can buy one there and PM with walmart for 49 USD.

just remembered a few more things. the triggers arent very good compared to the xbone. and the thumbsticks wear out very quickly. the issue was bad enough that eb games (the gamestop for Canadians) included thumbstick "condoms" with every ps4 sold so you wear those out and not the sticks themselves.

just saying that I dont see how people can consider the ds4 good with all these problems unless ds4 is the only recent controller youve used

>The option for standard AAs isn't a can, it's a pro.
disposable batteries should be phased out entirely. this is just retarded thinking.

At least their console let's you add storage, like Wii U, and unlike the PS4.

You can only replace storage on a PS4, you cannot add to it.

No pressure sensitivity on its buttons. It's really good though.

the xbox one completely disgusts me
but i own one of those controllers too, and it's sweet as silk
the only controller i've felt that can even compare is the nintendo classic controller pro or whatever but you need to go through some bluetooth wizardry to get that thing working whereas microsoft controllers are simple plug n play

just like i thought. a tool

I have gone through a shitload of 360 controllers and I have never had a thumbstick do that

So you don't have to replace the whole controller when the batteries die.

t. Sonygger

I prefer the 360. Xbone ridges feel awful.

Also DS4 with convex sticks and no light would have been GOAT

>You can only replace storage on a PS4, you cannot add to it.
don't give a shit, I put a 2TB hard drive in my launch PS4, for my Xbox One I had to velcro an external hard drive to it. I'd put a 2TB drive in it if I could, I don't like daisy chaining a bunch of shit to my console that's supposed to remain permanently attached.

Don't even mention the fucking Wii U, it doesn't even come with enough space to install a full sized game.

this is a good thing... if you have a controller that cant replace the battery, once its dead the controller is dead. so if your ps4 controller starts to hold low charge you just throw it out

its the same concept as a phone with removable battery and one thats hardwired in with no way to open the case. give me the removable battery phone 100% of the time

IF you use it wired, you don't need batteries at all. If you want to go wireless you have a CHOICE of a disposable always available solution, or an official recharge pack.

How is that not better than having to spend money down the line on unsafe proprietary chink replacement rechargeables for more money down the line?

I must not play my Xbox One enough as neither of my 2 controllers have had this happen. I do play on PS4 a lot more I guess.

do you mean this?
yeah that's kinda cheap feeling

painted with my steam controller~

You just prove you don't take care of your shit. Look at that grimy mess.

>xbox one controller
>for those people who want almost no range of motion on their joysticks

its why statistically xbox players are far worse than ps4 players

I fucking agree with you except I still use my DS4 for emulation and 2D games because the d-pad position on the xbone controller is hot trash to me

Also on PC, it is limited to one one controller when on bluetooth which is fucking bullshit



show me a picture because Im looking at the fucker in my hands and not seeing it. the raised part?

its a pretty common thing to happen

>praise gaben amirite?!

>They always felt like they were made of cheap plastic
Every controller is made of cheap plastic, and most others feel it more.

>Also they feel too small for my hands.
You don't squeeze the grips with your palm, you just let them rest on your fingers. The 360 controller and DS4 actually have more compacted layouts that are more cramped to use. This also inherently solves the "but the stick is below the d-pad" problem, by the way.

>Also consider that the thumbsticks were added on to an existing design
The Dual Shock is actually a significantly different shape from the original digital pad in the places it matters, it just has the same aesthetics.

what am i going to do, clean the rubber back on to the controller? i have an xbone but you are a shill

I still have the controller that came with my OG 360 and I've never done that to a controller. What do you do to them bro? It can't be good.

>I have gone through a shitload of 360 controllers and I have never had a thumbstick do that

How exactly did you "go through" the controllers, then?

Every controllers analogue rubber wears off. Its not rocket science, its soft rubber, it will wear off. They can make it thicker, they can make it thinner, but it will wear off. The xbox sticks tend to have the rubber uncouple with the stick and then they spin, which is fucking worse than having them wear through, in my opinion.

I mean the spot directly left of the raised part, the glossy part that your sweat/fingerprints builds up on. The tiny, tiny slit between that part and the solid plastic part LEFT of the glossy part feels a bit uncomfortable.

You sound very sweet and more anons should be like you.

If this thing had a trackball on the right and a d-pad on the left it would be one of the best controllers ever made, but as it is currently it's just awful to use. Seriously fuck touchpads, one of the shittiest input devices known to man. Should have been phased out by pointing sticks and touchscreens on laptops years ago and deserves no damn place on my controller.
>inb4 just try it maaan, it's great
I own one, it was 50 burgeroos not well spent and I haven't played a single game with it in months.

he actually plays his video games

>glad sony's game audio headphone was copied
what's this?

sit the fuck down and play with it until you like it. Trackpads are better than Analog sticks and the left pad is quicker than a D-pad.

aw I play video games too

its a learning curve that requires extensive customization to get comfy with

The PS4 launched with a headphone port on the controller which allows you to get all game sound and party chat sound through the controller's headphone port. The Xbox One controller did not launch with a headphone port but instead required a $20 adapter to use headphones. Then in 2015 Microsoft released a new version of the controller that had a headphone port, eliminating the need for the $20 adapter.

Specially since Nintendo did it first.

can you get game audio from the port like the DS4?

360 controller had a port but it was chat only. They left it out because muh bluetooth

Needs more face buttons, like the black and white on the old S controller. Lack of buttons = context sensitive controls, which are often wrong.

There is no reason not to have at least two more face buttons.

The black and white on the old S controller are just the bumpers, user

Perfect controller would be the PS4 controller, Xbone triggers, 360 thumbsticks.

I was an Xbox guy since childhood, but i went with PS4 first this generation and i love it so much. I've barely played my Xbone.

I loved the old black and white buttons on the old xbox controller. However, its the same amount of buttons in the end isnt it, because they added bumpers?

One of the reason I love the DS4, they added the trackpad/button. Kind of hate how it pushes up the options and stupidly-named "share" button into the crevice of the controller, though.

I think companies should really start trying to innovate on their controllers like that a little more, for better or worse.

If I could connect 4 controllers to my PC via bluetooth, like my DS4, then I would agree

You can connect 32 Steam Controllers with a single dongle

Checkmate Sonyggers

aw shucks

I still don't get it

I dont even have a PS4, I just like the controller and I use it for emulation which I cant imagine doing with the steam controller

I mean what if I wanted to play SF5? I'm not doing that shit with a steam controller or any controller for that matter other than my stick


Yes, I have second gen Xbone controllers and it works basically the same as the DS4, although IIRC sound will still come through your speakers by default. Audio quality sounds marginally worse although the vast majority of users would never notice. The controllers also don't seem to recognize headphones as quickly as the DS4.

>Which I can't imagine doing with the steam controller

nigger other than the controller of the console you're emulating it's the best. Motion control for Wii and simply emulate X-input anywhere else. Even better is that you can bind any of the commonly used face buttons to a paddle so that you won't need to move your fingers.

and thats great other than the fact that you would never need 32 controllers and also youd have to use a steam controller

checkmate, gaben



I knew this was going to come up. I realize they moved the buttons, but I think adding 2 more buttons would improve things. Keep the bumpers, add in black and white, so one button using doing different things depending on what the game assumed I want to do.

B&W buttons are better than straight up face buttons because they can be useful for various smaller tasks., thus eliminating the context sensitive controls issue for a lot of games that lean on it.