Are you open about your video game hobby or do you hide it

Are you open about your video game hobby or do you hide it

I don't hide it, it's just that I never talk or see anyone.

I usually only openly discuss the normie shit I'm into (Nu-Fallout, Street Fighter, Doom, etc).

Having video games as a hobby isn't a problem as long as you have other things with it. And make yourself sound elitist about it too. For example
>hi I'm Robert I play videogames
>Hi I'm Robert I play Saxophone, collect and refurbish retro video games, and jog daily

I'm open about most of it aside from the weeb stuff

People are really better off not knowing about my Vita shit, I don't want them to start catering to normies.

It's too embarrassing
video game is for loser

So when you guys are at an orientation for a job or something and they ask everybody to say something about themselves do you tell them that video games are one of your hobbies?

Depends on if there's anyone I want to impress or fuck around.

You can just say anything. The people there don't give a shit.

Only if they want me to list a whole bunch of stuff. If video games are your #1 hobby then you better be getting paid for it. Literally every young male plays vidya, that's like saying your hobbies include watching TV and eating pizza.

I'll openly discuss anything in the mainstream, just to keep up appearances and be able to blend in at work.

but occasionally I'll let my power level slip and talk about the more obscure or niche shit I play

I work at EA so there's no reason to hide it.

I hide dat mess. I'm too big a nerd. When people ask me do I play the vidyas, I'm like "nuh uh this girl don't play video games that's my brother lol"

My family grew up with the Amiga and whatever dodgy anime tapes they could find at the market and my friends all play vidya. Since they're the only people I interact with anymore, what's to hide?

I only say it when asked, funnily enough I've always been approached more so than me approaching and very rarely the topic of video games come up.

>collecting retro games when you can just emulate
robert sounds like a faggot I don't want to socialize with

Everyone drives a car, too, but there are also some people who are really into cars.

>Not enjoying having a physical game collection

Neither. I never leave the house or speak to anyone.

>Literally every young male plays vidya
Only playing Madden and Call of Duty doesn't count.

I'm so far past the point of giving a fuck about other people

Does never talking to anyone in the first place count as hiding it?

that's fucking pathetic my dude, you're probably an awesome person just put yourself out there and you'll make a ton of friends

Most people know I'm into games, but even if it were a problem I have a charming and laid back personality so it evens it out.

video games or not, it doesn't matter what you're selling if you sell it well.

>yfw someone reveals their power level to you and you reveal yours in response

My entire family knows this is my hobby and sometimes it's embarrassing when they bring it up over and over because it makes me feel like I haven't changed.

I haven't changed

Robert can determine if your power level is high enough or too autistic a bit after introductions.

I fucking hate when people do this. I just have to show a little and they get fucking scared of what could be there

Dont show your power level. It may endanger people

Change is overrated.