>Stand on the payload
>My ultimate is ready! Group up with me!
>Genji dashes away: Heal me!
>Reinhardt charges away: Heal me!
>Tracer zigzags behind corners: Heal me!
Overwatch reaction thread. Post 'em
>Stand on the payload
>My ultimate is ready! Group up with me!
>Genji dashes away: Heal me!
>Reinhardt charges away: Heal me!
>Tracer zigzags behind corners: Heal me!
Overwatch reaction thread. Post 'em
>genji panic deflects your tickle gun
>over and over again
>stick a pulse
>runs behind rein's shield
>Team behind our Reinhardt's shield as we approach objective.
>Reinhardt suddenly charges into enemy's defense and starts swinging.
>My ultimate is ready!
>Nanoboost is ready!
>Run to the crowd
>Prepare to DIE DIE DIE
>Mei puts a wall
>when you blink around the corner but the roadhog hook still gets you
>Genji deflects Mei's primary.
That's when you follow him and push hard. His shield was probably close to breaking and you need to get in at some point.
>user, you fucking suck
>I get 15 kill streak, 3 gold medals, and the post game commendation.
>Genji: Heal me!
>>Stand on the payload
>>Reinhardt charges away: Heal me!
Things that never happen
>Spends $10 on Loot crates
>Doesn't get the one I want
>Get 5 legendary skins
>4 of those were the FUCKING SAME SKIN
Fuck you Blizzard I want armpits
>when you hook blinking tracer but she lands behind you
>reaction thread
>doesnt post reactions
on my balls then
>Reinhard: My ultimate is ready!
>Me: Nanoboost is ready!
>Ult him
>Lucio amps it up between us
>Eat an ult
>Team decided to die anyways
literally happened just yesterday don;t you fuck with me
Should I bite the bullet and buy this god damn game?
>hook Tracer
>blow my load all over her tight ass
>Get potg
>"Nice Q press"
>opens summer crate
>yellow, purple, blue, purple
>Zarya Weightlifter, Zarya Midnight, Widow medals pose, Genji Japan
>all dupes except pose
it is fun user
you double nigger, I really want that Zarya skin but all I got so far is tracer THREE FUCKING TIMES
thanks blizzard
>surrounded by entire team
>In desperation, charge one off before I go down
>nano boost administered
>fly off cliff
It's actually fun, disregard shitposters. If you like team-based multiplayer fps, then you might like it. Season 2 comp looks way better than S1 was, plus new map and Sombra are on the way.
> hanzo buffs
>when people say Zarya isn't a dude with tits
>when people saw Zarya is hot
>when people use anything other than Arctic or Siberian
>when people say her Olympian one is good
>finished a session of games
>going good until a faggot Mei on our team decided to not help and block the entrance everytime we respawned
>we fucking lose
>after that
>nothing but losses for the rest of the night
Fuck this game for making me down
>Snipers are still taking potshots and not throwing themselves on the point
It's like a fucking switch
>Series of qps
>The same enemy carbon-fibre-golden-sword genji with 120 hours gets potg every game
>They still lose every time
Fuck both of you stupid fucking ungrateful shit suckers. I have gotten three summer lootboxes and gotten nothing but voicelines and player icons. I'm fucking infuriated at how shitty it is. I just want want cyoot blonde zarya so I don't have to see her stupid tumblr pink hair bullshit whenever I want to play as her. I would even settle for Cape wearing Tracer. BUT NOOOOOO BLIZZARD SAYS HAVE A FUCKING GERMAN FLAG PLAYER ICON, RETARD. God I hate this shit so much
>3 Summer loot boxes
That's like 1 a week. What have you been doing, user?
Mostly playing other stuff, my friends haven't been online as much and I don't like relying on strangers as most of them are autistic monkeys who play like they don't even know what a videogame is.
>Enemy is ready to rush in with ult and we have almost none
>Team cant think for a second and they get wiped out with ults combo
>Somehow they ask me why im not with them
Not my fault you have no eyes or cant think why they would rush in if we are the ones with the advantage.
You can just solo. Even if you lose you only get like 500 less xp
>pull back to patch up and relocate
>enemy genji with 5 hp stands on the heal spawn
>panic deflects before I shoot
>heh nothing personnel
>enemy team is rushing in with ults ready
>Lucio wasted his ult a minute ago
The only thing that triggers me is playing a healer and watching my team fail to kill a single enemy.
If I were playing a non-healer, that shit would have been dealt with asap.
>on attack in Hanamura as Reinhardt
>turn the corner outside the gate and see another Reinhardt on the enemy team
>that pause to see if the other Rein is going to lose patience and charge
>watches his team fail to kill a single enemy
>doesn't help killing him
Wouldn't healing be helping?
Agains a single enemy? Shit I don't know
>inb4 nanoboosted amped up ulting genji under zarya shield and orb of harmony
>someone picks a sniper
>they start trying to dictate orders and have the most deaths
>win the match and they type gg ez while killing nothing
>lose the match and they type my team sux while being less useful than a torb on attack never throwing out armor
>mfw someone hasn't edited this to be highwaypork and scrapvarmint
>mfw lootbox is all sprays and voices
>mfw all of them are duplicates